STEP = 0 def step(msg): global STEP print(f"STEP {STEP}: {msg}") input("Press Enter to continue...") STEP += 1 step("Clean up any old data") import shutil import os shutil.rmtree("garage-rebalance-toast", ignore_errors=True) step("Set up Garage config") os.makedirs("garage-rebalance-toast/meta") os.makedirs("garage-rebalance-toast/data-old") os.makedirs("garage-rebalance-toast/data-new1") os.makedirs("garage-rebalance-toast/data-new2") SECRET = os.urandom(32).hex() config = """ metadata_dir = "garage-rebalance-toast/meta" data_dir = [ { path = "garage-rebalance-toast/data-old", capacity = "1G" }, ] db_engine = "lmdb" replication_factor = 1 rpc_bind_addr = "[::]:3901" rpc_public_addr = "" rpc_secret = "SECRET" [s3_api] s3_region = "garage" api_bind_addr = "[::]:3900" root_domain = ".s3.garage.localhost" """.replace("SECRET", SECRET) with open("garage-rebalance-toast/garage.toml", "w") as f: f.write(config) step("Run the first Garage instance") import subprocess import sys def garage_run(*args, **kwargs): return subprocess.Popen([os.path.expanduser("~/.cargo/bin/garage"), "-c", "garage-rebalance-toast/garage.toml", *args], env={"RUST_LOG": "debug"}, **kwargs) server_proc = garage_run("server") import time # Time for the server to settle time.sleep(5) step("Setup the layout") node_status = garage_run("status", stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(None)[0].decode("utf-8").strip() node_id = node_status.split("\n")[-1].split(" ")[0] print(f"Node ID: {node_id}") garage_run("layout", "assign", "-c", "1GB", node_id, "-z", "zone1").communicate(None) garage_run("layout", "apply", "--version", "1").communicate(None) time.sleep(2) step("Create an access key") key_output = garage_run("key", "create", stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(None)[0].decode("utf-8").strip() key_id = key_output.split("\n")[1].split(":")[-1].strip() key_secret = key_output.split("\n")[2].split(":")[-1].strip() print(f"Key ID: {key_id}") print(f"Secret key: {key_secret}") garage_run("key", "allow", "--create-bucket", key_id).communicate(None) step("Setup Rclone config") with open("garage-rebalance-toast/rclone.conf", "w") as f: f.write(f""" [garage] type = s3 provider = Other env_auth = false access_key_id = {key_id} secret_access_key = {key_secret} endpoint = region = garage """) step("Upload some data") def rclone_run(*args, **kwargs): return subprocess.Popen(["rclone", *args], env={"RCLONE_CONFIG": "garage-rebalance-toast/rclone.conf"}, **kwargs) with open("garage-rebalance-toast/randomness.bin", "wb") as f: f.write(os.urandom(1024 * 1024 * 50)) rclone_run("move", "-vvP", "garage-rebalance-toast/randomness.bin", "garage:bucket/randomness").communicate(None) step("Stop Garage and reconfigure its data locations") server_proc.terminate() server_proc.communicate(None) time.sleep(3) config = """ metadata_dir = "garage-rebalance-toast/meta" data_dir = [ { path = "garage-rebalance-toast/data-old", read_only = true }, { path = "garage-rebalance-toast/data-new1", capacity = "1G" }, { path = "garage-rebalance-toast/data-new2", capacity = "1G" }, ] db_engine = "lmdb" replication_factor = 1 rpc_bind_addr = "[::]:3901" rpc_public_addr = "" rpc_secret = "SECRET" [s3_api] s3_region = "garage" api_bind_addr = "[::]:3900" root_domain = ".s3.garage.localhost" """.replace("SECRET", SECRET) with open("garage-rebalance-toast/garage.toml", "w") as f: f.write(config) step("Copy a single file from the old location to the new one, then truncate it at the source") first_part = list(filter(lambda x: x != "garage-marker", os.listdir("garage-rebalance-toast/data-old")))[0] second_part = os.listdir(f"garage-rebalance-toast/data-old/{first_part}")[0] file = os.listdir(f"garage-rebalance-toast/data-old/{first_part}/{second_part}")[0] os.makedirs(f"garage-rebalance-toast/data-new1/{first_part}/{second_part}", exist_ok=True) shutil.copy(f"garage-rebalance-toast/data-old/{first_part}/{second_part}/{file}", f"garage-rebalance-toast/data-new1/{first_part}/{second_part}/{file}") # length approximately equal to observed length when doing this live os.truncate(f"garage-rebalance-toast/data-old/{first_part}/{second_part}/{file}", 64*1024) step("Run the second Garage instance") server_proc = garage_run("server") time.sleep(5) step("Initiate a rebalance and wait 20 seconds") garage_run("repair", "--yes", "rebalance") time.sleep(20) step("Check the data status") old_files = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk("garage-rebalance-toast/data-old"): for file in files: old_files += 1 new1_files = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk("garage-rebalance-toast/data-new1"): for file in files: new1_files += 1 new2_files = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk("garage-rebalance-toast/data-new2"): for file in files: new2_files += 1 print(f"Old files: {old_files}") print(f"New1 files: {new1_files}") print(f"New2 files: {new2_files}") print("We expected that old contains zero files and the new directories contain all of them.") step("Finally, stop the server") server_proc.terminate() server_proc.communicate(None)