
277 lines
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Creates the webpages to be processed by Guichet
package main
import (
// "net/http"
type NestedCommonTplData struct {
Error string
ErrorMessage string
CanAdmin bool
CanInvite bool
LoggedIn bool
Success bool
WarningMessage string
WebsiteName string
WebsiteURL string
type NestedLoginTplData struct {
Login *LoginStatus
Username string
Status *LoginStatus
type AdminUsersTplData struct {
UserNameAttr string
UserBaseDN string
Users EntryList
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
type AdminLDAPTplData struct {
DN string
Path []PathItem
ChildrenOU []Child
ChildrenOther []Child
CanAddChild bool
Props map[string]*PropValues
CanDelete bool
HasMembers bool
Members []EntryName
PossibleNewMembers []EntryName
HasGroups bool
Groups []EntryName
PossibleNewGroups []EntryName
ListMemGro map[string]string
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
type AdminMailingListTplData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
MailingNameAttr string
MailingBaseDN string
MailingList *ldap.Entry
Members EntryList
PossibleNewMembers EntryList
AllowGuest bool
type AdminMailingTplData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
MailingNameAttr string
MailingBaseDN string
MailingLists EntryList
type AdminGroupsTplData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
GroupNameAttr string
GroupBaseDN string
Groups EntryList
type EntryName struct {
DN string
Name string
type Child struct {
DN string
Identifier string
Name string
type PathItem struct {
DN string
Identifier string
Active bool
type PropValues struct {
Name string
Values []string
Editable bool
Deletable bool
type CreateData struct {
SuperDN string
Path []PathItem
Template string
IdType string
IdValue string
DisplayName string
GivenName string
Member string
Mail string
Description string
StructuralObjectClass string
ObjectClass string
SN string
OtherMailbox string
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
type SearchResult struct {
DN string
Id string
DisplayName string
Email string
Description string
ProfilePicture string
type SearchResults struct {
Results []SearchResult
type HomePageData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
BaseDN string
Org string
type PasswordFoundData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
Username string
Mail string
OtherMailbox string
type PasswordLostData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
ErrorMessage string
Success bool
Username string
Mail string
OtherMailbox string
type NewAccountData struct {
Username string
DisplayName string
GivenName string
Surname string
Mail string
SuggestPW string
OtherMailbox string
ErrorUsernameTaken bool
ErrorInvalidUsername bool
ErrorPasswordTooShort bool
ErrorPasswordMismatch bool
Common NestedCommonTplData
NewUserDefaultDomain string
type SendCodeData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
ErrorInvalidEmail bool
CodeDisplay string
CodeSentTo string
WebBaseAddress string
type CodeMailFields struct {
From string
To string
Code string
InviteFrom string
WebBaseAddress string
Common NestedCommonTplData
type ProfileTplData struct {
Mail string
DisplayName string
GivenName string
Surname string
Description string
OtherMailbox string
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
//ProfilePicture string
//Visibility string
type PasswdTplData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
TooShortError bool
NoMatchError bool
type LoginInfo struct {
Username string
DN string
Password string
type LoginStatus struct {
Info *LoginInfo
conn *ldap.Conn
UserEntry *ldap.Entry
Common NestedCommonTplData
type LoginFormData struct {
Username string
WrongUser bool
WrongPass bool
Common NestedCommonTplData
type EmailContentVarsTplData struct {
Code string
SendAddress string
InviteFrom string
// Data to be passed to an email for sending
type SendMailTplData struct {
// Sender of the email
To string
// Receiver of the email
From string
// Relative path (without leading /) to the email template in the templates folder
// usually ending in .txt
RelTemplatePath string
// Variables to be included in the template of the email
EmailContentVars EmailContentVarsTplData
type WrapperTemplate struct {
Template *template.Template
var templatePath = "./templates"
func getTemplate(name string) *template.Template {
return template.Must(template.New("layout.html").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"contains": strings.Contains,
type LayoutTemplateData struct {
Common NestedCommonTplData
Login NestedLoginTplData
Data any
func execTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, t *template.Template, commonData *NestedCommonTplData, loginData *NestedLoginTplData, config ConfigFile, data any) error {
commonData.WebsiteURL = config.WebAddress
commonData.WebsiteName = config.Org
return t.Execute(w, LayoutTemplateData{
Common: *commonData,
Login: *loginData,
Data: data,