package main import ( "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "" "" ) func checkAdminLogin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *LoginStatus { login := checkLogin(w, r) if login == nil { return nil } if !login.CanAdmin { http.Error(w, "Not authorized to perform administrative operations.", http.StatusUnauthorized) return nil } return login } type EntryList []*ldap.Entry func (d EntryList) Len() int { return len(d) } func (d EntryList) Swap(i, j int) { d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i] } func (d EntryList) Less(i, j int) bool { return d[i].DN < d[j].DN } type AdminUsersTplData struct { Login *LoginStatus UserNameAttr string UserBaseDN string Users EntryList } func handleAdminUsers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { templateAdminUsers := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(config.Resources[0]+"/templates/layout.html", config.Resources[0]+"/templates/admin_users.html")) login := checkAdminLogin(w, r) if login == nil { return } searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( config.UserBaseDN, ldap.ScopeSingleLevel, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(&(objectClass=organizationalPerson))"), []string{config.UserNameAttr, "dn", "displayname", "givenname", "sn", "mail"}, nil) sr, err := login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } data := &AdminUsersTplData{ Login: login, UserNameAttr: config.UserNameAttr, UserBaseDN: config.UserBaseDN, Users: EntryList(sr.Entries), } sort.Sort(data.Users) templateAdminUsers.Execute(w, data) } type AdminGroupsTplData struct { Login *LoginStatus GroupNameAttr string GroupBaseDN string Groups EntryList } func handleAdminGroups(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { templateAdminGroups := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(config.Resources[0]+"/templates/layout.html", config.Resources[0]+"/templates/admin_groups.html")) login := checkAdminLogin(w, r) if login == nil { return } searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( config.GroupBaseDN, ldap.ScopeSingleLevel, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(&(objectClass=groupOfNames))"), []string{config.GroupNameAttr, "dn", "description"}, nil) sr, err := login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } data := &AdminGroupsTplData{ Login: login, GroupNameAttr: config.GroupNameAttr, GroupBaseDN: config.GroupBaseDN, Groups: EntryList(sr.Entries), } sort.Sort(data.Groups) templateAdminGroups.Execute(w, data) } type AdminLDAPTplData struct { DN string Path []PathItem Children []Child CanAddChild bool Props map[string]*PropValues CanDelete bool HasMembers bool Members []EntryName PossibleNewMembers []EntryName HasGroups bool Groups []EntryName PossibleNewGroups []EntryName ListMemGro map[string]string Error string Success bool } type EntryName struct { DN string Name string } type Child struct { DN string Identifier string Name string } type PathItem struct { DN string Identifier string Active bool } type PropValues struct { Name string Values []string Editable bool Deletable bool } func handleAdminLDAP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { templateAdminLDAP := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(config.Resources[0]+"/templates/layout.html", config.Resources[0]+"/templates/admin_ldap.html")) login := checkAdminLogin(w, r) if login == nil { return } dn := mux.Vars(r)["dn"] dError := "" dSuccess := false // Build path path := []PathItem{ PathItem{ DN: config.BaseDN, Identifier: config.BaseDN, Active: dn == config.BaseDN, }, } len_base_dn := len(strings.Split(config.BaseDN, ",")) dn_split := strings.Split(dn, ",") dn_last_attr := strings.Split(dn_split[0], "=")[0] for i := len_base_dn + 1; i <= len(dn_split); i++ { path = append(path, PathItem{ DN: strings.Join(dn_split[len(dn_split)-i:len(dn_split)], ","), Identifier: dn_split[len(dn_split)-i], Active: i == len(dn_split), }) } // Handle modification operation if r.Method == "POST" { r.ParseForm() action := strings.Join(r.Form["action"], "") if action == "modify" { attr := strings.Join(r.Form["attr"], "") values := strings.Split(strings.Join(r.Form["values"], ""), "\n") values_filtered := []string{} for _, v := range values { v2 := strings.TrimSpace(v) if v2 != "" { values_filtered = append(values_filtered, v2) } } if len(values_filtered) == 0 { dError = "Refusing to delete attribute." } else { modify_request := ldap.NewModifyRequest(dn, nil) modify_request.Replace(attr, values_filtered) err := login.conn.Modify(modify_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { dSuccess = true } } } else if action == "add" { attr := strings.Join(r.Form["attr"], "") values := strings.Split(strings.Join(r.Form["values"], ""), "\n") values_filtered := []string{} for _, v := range values { v2 := strings.TrimSpace(v) if v2 != "" { values_filtered = append(values_filtered, v2) } } modify_request := ldap.NewModifyRequest(dn, nil) modify_request.Add(attr, values_filtered) err := login.conn.Modify(modify_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { dSuccess = true } } else if action == "delete" { attr := strings.Join(r.Form["attr"], "") modify_request := ldap.NewModifyRequest(dn, nil) modify_request.Replace(attr, []string{}) err := login.conn.Modify(modify_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { dSuccess = true } } else if action == "delete-from-group" { group := strings.Join(r.Form["group"], "") modify_request := ldap.NewModifyRequest(group, nil) modify_request.Delete("member", []string{dn}) err := login.conn.Modify(modify_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { dSuccess = true } } else if action == "add-to-group" { group := strings.Join(r.Form["group"], "") modify_request := ldap.NewModifyRequest(group, nil) modify_request.Add("member", []string{dn}) err := login.conn.Modify(modify_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { dSuccess = true } } else if action == "delete-member" { member := strings.Join(r.Form["member"], "") modify_request := ldap.NewModifyRequest(dn, nil) modify_request.Delete("member", []string{member}) err := login.conn.Modify(modify_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { dSuccess = true } } else if action == "delete-object" { del_request := ldap.NewDelRequest(dn, nil) err := login.conn.Del(del_request) if err != nil { dError = err.Error() } else { http.Redirect(w, r, "/admin/ldap/"+strings.Join(dn_split[1:], ","), http.StatusFound) return } } } // Get object and parse it searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( dn, ldap.ScopeBaseObject, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(objectclass=*)"), []string{}, nil) sr, err := login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } if len(sr.Entries) != 1 { http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Object not found: %s", dn), http.StatusNotFound) return } object := sr.Entries[0] // Read object properties and prepare appropriate form fields props := make(map[string]*PropValues) for _, attr := range object.Attributes { name_lower := strings.ToLower(attr.Name) if name_lower != dn_last_attr { if existing, ok := props[name_lower]; ok { existing.Values = append(existing.Values, attr.Values...) } else { editable := true for _, restricted := range []string{ "creatorsname", "modifiersname", "createtimestamp", "modifytimestamp", "entryuuid", } { if strings.EqualFold(attr.Name, restricted) { editable = false break } } deletable := true for _, restricted := range []string{"objectclass", "structuralobjectclass"} { if strings.EqualFold(attr.Name, restricted) { deletable = false break } } props[name_lower] = &PropValues{ Name: attr.Name, Values: attr.Values, Editable: editable, Deletable: deletable, } } } } // Check objectclass to determine object type objectClass := []string{} if val, ok := props["objectclass"]; ok { objectClass = val.Values } hasMembers, hasGroups, isOrganization := false, false, false for _, oc := range objectClass { if strings.EqualFold(oc, "organizationalperson") || strings.EqualFold(oc, "person") { hasGroups = true } if strings.EqualFold(oc, "groupOfNames") { hasMembers = true } if strings.EqualFold(oc, "organization") { isOrganization = true } } // Parse member list and prepare form section members_dn := []string{} if mp, ok := props["member"]; ok { members_dn = mp.Values delete(props, "member") } members := []EntryName{} possibleNewMembers := []EntryName{} if len(members_dn) > 0 || hasMembers { // Lookup all existing users in the server // to know the DN -> display name correspondance searchRequest = ldap.NewSearchRequest( config.UserBaseDN, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(objectClass=organizationalPerson)"), []string{"dn", "displayname", "description"}, nil) sr, err = login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } userMap := make(map[string]string) for _, ent := range sr.Entries { userMap[ent.DN] = ent.GetAttributeValue("displayname") if userMap[ent.DN] == "" { userMap[ent.DN] = ent.GetAttributeValue("description") } } // Select members with their name and remove them from map for _, memdn := range members_dn { members = append(members, EntryName{ DN: memdn, Name: userMap[memdn], }) delete(userMap, memdn) } // Create list of members that can be added for dn, name := range userMap { entry := EntryName{ DN: dn, Name: name, } if entry.Name == "" { entry.Name = entry.DN } possibleNewMembers = append(possibleNewMembers, entry) } } // Parse group list and prepare form section groups_dn := []string{} if gp, ok := props["memberof"]; ok { groups_dn = gp.Values delete(props, "memberof") } groups := []EntryName{} possibleNewGroups := []EntryName{} if len(groups_dn) > 0 || hasGroups { // Lookup all existing groups in the server // to know the DN -> display name correspondance searchRequest = ldap.NewSearchRequest( config.GroupBaseDN, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(objectClass=groupOfNames)"), []string{"dn", "description"}, nil) sr, err = login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } groupMap := make(map[string]string) for _, ent := range sr.Entries { groupMap[ent.DN] = ent.GetAttributeValue("displayname") if groupMap[ent.DN] == "" { groupMap[ent.DN] = ent.GetAttributeValue("description") } } // Calculate