diff --git a/src/api/s3_get.rs b/src/api/s3_get.rs
index fdb3623..86b58d5 100644
--- a/src/api/s3_get.rs
+++ b/src/api/s3_get.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
 use futures::stream::*;
 use http::header::{
 use hyper::body::Bytes;
 use hyper::{Body, Request, Response, StatusCode};
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ use garage_util::data::*;
 use garage_model::garage::Garage;
 use garage_model::object_table::*;
+use garage_model::version_table::*;
 use crate::error::*;
@@ -168,12 +169,6 @@ pub async fn handle_get(
 	key: &str,
 	part_number: Option<u64>,
 ) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
-	if part_number.is_some() {
-		return Err(Error::NotImplemented(
-			"part_number not supported for GetObject".into(),
-		));
-	}
 	let object = garage
 		.get(&bucket_id, &key.to_string())
@@ -201,22 +196,13 @@ pub async fn handle_get(
 		return Ok(cached);
-	let range = match req.headers().get("range") {
-		Some(range) => {
-			let range_str = range.to_str()?;
-			let mut ranges = http_range::HttpRange::parse(range_str, last_v_meta.size)
-				.map_err(|e| (e, last_v_meta.size))?;
-			if ranges.len() > 1 {
-				// garage does not support multi-range requests yet, so we respond with the entire
-				// object when multiple ranges are requested
-				None
-			} else {
-				ranges.pop()
-			}
-		}
-		None => None,
-	};
-	if let Some(range) = range {
+	if let Some(pn) = part_number {
+		return handle_get_part(garage, req, last_v, last_v_data, last_v_meta, pn).await;
+	}
+	// No part_number specified, it's a normal get object
+	if let Some(range) = parse_range_header(req, last_v_meta.size)? {
 		return handle_get_range(
@@ -305,58 +291,145 @@ async fn handle_get_range(
 		ObjectVersionData::FirstBlock(_meta, _first_block_hash) => {
-			let version = garage.version_table.get(&version.uuid, &EmptyKey).await?;
-			let version = match version {
-				Some(v) => v,
-				None => return Err(Error::NoSuchKey),
-			};
+			let version = garage
+				.version_table
+				.get(&version.uuid, &EmptyKey)
+				.await?
+				.ok_or(Error::NoSuchKey)?;
-			// We will store here the list of blocks that have an intersection with the requested
-			// range, as well as their "true offset", which is their actual offset in the complete
-			// file (whereas block.offset designates the offset of the block WITHIN THE PART
-			// block.part_number, which is not the same in the case of a multipart upload)
-			let mut blocks = Vec::with_capacity(std::cmp::min(
-				version.blocks.len(),
-				4 + ((end - begin) / std::cmp::max(version.blocks.items()[0].1.size as u64, 1024))
-					as usize,
-			));
-			let mut true_offset = 0;
-			for (_, b) in version.blocks.items().iter() {
-				if true_offset >= end {
-					break;
-				}
-				// Keep only blocks that have an intersection with the requested range
-				if true_offset < end && true_offset + b.size > begin {
-					blocks.push((*b, true_offset));
-				}
-				true_offset += b.size;
-			}
-			let body_stream = futures::stream::iter(blocks)
-				.map(move |(block, true_offset)| {
-					let garage = garage.clone();
-					async move {
-						let data = garage.block_manager.rpc_get_block(&block.hash).await?;
-						let data = Bytes::from(data);
-						let start_in_block = if true_offset > begin {
-							0
-						} else {
-							begin - true_offset
-						};
-						let end_in_block = if true_offset + block.size < end {
-							block.size
-						} else {
-							end - true_offset
-						};
-						Result::<Bytes, Error>::Ok(
-							data.slice(start_in_block as usize..end_in_block as usize),
-						)
-					}
-				})
-				.buffered(2);
-			let body = hyper::body::Body::wrap_stream(body_stream);
+			let body = body_from_blocks_range(garage, version.blocks.items(), begin, end);
+async fn handle_get_part(
+	garage: Arc<Garage>,
+	req: &Request<Body>,
+	object_version: &ObjectVersion,
+	version_data: &ObjectVersionData,
+	version_meta: &ObjectVersionMeta,
+	part_number: u64,
+) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
+	let version = if let ObjectVersionData::FirstBlock(_, _) = version_data {
+		garage
+			.version_table
+			.get(&object_version.uuid, &EmptyKey)
+			.await?
