Un dossier pour le vieux site, et un pour le nouveau. L'intérêt de faire un site avec trois fichiers statiques, c'est de pas être envahis par une floppée de fichiers dont on comprend pas à quoi ils servent !
110 lines
5 KiB
110 lines
5 KiB
<section class="gallery" id="blog">
<!--TODO: this margin top should be in the css. This is repeated in the members section-->
<div class="row center-xs" style="margin-top: 30px;">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h1> Blog </h1>
<div class="row">
<!-- First 4 characters of each gallery page's unique ID -->
{{ range where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "blog" }}
<!-- Scratch is used to set page-scoped variable outside of this loop-->
{{ .Scratch.Set "$modalID" (slicestr .File.UniqueID 0 4) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $blogTotal := len (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "blog") }}
{{ $blogReverse := (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "blog") }}
<!-- If gallery is an odd total -->
{{ if not (modBool $blogTotal 2) }}
<!-- If gallery is only one item, display it fully -->
{{ if eq $blogTotal 1 }}
{{ range first 3 $blogReverse }}
<div class="gallery-item col-xs-12" onclick {{ if .Params.color }}style="background-color:{{ .Params.color }}"{{ end }}>
<div class= "gallery-img-container">
<img {{ if .Site.Params.lazyLoading }}data-src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}" lazyload="on"{{ else }}src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}"{{ end }} {{ if .Params.alt }}alt="{{ .Params.alt }}"{{ end }}>
<div class="row middle-xs center-xs overlay">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="gallery-modal-link"></a>
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- If gallery is greater than 2 items, first 3 items display together on first row -->
{{ if gt $blogTotal 2 }}
{{ range first 3 $blogReverse }}
<div class="gallery-item col-xs-12 col-md-4" onclick {{ if .Params.color }}style="background-color:{{ .Params.color }}"{{ end }}>
<div class= "gallery-img-container">
<img {{ if .Site.Params.lazyLoading }}data-src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}" class="lazyload" lazyload="on"{{ else }}src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}"{{ end }} {{ if .Params.alt }}alt="{{ .Params.alt }}"{{ end }}>
<div class="row middle-xs center-xs overlay">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" data-modal="modal-{{ .Scratch.Get "$modal" }}" class="gallery-modal-link"></a>
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- If gallery is greater than 3 items, all items after the first 3 display evenly in grid columns and rows -->
{{ if gt $blogTotal 3 }}
{{ range after 3 $blogReverse }}
<!-- If gallery items are divisible by 3, they will appear in columns of 3 -->
{{ $col := (mod $blogTotal 3) }}
<div class="gallery-item col-xs-12 col-md-6
{{- if gt $blogTotal 5 }}
{{- if eq $col 0 }} col-lg-4
{{- else }} col-lg-3
{{- end }}
{{- end }}" onclick {{ if .Params.color }}style="background-color:{{ .Params.color }}"{{ end }}>
<div class= "gallery-img-container">
<img {{ if .Site.Params.lazyLoading }}data-src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}" class="lazyload" lazyload="on"{{ else }}src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}"{{ end }} {{ if .Params.alt }}alt="{{ .Params.alt }}"{{ end }}>
<div class="row middle-xs center-xs overlay">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="gallery-modal-link"></a>
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- If gallery is an even total, all items display evenly in grid columns and rows -->
{{ if modBool $blogTotal 2 }}
{{ range $blogReverse }}
<!-- If gallery items are great than 7 and are divisible by 4, they will appear in columns of 4, else in columns of 2 or 3 -->
<div class="gallery-item col-xs-12
{{- if gt $blogTotal 1 }} col-md-6
{{- if gt $blogTotal 7 }}
{{- if modBool $blogTotal 4 }} col-lg-3
{{- else }} col-lg-4
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}" onclick {{ if .Params.color }}style="background-color:{{ .Params.color }}"{{ end }}>
<div class= "gallery-img-container">
<img {{ if .Site.Params.lazyLoading }}data-src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}" class="lazyload" lazyload="on"{{ else }}src="{{ "images/" | relURL }}{{ .Params.image}}"{{ end }} {{ if .Params.alt }}alt="{{ .Params.alt }}"{{ end }}>
<div class="row middle-xs center-xs overlay">
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="gallery-modal-link"></a>
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div class="container">
<div class="row center-xs">
<div class="col-xs-12"><h3><a href="{{ "blog/" | relLangURL }}">{{ i18n "viewAll" }}</a></h3></div>