60 lines
1.5 KiB
60 lines
1.5 KiB
baseURL = 'https://site.cendrelune.eu/'
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'La Distortion'
theme = 'osprey'
tagline = ""
author = ""
description = "un hackerspace pour Paris-Saclay tourné vers le recyclage et le partage de savoirs"
logoBig = "images/distortion-logo.png"
logoSmall = "/images/distortion-logo.png"
favicon = "favicon.ico"
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email = ""
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# Social media links in footer
twitter = "TomaNistor"
linkedin = "tomanistor"
github = "tomanistor"
facebook = ""
# Copyright and theme author credit in footer
copyright = false
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# Cache busting of static resources (additional set up required)
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highlightJSScript = "" # For custom highlight.js languages config, add your /path/to/highlight.pack.js
# Choose either Formspree contact form or Basin contact form
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ajaxFormspreeGold = false
ajaxBasin = "https://usebasin.com/f/0eae7044d4c2"
# Lazy loading with lazysizes
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name = "à propos"
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weight = 1
name = "projets"
url = "/#blog"
weight = 2
name = "Membres"
url = "/#members"
weight = 3
name = "Contact"
url = "/#contact"
weight = 4