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\title{Presentation of the Garage project}
\subtitle{NGI pointer kickoff meeting}
\author{Deuxfleurs Association}
{\large\bf Deuxfleurs Association}
Matrix channel: \texttt{\}
\frametitle{Our objective at Deuxfleurs}
\textbf{Promote self-hosting and small-scale hosting\\
as an alternative to large cloud providers}
Why is it hard?
{\footnotesize (we want good uptime/availability with low supervision)}
\frametitle{How to be resilient (the hard way)}
Entreprise-grade systems typically employ:
\item Redundant Internet connections
\item Redundant electricity
\item UPSes
\item RAID
\item ...
$\to$ it's costly and only worth it at DC scale
\frametitle{How to be resilient (the \underline{\textbf{cheap}} way)}
Instead, we use:
\item Commodity hardware (e.g. old desktop PCs)
\item<2-> Commodity Internet (e.g. FTTH) and electricity
\item<3-> \textbf{Geographical redundancy} (multi-site replication)
\item<4-> \textbf{Fault-tolerant distributed algorithms}
\underline{\textbf{This is how we build Garage.}}
\frametitle{But what is Garage, exactly?}
\textbf{Garage is a self-hosted drop-in replacement for the Amazon S3 object store}\\
that implements resilience through geographical redundancy on commodity hardware
Current status: technical preview\\
Our goal: release a stable v1.0
\textbf{Comming up next: an e-mail server based on the same principles}
Current status: just an idea\\
Our goal: at least a PoC, maybe more
{\large\bf Deuxfleurs Association}
Matrix channel: \texttt{\}
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