add test for create bucket and put website with streaming signature

This commit is contained in:
trinity-1686a 2022-03-21 21:07:56 +01:00 committed by Gitea
parent 1eb7fdb08f
commit 8db6b84559

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@ -99,3 +99,87 @@ async fn test_putobject_streaming() {
assert_eq!(o.tag_count, 0); assert_eq!(o.tag_count, 0);
} }
} }
async fn test_create_bucket_streaming() {
let ctx = common::context();
let bucket = "createbucket-streaming";
// create bucket
let _ = ctx
// test if the bucket exists and works properly
let etag = "\"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e\"";
let content_type = "text/csv";
let _ = ctx
let o = ctx
assert_eq!(o.e_tag.unwrap(), etag);
async fn test_put_website_streaming() {
let ctx = common::context();
let bucket = ctx.create_bucket("putwebsite-streaming");
let website_config = r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WebsiteConfiguration xmlns="">
let mut query = HashMap::new();
query.insert("website".to_owned(), None);
let _ = ctx
let o = ctx
assert_eq!(o.index_document.unwrap().suffix.unwrap(), "home.html");
assert_eq!(o.error_document.unwrap().key.unwrap(), "err/error.html");