nodeRoleChange := []openapiclient.NodeRoleChange{openapiclient.NodeRoleChange{NodeRoleRemove: openapiclient.NewNodeRoleRemove("6a8e08af2aab1083ebab9b22165ea8b5b9d333b60a39ecd504e85cc1f432c36f", true)}} // []NodeRoleChange | To add a new node to the layout or to change the configuration of an existing node, simply set the values you want (`zone`, `capacity`, and `tags`). To remove a node, simply pass the `remove: true` field. This logic is represented in OpenAPI with a \"One Of\" object. Contrary to the CLI that may update only a subset of the fields capacity, zone and tags, when calling this API all of these values must be specified.
**nodeRoleChange** | [**[]NodeRoleChange**]( | To add a new node to the layout or to change the configuration of an existing node, simply set the values you want (`zone`, `capacity`, and `tags`). To remove a node, simply pass the `remove: true` field. This logic is represented in OpenAPI with a \"One Of\" object. Contrary to the CLI that may update only a subset of the fields capacity, zone and tags, when calling this API all of these values must be specified. |
layoutVersion := *openapiclient.NewLayoutVersion(int32(13)) // LayoutVersion | Similarly to the CLI, the body must include the version of the new layout that will be created, which MUST be 1 + the value of the currently existing layout in the cluster.
**layoutVersion** | [**LayoutVersion**]( | Similarly to the CLI, the body must include the version of the new layout that will be created, which MUST be 1 + the value of the currently existing layout in the cluster. |
layoutVersion := *openapiclient.NewLayoutVersion(int32(13)) // LayoutVersion | Reverting the staged changes is done by incrementing the version number and clearing the contents of the staged change list. Similarly to the CLI, the body must include the incremented version number, which MUST be 1 + the value of the currently existing layout in the cluster.
**layoutVersion** | [**LayoutVersion**]( | Reverting the staged changes is done by incrementing the version number and clearing the contents of the staged change list. Similarly to the CLI, the body must include the incremented version number, which MUST be 1 + the value of the currently existing layout in the cluster. |
### Return type
(empty response body)
### Authorization
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: Not defined
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