# Adrien Luxey's dotfiles ZSH, Tmux, Vim and Sublime Text dotfiles for Debian-based distros (`install.sh` using `apt`). ## Usage First download submodules: * Push your new host's SSH key to your github.com account. * `git submodule update --init` Use `install.sh` to install the dependencies, Oh-My-Zsh, pull tmux and vim plugins, **remove your previous dotfiles** and symlink the new ones: $ ./install.sh -h USAGE: ./install.sh [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -s|--sublime Install Sublime Text 3 -h|--help Show this help The script will install dependencies once (remove $HOME/.installed to redo) and symlink dotfiles to their destination in your $HOME. If you want to do your own thing from these dotfiles, go read `install.sh`. ## Some docs & refs * [How to nest tmux sessions like a boss](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/tmux-in-practice-local-and-nested-remote-tmux-sessions-4f7ba5db8795/) ## Licence Public Domain, i.e. do whatever you want with this, but don't come and complain.