# 3D-printed SOF-T-like tourniquet ## _Tourniquet de type SOF-T imprimé en 3D (**version francaise [ici](./Readme.fr.md)**)_ [![fr](https://img.shields.io/badge/lang-fr-red.svg)](./Readme.fr.md) [![en](https://img.shields.io/badge/lang-en-green.svg)](./Readme.md) :warning: **WRNING : _We strongly ADVICE AGAINST using this tourniquet in the field until further tests have been done._** :warning: ## 1 - GliaX 3D-printed tourniquet If you want an actual field-tested tourniquet, please go check out [GliaX/tourniquet](https://github.com/GliaX/tourniquet). We will use a lot of their testing as comparison, and recommend using the same print settings as them. We also designed our strap and windlass in comparison to theirs : the strap must be as wide or wider, and the windlass must be as thick or thicker (_as they had windlass failure in an earlier version, thus we knew it was a potential weak point_). Even though the GliaX tourniquet project is an amazing and fully developed project, we still thought that their could be place four our design, as we designed a tourniquet that requires some sawing, but way less than the GliaX design (_as ours is design around the SOF-T design rather than the CAT design_) ; with also less printed parts. We know our design makes application slightly slower than with a CAT-like tourniquet (like the GliaX tourniquet), but we estimate the difference to be marginal (less than 5 seconds), thus we believe the gain in cost and manufacturing could still make it a viable option in some context. ## 2 - The design of our tourniquet _To do._ ## 3 - Recommanded usage of our tourniquet _To do._ ## 4 - Testing and performance of our tourniquet We have a detailed review of our current performance testing of this tourniquet available at [manual/tests-results.md](./manual/tests-results.md). If you have the ability to do more lab performance testing, don't hesitate to contact us by email at the address [distorsion@systemli.org](mailto:distorsion@systemli.org), we would be happy to send you a few assembled tourniquet to get testing data ! ## License ``` "3D-printed SOF-T-like tourniquet" (c) by @distorsion "3D-printed SOF-T-like tourniquet" is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see . ```