//! Module that implements RPCs specific to K2V. //! This is necessary for insertions into the K2V store, //! as they have to be transmitted to one of the nodes responsible //! for storing the entry to be processed (the API entry //! node does not process the entry directly, as this would //! mean the vector clock gets much larger than needed). use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard}; use std::time::Duration; use async_trait::async_trait; use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered; use futures::StreamExt; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tokio::select; use garage_db as db; use garage_util::crdt::*; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::*; use garage_util::time::now_msec; use garage_rpc::system::System; use garage_rpc::*; use garage_table::replication::{TableReplication, TableShardedReplication}; use garage_table::{PartitionKey, Table}; use crate::helper::error::Error as HelperError; use crate::k2v::causality::*; use crate::k2v::item_table::*; use crate::k2v::seen::*; use crate::k2v::sub::*; const TIMESTAMP_KEY: &'static [u8] = b"timestamp"; /// RPC messages for K2V #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum K2VRpc { Ok, InsertItem(InsertedItem), InsertManyItems(Vec), PollItem { key: PollKey, causal_context: CausalContext, timeout_msec: u64, }, PollRange { range: PollRange, seen_str: Option, timeout_msec: u64, }, PollItemResponse(Option), PollRangeResponse(Uuid, Vec), } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct InsertedItem { partition: K2VItemPartition, sort_key: String, causal_context: Option, value: DvvsValue, } impl Rpc for K2VRpc { type Response = Result; } /// The block manager, handling block exchange between nodes, and block storage on local node pub struct K2VRpcHandler { system: Arc, item_table: Arc>, // Using a mutex on the local_timestamp_tree is not strictly necessary, // but it helps to not try to do several inserts at the same time, // which would create transaction conflicts and force many useless retries. local_timestamp_tree: Mutex, endpoint: Arc>, subscriptions: Arc, } impl K2VRpcHandler { pub fn new( system: Arc, db: &db::Db, item_table: Arc>, subscriptions: Arc, ) -> Arc { let local_timestamp_tree = db .open_tree("k2v_local_timestamp") .expect("Unable to open DB tree for k2v local timestamp"); let endpoint = system.netapp.endpoint("garage_model/k2v/Rpc".to_string()); let rpc_handler = Arc::new(Self { system, item_table, local_timestamp_tree: Mutex::new(local_timestamp_tree), endpoint, subscriptions, }); rpc_handler.endpoint.set_handler(rpc_handler.clone()); rpc_handler } // ---- public interface ---- pub async fn insert( &self, bucket_id: Uuid, partition_key: String, sort_key: String, causal_context: Option, value: DvvsValue, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let partition = K2VItemPartition { bucket_id, partition_key, }; let mut who = self .item_table .data .replication .write_nodes(&partition.hash()); who.sort(); self.system .rpc .try_call_many( &self.endpoint, &who[..], K2VRpc::InsertItem(InsertedItem { partition, sort_key, causal_context, value, }), RequestStrategy::with_priority(PRIO_NORMAL) .with_quorum(1) .interrupt_after_quorum(true), ) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn insert_batch( &self, bucket_id: Uuid, items: Vec<(String, String, Option, DvvsValue)>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let n_items = items.len(); let mut call_list: HashMap<_, Vec<_>> = HashMap::new(); for (partition_key, sort_key, causal_context, value) in items { let partition = K2VItemPartition { bucket_id, partition_key, }; let mut who = self .item_table .data .replication .write_nodes(&partition.hash()); who.sort(); call_list.entry(who).or_default().push(InsertedItem { partition, sort_key, causal_context, value, }); } debug!