# 3D Printed israeli bandages ## _Pansement israelien imprimé en 3D (**version francaise [ici](./Readme.fr.md)**)_ [![fr](https://img.shields.io/badge/lang-fr-red.svg)](./Readme.fr.md) [![en](https://img.shields.io/badge/lang-en-green.svg)](./Readme.md) :palestinian_territories: **Israeli bandages are a very efficient medical devices, that are used by first responders all around the world and save life each day. However we should remember that they were first conceived by the genocidal israeli army. Free palestine.** :palestinian_territories: Please checkout the comparable (_although way more developed and tested_) [GliaX/tourniquet](https://github.com/GliaX/tourniquet) project about 3D-printing tourniquet, which are used [in the Gaza strip](https://trklou.medium.com/3d-printed-open-source-tourniquet-rationale-failure-analysis-and-proposed-next-steps-of-the-glia-97e8441b4c5a) and [in Ukraine](https://trklou.medium.com/glias-gaza-tourniquet-is-ready-for-emergency-use-in-ukraine-make-some-if-you-can-ef5f83260b7c). ## 1 - Design and usage :warning: **WARNING : _This bandage was designed based on existing israeli bandages, however it wasn't certified as a medical device and should thus be used based on your own jugment._** :warning:
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