+			.ok_or(Error::NoSuchKey)?
+	} else {
+		return Err(Error::BadRequest(
+			"Cannot handle part_number: not a multipart upload.".into(),
+		));
+	};
+	let blocks = version
+		.blocks
+		.items()
+		.iter()
+		.filter(|(k, _)| k.part_number == part_number)
+		.cloned()
+		.collect::<Vec<_>>();
+	if blocks.is_empty() {
+		return Err(Error::BadRequest(format!("No such part: {}", part_number)));
+	}
+	let part_size = blocks.iter().map(|(_, b)| b.size).sum();
+	if let Some(r) = parse_range_header(req, part_size)? {
+		let range_begin = r.start;
+		let range_end = r.start + r.length;
+		let body = body_from_blocks_range(garage, &blocks[..], range_begin, range_end);
+		Ok(object_headers(object_version, version_meta)
+			.header(CONTENT_LENGTH, format!("{}", range_end - range_begin))
+			.header(
+				format!("bytes {}-{}/{}", range_begin, range_end - 1, part_size),
+			)
+			.status(StatusCode::PARTIAL_CONTENT)
+			.body(body)?)
+	} else {
+		let body = body_from_blocks_range(garage, &blocks[..], 0, part_size);
+		Ok(object_headers(object_version, version_meta)
+			.header(CONTENT_LENGTH, format!("{}", part_size))
+			.status(StatusCode::OK)
+			.body(body)?)
+	}
+fn parse_range_header(
+	req: &Request<Body>,
+	total_size: u64,
+) -> Result<Option<http_range::HttpRange>, Error> {
+	let range = match req.headers().get(RANGE) {
+		Some(range) => {
+			let range_str = range.to_str()?;
+			let mut ranges =
+				http_range::HttpRange::parse(range_str, total_size).map_err(|e| (e, total_size))?;
+			if ranges.len() > 1 {
+				// garage does not support multi-range requests yet, so we respond with the entire
+				// object when multiple ranges are requested
+				None
+			} else {
+				ranges.pop()
+			}
+		}
+		None => None,
+	};
+	Ok(range)
+fn body_from_blocks_range(
+	garage: Arc<Garage>,
+	all_blocks: &[(VersionBlockKey, VersionBlock)],
+	begin: u64,
+	end: u64,
+) -> Body {
+	// We will store here the list of blocks that have an intersection with the requested
+	// range, as well as their "true offset", which is their actual offset in the complete
+	// file (whereas block.offset designates the offset of the block WITHIN THE PART
+	// block.part_number, which is not the same in the case of a multipart upload)
+	let mut blocks: Vec<(VersionBlock, u64)> = Vec::with_capacity(std::cmp::min(
+		all_blocks.len(),
+		4 + ((end - begin) / std::cmp::max(all_blocks[0].1.size as u64, 1024)) as usize,
+	));
+	let mut true_offset = 0;
+	for (_, b) in all_blocks.iter() {
+		if true_offset >= end {
+			break;
+		}
+		// Keep only blocks that have an intersection with the requested range
+		if true_offset < end && true_offset + b.size > begin {
+			blocks.push((*b, true_offset));
+		}
+		true_offset += b.size;
+	}
+	let body_stream = futures::stream::iter(blocks)
+		.map(move |(block, true_offset)| {
+			let garage = garage.clone();
+			async move {
+				let data = garage.block_manager.rpc_get_block(&block.hash).await?;
+				let data = Bytes::from(data);
+				let start_in_block = if true_offset > begin {
+					0
+				} else {
+					begin - true_offset
+				};
+				let end_in_block = if true_offset + block.size < end {
+					block.size
+				} else {
+					end - true_offset
+				};
+				Result::<Bytes, Error>::Ok(
+					data.slice(start_in_block as usize..end_in_block as usize),
+				)
+			}
+		})
+		.buffered(2);
+	hyper::body::Body::wrap_stream(body_stream)