# _3D Printed israeli bandages_ - Field testing guide **_More information is available at [https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/distorsion/3D-printed-israeli-bandage](https://git.deuxfleurs.fr/distorsion/3D-printed-israeli-bandage), and if ou need to don't hesitate to contact us by email at [distorsion@systemli.org](mailto:distorsion@systemli.org). We are interested in suggestions and feedback !_** ## 1 - Before field testing :warning: **WARNING : _This bandage was designed based on existing israeli bandages, however it wasn't certified as a medical device and should thus be used based on your own judgment._** :warning: Before starting field testing, we would suggest you test out the lever to be able to use it sufficiently, and so you can judge by yourself if you believe that you can safely use it. We can't choose for you if field testing (**especially in your particular context**) is doable without putting people in danger. We want you to judge that using your experience and expertise. ## 2 - What to buy To use this lever, we suggest you use single piece bandage, preferably hemostatic, although you can also use a compress with a band. The bandage has to be long (_preferably 2 meters or more for sage around limbs, and 4 meters or more for usage at the neck or at junctional area_) to be usable efficiently with the bandage. You can also buy adhesive velcro to add to the bottom of levers (see the [variants section](#4-variants) bellow). ## 3 - Application procedure _See next page._
Step 1.a : Clip the lever on the compressive bandage, while holding pressure on the victim's wound (if they are conscious they can apply pressure themself). Step 1.b (alternative) : Apply the bandage to the wound and do a single turn around the victim's limb. (using velcro) : if you are using Velcro, you can attach the lever directly over the wound now. |
Step 2.a : Do a single turn around the victim's limb and slide the lever over the wound. Step 2.b (alternative) : Put the lever directly over the wound before finishing the first turn and pass the bandage through the inner passage. |
Step 3 : Do another turn around the limb and pass through the normal lever passage. |
Step 4 : You can do an additional turn, and then you have to start widing the other way around the limb to flip the lever back to generate pressure. |
Step 5 : Keep winding around the limb to firmly hold the lever into place. |
Step 6 : Once you have finished you can simply fix the end of the bandage into a tight part of the bandage to hold it in place. |