list of current groups for _, grpdn := range groups_dn { groups = append(groups, EntryName{ DN: grpdn, Name: groupMap[grpdn], }) delete(groupMap, grpdn) } // Calculate list of possible new groups for dn, name := range groupMap { entry := EntryName{ DN: dn, Name: name, } if entry.Name == "" { entry.Name = entry.DN } possibleNewGroups = append(possibleNewGroups, entry) } } // Get children searchRequest = ldap.NewSearchRequest( dn, ldap.ScopeSingleLevel, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(objectclass=*)"), []string{"dn", "displayname", "description"}, nil) sr, err = login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } sort.Sort(EntryList(sr.Entries)) children := []Child{} for _, item := range sr.Entries { name := item.GetAttributeValue("displayname") if name == "" { name = item.GetAttributeValue("description") } children = append(children, Child{ DN: item.DN, Identifier: strings.Split(item.DN, ",")[0], Name: name, }) } // Run template, finally! templateAdminLDAP.Execute(w, &AdminLDAPTplData{ DN: dn, Path: path, Children: children, Props: props, CanAddChild: dn_last_attr == "ou" || isOrganization, CanDelete: dn != config.BaseDN && len(children) == 0, HasMembers: len(members) > 0 || hasMembers, Members: members, PossibleNewMembers: possibleNewMembers, HasGroups: len(groups) > 0 || hasGroups, Groups: groups, PossibleNewGroups: possibleNewGroups, Error: dError, Success: dSuccess, }) } type CreateData struct { SuperDN string Path []PathItem Template string IdType string IdValue string DisplayName string Description string StructuralObjectClass string ObjectClass string Error string } func handleAdminCreate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { templateAdminCreate := template.Must(template.ParseFiles(config.Resources[0]+"/templates/layout.html", config.Resources[0]+"/templates/admin_create.html")) login := checkAdminLogin(w, r) if login == nil { return } template := mux.Vars(r)["template"] super_dn := mux.Vars(r)["super_dn"] // Check that base DN exists searchRequest := ldap.NewSearchRequest( super_dn, ldap.ScopeBaseObject, ldap.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false, fmt.Sprintf("(objectclass=*)"), []string{}, nil) sr, err := login.conn.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } if len(sr.Entries) != 1 { http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Parent object %s does not exist", super_dn), http.StatusNotFound) return } // Build path path := []PathItem{ PathItem{ DN: config.BaseDN, Identifier: config.BaseDN, }, } len_base_dn := len(strings.Split(config.BaseDN, ",")) dn_split := strings.Split(super_dn, ",") for i := len_base_dn + 1; i <= len(dn_split); i++ { path = append(path, PathItem{ DN: strings.Join(dn_split[len(dn_split)-i:len(dn_split)], ","), Identifier: dn_split[len(dn_split)-i], }) } // Handle data data := &CreateData{ SuperDN: super_dn, Path: path, } data.Template = template if template == "user" { data.IdType = config.UserNameAttr data.StructuralObjectClass = "inetOrgPerson" data.ObjectClass = "inetOrgPerson\norganizationalPerson\nperson\ntop" } else if template == "group" { data.IdType = config.UserNameAttr data.StructuralObjectClass = "groupOfNames" data.ObjectClass = "groupOfNames\ntop" } else if template == "ou" { data.IdType = "ou" data.StructuralObjectClass = "organizationalUnit" data.ObjectClass = "organizationalUnit\ntop" } else { data.IdType = "cn" data.ObjectClass = "top" data.Template = "" } if r.Method == "POST" { r.ParseForm() if data.Template == "" { data.IdType = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(r.Form["idtype"], "")) data.StructuralObjectClass = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(r.Form["soc"], "")) data.ObjectClass = strings.Join(r.Form["oc"], "") } data.IdValue = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(r.Form["idvalue"], "")) data.DisplayName = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(r.Form["displayname"], "")) data.Description = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(r.Form["description"], "")) object_class := []string{} for _, oc := range strings.Split(data.ObjectClass, "\n") { x := strings.TrimSpace(oc) if x != "" { object_class = append(object_class, x) } } if len(object_class) == 0 { data.Error = "No object class specified" } else if match, err := regexp.MatchString("^[a-z]+$", data.IdType); err != nil || !match { data.Error = "Invalid identifier type" } else if len(data.IdValue) == 0 { data.Error = "No identifier specified" } else { dn := data.IdType + "=" + data.IdValue + "," + super_dn req := ldap.NewAddRequest(dn, nil) req.Attribute("objectclass", object_class) if data.StructuralObjectClass != "" { req.Attribute("structuralobjectclass", []string{data.StructuralObjectClass}) } if data.DisplayName != "" { req.Attribute("displayname", []string{data.DisplayName}) } if data.Description != "" { req.Attribute("description", []string{data.Description}) } err := login.conn.Add(req) if err != nil { data.Error = err.Error() } else { http.Redirect(w, r, "/admin/ldap/"+dn, http.StatusFound) } } } templateAdminCreate.Execute(w, data) }