@misc{chomskyResponsibilityIntellectuals1967, title = {The {{Responsibility}} of {{Intellectuals}}}, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, year = {1967}, month = feb, journal = {The New York Review of Books}, url = {https://chomsky.info/19670223/}, urldate = {2019-08-26} } @article{brooksNoSilverBullet1987, title = {No {{Silver Bullet Essence}} and {{Accidents}} of {{Software Engineering}}}, author = {Brooks, F. P. 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= {{Rapport d'{\'e}tude}}, title = {{Controverses mini{\`e}res -- Pour en finir avec certaines contrev{\'e}rit{\'e}s sur la mine et les fili{\`e}res min{\'e}rales -- Mine secondaire et recyclage}}, shorttitle = {{Mine secondaire et recyclage}}, author = {{SystExt}}, year = {2024}, month = apr, number = {Volet 2 -- Tome 3}, address = {Paris, France}, institution = {Association SystExt}, url = {https://www.systext.org/sites/all/documents/RP_SystExt_Controverses-Mine_VOLET-2_Tome-3_Avril2024.pdf}, urldate = {2024-06-18}, copyright = {CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0}, langid = {french} } @misc{zhangDataCenterWater2024, title = {Data {{Center Water Usage}}: {{A Comprehensive Guide}}}, shorttitle = {Data {{Center Water Usage}}}, author = {Zhang, Mary}, year = {2024}, month = jan, journal = {Dgtl Infra}, url = {https://dgtlinfra.com/data-center-water-usage/}, urldate = {2024-11-20}, langid = {american}, keywords = {datacenter,eau,ecologie,usage,water} } @misc{kronesWelcomeSodom2018, type = {Documentary}, 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Relations}, collaborator = {Schrotthofer, Roland and Weigensamer, Florian and Abubakar, Mohammed and Mohammed, Awal and Yefter, Kwasi}, keywords = {agbogbloshie,documentary,e-waste,ghana,recycling,waste}, annotation = {IMDb ID: tt8116550\\ event-location: Austria} } @article{owenEnergyTransitionMinerals2022, title = {Energy Transition Minerals and Their Intersection with Land-Connected Peoples}, author = {Owen, John R. and Kemp, Deanna and Lechner, Alex M. and Harris, Jill and Zhang, Ruilian and L{\`e}bre, {\'E}l{\'e}onore}, year = {2022}, month = dec, journal = {Nature Sustainability}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {203--211}, issn = {2398-9629}, doi = {10.1038/s41893-022-00994-6}, url = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-022-00994-6}, urldate = {2023-05-29}, langid = {english}, keywords = {critical minerals,energy,energy transitions,favori,social} } @techreport{systextControversesMinieresPour2021, type = {{Rapport d'{\'e}tude}}, title = {{Controverses mini{\`e}res -- Pour en finir avec certaines contrev{\'e}rit{\'e}s sur la mine et les fili{\`e}res min{\'e}rales}}, author = {{SystExt}}, year = {2021}, month = nov, number = {Volet 1}, address = {Paris, France}, institution = {Association SystExt}, url = {https://www.systext.org/sites/all/documents/RP_SystExt_Controverses-Mine_VOLET-1_Nov2021_vf.pdf}, urldate = {2024-06-18}, copyright = {CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0}, langid = {french} } @book{friotTravailConversationCommunisme2021, title = {En Travail. {{Conversation}} Sur Le Communisme}, author = {Friot, Bernard and Lordon, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, year = {2021}, month = oct, edition = {La Dispute}, isbn = {978-2-84303-322-3} } @misc{moritzECOLOGIEMETHODEPOUR2024, title = {{{\'E}COLOGIE : LA M{\'E}THODE POUR GAGNER FACE AUX LOBBIES}}, shorttitle = {{{\'E}COLOGIE}}, author = {Moritz, Paloma and Nouvian, Claire}, year = {2024}, month = oct, publisher = {Blast-Info}, url = {https://video.blast-info.fr/w/jxVL5g2udJBrBSueaGoqNV}, urldate = {2024-11-21}, langid = {french} } @book{gramsciCahiersPrison1948, title = {Cahiers de Prison}, author = {Gramsci, Antonio}, year = {1948}, address = {Turin} } @misc{chehadeNewHybridImmersion2022, title = {New {{Hybrid Immersion Liquid Cooling}} Developments at {{OVHcloud}}}, author = {Chehade, Ali and Hnayno, Mohamad and Jay, Julien and Jay, Mohamad Hnayno {and} Julien, Ali Chehade}, year = {2022}, month = oct, journal = {OVHcloud Blog}, url = {https://blog.ovhcloud.com/new-hybrid-immersion-liquid-cooling-developments-at-ovhcloud/}, urldate = {2024-09-29}, langid = {british}, keywords = {cooling,immersion cooling,ovh,refroidissement,water cooling} } @misc{qarnotCloudComputingHPC2024, title = {{Cloud computing, HPC et infrastructure IT bas carbone}}, author = {{Qarnot}}, year = {2024}, url = {https://qarnot.com/fr}, urldate = {2024-11-20}, langid = {french} } @misc{cerfUntanglingCriticalMinerals2023, title = {Untangling the {{Critical Minerals Knot}}: When {{ICT}} Hits the {{Energy Transitions}}}, shorttitle = {Untangling the {{Critical Minerals Knot}}}, author = {Cerf, Sophie and {Luxey-Bitri}, Adrien and Quinton, Cl{\'e}ment and Rouvoy, Romain and Simon, Thibault and Truffert, Catherine}, year = {2023}, month = dec, url = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-04709741}, urldate = {2024-10-07}, langid = {english}, keywords = {co-product,conflict,digital,energy,ict,metals,minerals,mining,transitions} } @misc{systextMetauxDansMon2017, title = {Des M{\'e}taux Dans Mon Smartphone}, author = {{SystExt}}, year = {2017}, month = apr, url = {https://www.systext.org/sites/all/animationreveal/mtxsmp/}, urldate = {2024-10-07}, keywords = {animation,co-product,metals,minerals,mining,smartphone,systext} } @misc{shilovIntelSharesBiggest2024, title = {Intel Shares Biggest Unboxing Video Ever as {{ASML}}'s \$380 Million {{High-NA}} Lithography Machine Is Installed in {{Oregon}} Fab}, author = {Shilov, Anton}, year = {2024}, month = mar, journal = {Tom's Hardware}, url = {https://www.tomshardware.com/tech-industry/semiconductors/intel-shares-biggest-unboxing-video-ever-as-asmls-dollar380-million-high-na-lithography-machine-is-installed-in-oregon-fab}, urldate = {2024-10-07}, langid = {english}, keywords = {asml,euv,high-na,intel,lithography} } @misc{roussilheManufacturingElectronicComponents2023, title = {Manufacturing Electronic Components}, author = {Roussilhe, Gauthier}, year = {2023}, month = mar, url = {https://gauthierroussilhe.com/en/resources/la-fabrication-de-composants-electroniques}, urldate = {2024-11-15}, langid = {english}, keywords = {asml,manufacture,microcontrollers,tsmc}, annotation = {Poster} } @misc{opensourcemapFairphoneSupplyChain2021, title = {Fairphone 4 {{Supply Chain}}}, author = {{Open Sourcemap}}, year = {2021}, journal = {Open Sourcemap - Development Environment}, url = {https://open.sourcemap.com/maps/61a98acef1ddeb086156a529}, urldate = {2024-10-07}, langid = {english}, keywords = {fairphone,manufacture,map,supply chain} } @misc{brechetAuditionSouveraineteIndependance2022, title = {Audition "{{Souverainet{\'e}}} et Ind{\'e}pendance {\'E}nerg{\'e}tique de La {{France}}"}, author = {Br{\'e}chet, Yves}, year = {2022}, month = nov, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0ZX3moD_mQ}, urldate = {2024-11-20} } @misc{chatonsCharteCollectifCHATONS2024, title = {Charte Du Collectif {{CHATONS}}}, author = {{CHATONS}}, year = {2024}, month = sep, url = {https://www.chatons.org/charte}, urldate = {2024-11-20} } @misc{codingrightsMapaDosTerritorios2024, title = {{Mapa dos Territ{\'o}rios da Internet}}, author = {{Coding Rights}}, year = {2024}, journal = {Cartografias da Internet}, url = {https://www.cartografiasdainternet.org}, urldate = {2024-11-20}, langid = {portuguese}, keywords = {carte,extractivisme,internet,map,mine} } @article{malingreAppleDoitRembourser2024, title = {{Apple doit rembourser 13 milliards d'euros d'imp{\^o}ts {\`a} l'Irlande, ou la victoire de l'UE sur l'optimisation fiscale des multinationales}}, author = {Malingre, Virginie}, year = {2024}, month = sep, url = {https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2024/09/10/apple-doit-rembourser-13-milliards-d-euros-d-impots-a-l-irlande-ou-la-victoire-de-l-ue-sur-l-optimisation-fiscale-des-grands-groupes_6311698_3234.html}, urldate = {2024-11-20}, langid = {french}, keywords = {apple,fiscal,impot,paradis,ue} } @misc{petitessingularitesLettrePubliqueAux2024, title = {Lettre {{Publique}} Aux {{NCP}} Au Sujet de {{NGI}} - 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