name: "Quentin Dufour" description: "Use toasters to decentralize the net" meta_description: "Quentin Dufour. Use toasters to decentralize the net" shareurl: "" baseurl: "/" aboutPage: true markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge paginate: 20 domain_name: '' url: '' scholar: style: './_bibliography/ieee-with-url.csl' bibliography: '**/*.bib{,tex}' # Details for the RSS feed generator url: '' author: 'Quentin Dufour' authorTwitter: 'superboum' permalink: /blog/:year-:month-:day/:title/ defaults: - scope: path: "" # empty string for all files type: pages values: layout: default - scope: path: "" # empty string for all files type: posts values: layout: post plugins: - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-scholar