( "K2V insert_batch: {} requests to insert {} items", call_list.len(), n_items ); let call_futures = call_list.into_iter().map(|(nodes, items)| async move { let resp = self .system .rpc .try_call_many( &self.endpoint, &nodes[..], K2VRpc::InsertManyItems(items), RequestStrategy::with_priority(PRIO_NORMAL) .with_quorum(1) .interrupt_after_quorum(true), ) .await?; Ok::<_, Error>((nodes, resp)) }); let mut resps = call_futures.collect::>(); while let Some(resp) = resps.next().await { resp?; } Ok(()) } pub async fn poll_item( &self, bucket_id: Uuid, partition_key: String, sort_key: String, causal_context: CausalContext, timeout_msec: u64, ) -> Result, HelperError> { let poll_key = PollKey { partition: K2VItemPartition { bucket_id, partition_key, }, sort_key, }; let nodes = self .item_table .data .replication .write_nodes(&poll_key.partition.hash()); let rpc = self.system.rpc.try_call_many( &self.endpoint, &nodes[..], K2VRpc::PollItem { key: poll_key, causal_context, timeout_msec, }, RequestStrategy::with_priority(PRIO_NORMAL) .with_quorum(self.item_table.data.replication.read_quorum()) .without_timeout(), ); let timeout_duration = Duration::from_millis(timeout_msec) + self.system.rpc.rpc_timeout(); let resps = select! { r = rpc => r?, _ = tokio::time::sleep(timeout_duration) => return Ok(None), }; let mut resp: Option = None; for v in resps { match v { K2VRpc::PollItemResponse(Some(x)) => { if let Some(y) = &mut resp { y.merge(&x); } else { resp = Some(x); } } K2VRpc::PollItemResponse(None) => (), v => return Err(Error::unexpected_rpc_message(v).into()), } } Ok(resp) } pub async fn poll_range( &self, range: PollRange, seen_str: Option, timeout_msec: u64, ) -> Result, String)>, HelperError> { let has_seen_marker = seen_str.is_some(); let mut seen = seen_str .as_deref() .map(RangeSeenMarker::decode_helper) .transpose()? .unwrap_or_default(); seen.restrict(&range); let nodes = self .item_table .data .replication .write_nodes(&range.partition.hash()); let rpc = self.system.rpc.try_call_many( &self.endpoint, &nodes[..], K2VRpc::PollRange { range, seen_str, timeout_msec, }, RequestStrategy::with_priority(PRIO_NORMAL) .with_quorum(self.item_table.data.replication.read_quorum()) .without_timeout(), ); let timeout_duration = Duration::from_millis(timeout_msec) + self.system.rpc.rpc_timeout(); let resps = select! { r = rpc => r?, _ = tokio::time::sleep(timeout_duration) => return Ok(None), }; let mut new_items = BTreeMap::::new(); for v in resps { if let K2VRpc::PollRangeResponse(node, items) = v { seen.mark_seen_node_items(node, items.iter()); for item in items.into_iter() { match new_items.get_mut(&item.sort_key) { Some(ent) => { ent.merge(&item); } None => { new_items.insert(item.sort_key.clone(), item); } } } } else { return Err(Error::unexpected_rpc_message(v).into()); } } if new_items.is_empty() && has_seen_marker { Ok(None) } else { Ok(Some((new_items, seen.encode()?))) } } // ---- internal handlers ---- async fn handle_insert(&self, item: &InsertedItem) -> Result { let new = { let local_timestamp_tree = self.local_timestamp_tree.lock().unwrap(); self.local_insert(&local_timestamp_tree, item)? }; // Propagate to rest of network if let Some(updated) = new { self.item_table.insert(&updated).await?; } Ok(K2VRpc::Ok) } async fn handle_insert_many(&self, items: &[InsertedItem]) -> Result { let mut updated_vec = vec![]; { let local_timestamp_tree = self.local_timestamp_tree.lock().unwrap(); for item in items { let new = self.local_insert(&local_timestamp_tree, item)?; if let Some(updated) = new { updated_vec.push(updated); } } } // Propagate to rest of network if !updated_vec.is_empty() { self.item_table.insert_many(&updated_vec).await?; } Ok(K2VRpc::Ok) } fn local_insert( &self, local_timestamp_tree: &MutexGuard<'_, db::Tree>, item: &InsertedItem, ) -> Result, Error> { let now = now_msec(); self.item_table .data .update_entry_with(&item.partition, &item.sort_key, |tx, ent| { let old_local_timestamp = tx .get(&local_timestamp_tree, TIMESTAMP_KEY)? .and_then(|x| x.try_into().ok()) .map(u64::from_be_bytes) .unwrap_or_default(); let mut ent = ent.unwrap_or_else(|| { K2VItem::new( item.partition.bucket_id, item.partition.partition_key.clone(), item.sort_key.clone(), ) }); let new_local_timestamp = ent.update( self.system.id, &item.causal_context, item.value.clone(), std::cmp::max(old_local_timestamp, now), ); tx.insert( &local_timestamp_tree, TIMESTAMP_KEY, u64::to_be_bytes(new_local_timestamp), )?; Ok(ent) }) } async fn handle_poll_item(&self, key: &PollKey, ct: &CausalContext) -> Result { let mut chan = self.subscriptions.subscribe_item(key); let mut value = self .item_table .data .read_entry(&key.partition, &key.sort_key)? .map(|bytes| self.item_table.data.decode_entry(&bytes[..])) .transpose()? .unwrap_or_else(|| { K2VItem::new( key.partition.bucket_id, key.partition.partition_key.clone(), key.sort_key.clone(), ) }); while !value.causal_context().is_newer_than(ct) { value = chan.recv().await?; } Ok(value) } async fn handle_poll_range( &self, range: &PollRange, seen_str: &Option, ) -> Result, Error> { if let Some(seen_str) = seen_str { let seen = RangeSeenMarker::decode(seen_str).ok_or_message("Invalid seenMarker")?; // Subscribe now to all changes on that partition, // so that new items that are inserted while we are reading the range // will be seen in the loop below let mut chan = self.subscriptions.subscribe_partition(&range.partition); // Check for the presence of any new items already stored in the item table let mut new_items = self.poll_range_read_range(range, &seen)?; // If we found no new items, wait for a matching item to arrive // on the channel while new_items.is_empty() { let item = chan.recv().await?; if range.matches(&item) && seen.is_new_item(&item) { new_items.push(item); } } Ok(new_items) } else { // If no seen marker was specified, we do not poll for anything. // We return immediately with the set of known items (even if // it is empty), which will give the client an inital view of // the dataset and an initial seen marker for further // PollRange calls. self.poll_range_read_range(range, &RangeSeenMarker::default()) } } fn poll_range_read_range( &self, range: &PollRange, seen: &RangeSeenMarker, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut new_items = vec![]; let partition_hash = range.partition.hash(); let first_key = match &range.start { None => partition_hash.to_vec(), Some(sk) => self.item_table.data.tree_key(&range.partition, sk), }; for item in self.item_table.data.store.range(first_key..)? { let (key, value) = item?; if &key[..32] != partition_hash.as_slice() { break; } let item = self.item_table.data.decode_entry(&value)?; if !range.matches(&item) { break; } if seen.is_new_item(&item) { new_items.push(item); } } Ok(new_items) } } #[async_trait] impl EndpointHandler for K2VRpcHandler { async fn handle(self: &Arc, message: &K2VRpc, _from: NodeID) -> Result { match message { K2VRpc::InsertItem(item) => self.handle_insert(item).await, K2VRpc::InsertManyItems(items) => self.handle_insert_many(&items[..]).await, K2VRpc::PollItem { key, causal_context, timeout_msec, } => { let delay = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(*timeout_msec)); select! { ret = self.handle_poll_item(key, causal_context) => ret.map(Some).map(K2VRpc::PollItemResponse), _ = delay => Ok(K2VRpc::PollItemResponse(None)), } } K2VRpc::PollRange { range, seen_str, timeout_msec, } => { let delay = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(*timeout_msec)); select! { ret = self.handle_poll_range(range, seen_str) => ret.map(|items| K2VRpc::PollRangeResponse(self.system.id, items)), _ = delay => Ok(K2VRpc::PollRangeResponse(self.system.id, vec![])), } } m => Err(Error::unexpected_rpc_message(m)), } } }