# 3D Printed parametric 40mm gaz-mask canister ## _Cartouche paramétrique de masque à gaz de 40mm imprimé en 3D (**version francaise [ici](./Readme.fr.md)**)_ [![fr](https://img.shields.io/badge/lang-fr-red.svg)](./Readme.fr.md) [![en](https://img.shields.io/badge/lang-en-green.svg)](./Readme.md) Image not available ## 1 - Design and usage :warning: **WARNING : _Please don't use a 3D printed canister (or even our mask) in life threatening situations !_** :warning: Image not available _Coming soon !_ ## 2 - Assembly Image not available Image not available Image not available _Coming soon !_ ## 3 - 3D printing Image not available _Coming soon !_ ## 4 - Parameters If you want to changes the parameters of this design, you can edit the _Freecad_ file [3Dfiles/40mm_gaz_mask_canister.FCStd](./3Dfiles/), which is fully parametric, with parameters present in the **Spreadsheet**. If you want/need to change parameters, we would suggest you play with them and try to understand the impact of each parameters. We will only explain a small selection of important parameters that you are most likely to have to edit. _Coming soon !_