const { Pool } = require('pg') const pool = new Pool({ user: process.env.user || 'admin', host: || '', database: process.env.database || 'platoo', password: process.env.password, port: process.env.port || 5432, }) module.exports = { query: (text, params, callback) => { const start = return pool.query(text, params, (err, res) => { const duration = - start //console.log('executed query', { text, duration, rows: res.rowCount }) callback(err, res) }) }, connect: function(fun){ return pool.connect(fun) }, getClient: (callback) => { pool.connect((err, client, done) => { const query = client.query // monkey patch the query method to keep track of the last query executed client.query = (...args) => { client.lastQuery = args return query.apply(client, args) } // set a timeout of 5 seconds, after which we will log this client's last query const timeout = setTimeout(() => { console.error('A client has been checked out for more than 5 seconds!') console.error(`The last executed query on this client was: ${client.lastQuery}`) }, 5000) const release = (err) => { // call the actual 'done' method, returning this client to the pool done(err) // clear our timeout clearTimeout(timeout) // set the query method back to its old un-monkey-patched version client.query = query } callback(err, client, release) }) } }