2024-03-08 11:47:05 +00:00
use std ::path ::PathBuf ;
use crate ::{ Db , Error , Result } ;
/// List of supported database engine types
/// The `enum` holds list of *all* database engines that are are be supported by crate, no matter
/// if relevant feature is enabled or not. It allows us to distinguish between invalid engine
/// and valid engine, whose support is not enabled via feature flag.
#[ derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq) ]
pub enum Engine {
Lmdb ,
Sqlite ,
impl Engine {
/// Return variant name as static `&str`
pub fn as_str ( & self ) -> & 'static str {
match self {
Self ::Lmdb = > " lmdb " ,
Self ::Sqlite = > " sqlite " ,
impl std ::fmt ::Display for Engine {
fn fmt ( & self , fmt : & mut std ::fmt ::Formatter ) -> std ::fmt ::Result {
self . as_str ( ) . fmt ( fmt )
impl std ::str ::FromStr for Engine {
type Err = Error ;
fn from_str ( text : & str ) -> Result < Engine > {
match text {
" lmdb " | " heed " = > Ok ( Self ::Lmdb ) ,
" sqlite " | " sqlite3 " | " rusqlite " = > Ok ( Self ::Sqlite ) ,
2024-03-08 13:11:02 +00:00
" sled " = > Err ( Error ( " Sled is no longer supported as a database engine. Converting your old metadata db can be done using an older Garage binary (e.g. v0.9.3). " . into ( ) ) ) ,
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kind = > Err ( Error (
format! (
2024-03-08 13:11:02 +00:00
" Invalid DB engine: {} (options are: lmdb, sqlite) " ,
2024-03-08 11:47:05 +00:00
. into ( ) ,
) ) ,
pub struct OpenOpt {
pub fsync : bool ,
pub lmdb_map_size : Option < usize > ,
impl Default for OpenOpt {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
Self {
fsync : false ,
lmdb_map_size : None ,
pub fn open_db ( path : & PathBuf , engine : Engine , opt : & OpenOpt ) -> Result < Db > {
match engine {
// ---- Sqlite DB ----
#[ cfg(feature = " sqlite " ) ]
Engine ::Sqlite = > {
info! ( " Opening Sqlite database at: {} " , path . display ( ) ) ;
2024-03-18 16:08:54 +00:00
let manager = r2d2_sqlite ::SqliteConnectionManager ::file ( path ) ;
Ok ( crate ::sqlite_adapter ::SqliteDb ::new ( manager , opt . fsync ) ? )
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// ---- LMDB DB ----
#[ cfg(feature = " lmdb " ) ]
Engine ::Lmdb = > {
info! ( " Opening LMDB database at: {} " , path . display ( ) ) ;
if let Err ( e ) = std ::fs ::create_dir_all ( & path ) {
return Err ( Error (
format! ( " Unable to create LMDB data directory: {} " , e ) . into ( ) ,
) ) ;
let map_size = match opt . lmdb_map_size {
None = > crate ::lmdb_adapter ::recommended_map_size ( ) ,
Some ( v ) = > v - ( v % 4096 ) ,
} ;
let mut env_builder = heed ::EnvOpenOptions ::new ( ) ;
env_builder . max_dbs ( 100 ) ;
env_builder . map_size ( map_size ) ;
env_builder . max_readers ( 2048 ) ;
unsafe {
env_builder . flag ( crate ::lmdb_adapter ::heed ::flags ::Flags ::MdbNoMetaSync ) ;
if ! opt . fsync {
env_builder . flag ( heed ::flags ::Flags ::MdbNoSync ) ;
match env_builder . open ( & path ) {
Err ( heed ::Error ::Io ( e ) ) if e . kind ( ) = = std ::io ::ErrorKind ::OutOfMemory = > {
return Err ( Error (
" OutOfMemory error while trying to open LMDB database. This can happen \
if your operating system is not allowing you to use sufficient virtual \
memory address space . Please check that no limit is set ( ulimit - v ) . \
You may also try to set a smaller ` lmdb_map_size ` configuration parameter . \
On 32 - bit machines , you should probably switch to another database engine . "
. into ( ) ,
) )
Err ( e ) = > Err ( Error ( format! ( " Cannot open LMDB database: {} " , e ) . into ( ) ) ) ,
Ok ( db ) = > Ok ( crate ::lmdb_adapter ::LmdbDb ::init ( db ) ) ,
// Pattern is unreachable when all supported DB engines are compiled into binary. The allow
// attribute is added so that we won't have to change this match in case stop building
// support for one or more engines by default.
#[ allow(unreachable_patterns) ]
engine = > Err ( Error (
format! ( " DB engine support not available in this build: {} " , engine ) . into ( ) ,
) ) ,