/* Creates the webpages to be processed by Guichet */ package main import ( "html/template" "strings" "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3" ) type NestedCommonTplData struct { Error string ErrorMessage string CanAdmin bool CanInvite bool LoggedIn bool Success bool WarningMessage string } type NestedLoginTplData struct { Login *LoginStatus Username string Status *LoginStatus } type AdminUsersTplData struct { UserNameAttr string UserBaseDN string Users EntryList Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData } type AdminLDAPTplData struct { DN string Path []PathItem ChildrenOU []Child ChildrenOther []Child CanAddChild bool Props map[string]*PropValues CanDelete bool HasMembers bool Members []EntryName PossibleNewMembers []EntryName HasGroups bool Groups []EntryName PossibleNewGroups []EntryName ListMemGro map[string]string Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData } type AdminMailingListTplData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData MailingNameAttr string MailingBaseDN string MailingList *ldap.Entry Members EntryList PossibleNewMembers EntryList AllowGuest bool } type AdminMailingTplData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData MailingNameAttr string MailingBaseDN string MailingLists EntryList } type AdminGroupsTplData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData GroupNameAttr string GroupBaseDN string Groups EntryList } type EntryName struct { DN string Name string } type Child struct { DN string Identifier string Name string } type PathItem struct { DN string Identifier string Active bool } type PropValues struct { Name string Values []string Editable bool Deletable bool } type CreateData struct { SuperDN string Path []PathItem Template string IdType string IdValue string DisplayName string GivenName string Member string Mail string Description string StructuralObjectClass string ObjectClass string SN string Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData } type SearchResult struct { DN string Id string DisplayName string Email string Description string ProfilePicture string } type SearchResults struct { Results []SearchResult } type HomePageData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData BaseDN string Org string } type PasswordFoundData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData Username string Mail string OtherMailbox string } type PasswordLostData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData ErrorMessage string Success bool Username string Mail string OtherMailbox string } type NewAccountData struct { Username string DisplayName string GivenName string Surname string Mail string SuggestPW string OtherEmail string ErrorUsernameTaken bool ErrorInvalidUsername bool ErrorPasswordTooShort bool ErrorPasswordMismatch bool Common NestedCommonTplData } type SendCodeData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData ErrorInvalidEmail bool CodeDisplay string CodeSentTo string WebBaseAddress string } type CodeMailFields struct { From string To string Code string InviteFrom string WebBaseAddress string Common NestedCommonTplData } type ProfileTplData struct { Mail string DisplayName string GivenName string Surname string Description string Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData } //ProfilePicture string //Visibility string type PasswdTplData struct { Common NestedCommonTplData Login NestedLoginTplData TooShortError bool NoMatchError bool } type LoginInfo struct { Username string DN string Password string } type LoginStatus struct { Info *LoginInfo conn *ldap.Conn UserEntry *ldap.Entry Common NestedCommonTplData } type LoginFormData struct { Username string WrongUser bool WrongPass bool Common NestedCommonTplData } var templatePath = "./templates" func getTemplate(name string) *template.Template { return template.Must(template.New("layout.html").Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "contains": strings.Contains, }).ParseFiles( templatePath+"/layout.html", templatePath+"/"+name, )) }