distorsion 9c16c152da Range le bordel !
Un dossier pour le vieux site, et un pour le nouveau. L'intérêt de faire
un site avec trois fichiers statiques, c'est de pas être envahis par une
floppée de fichiers dont on comprend pas à quoi ils servent !
2025-01-24 23:27:15 +01:00

60 lines
1.5 KiB

baseURL = 'https://distorsion.interhacker.space'
languageCode = 'fr-FR'
title = 'La Distorsion'
theme = 'distorsion'
tagline = ""
author = ""
description = "un hackerspace pour Paris-Saclay tourné vers le recyclage et le partage de savoirs"
logoBig = "images/distorsion-logo.png"
logoSmall = "/images/distorsion-logo.png"
favicon = "favicon.ico"
opengraphImage = "/images/distorsion-logo.png"
email = "distorsion@groupes.renater.fr"
googleTagManager = ""
customCSS = false
# Social media links in footer
#twitter = "TomaNistor"
#linkedin = "tomanistor"
#github = "tomanistor"
#facebook = ""
# Copyright and theme author credit in footer
copyright = false
credit = false
# Cache busting of static resources (additional set up required)
cacheBustCSS = true
cacheBustJS = true
# Code highlighting with highlight.js
highlightJS = true
highlightJSStyle = "" # For custom highlight.js styles, add your /path/to/styles/default.css
highlightJSScript = "" # For custom highlight.js languages config, add your /path/to/highlight.pack.js
# Choose either Formspree contact form or Basin contact form
ajaxFormspree = false
ajaxFormspreeGold = false
ajaxBasin = "https://usebasin.com/f/0eae7044d4c2"
# Lazy loading with lazysizes
lazyloading = true
name = "À propos"
url = "/#about"
weight = 1
name = "Blog"
url = "/#blog"
weight = 2
name = "Membres"
url = "/#members"
weight = 3
name = "Contact"
url = "/#contact"
weight = 4