""" Garage Administration API v0+garage-v0.9.0 Administrate your Garage cluster programatically, including status, layout, keys, buckets, and maintainance tasks. *Disclaimer: The API is not stable yet, hence its v0 tag. The API can change at any time, and changes can include breaking backward compatibility. Read the changelog and upgrade your scripts before upgrading. Additionnaly, this specification is very early stage and can contain bugs, especially on error return codes/types that are not tested yet. Do not expect a well finished and polished product!* # noqa: E501 The version of the OpenAPI document: v0.9.0 Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech """ from setuptools import setup, find_packages # noqa: H301 NAME = "garage-admin-sdk-python" VERSION = "0.8.0" # To install the library, run the following # # python setup.py install # # prerequisite: setuptools # http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools REQUIRES = [ "urllib3 >= 1.25.3", "python-dateutil", ] setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, description="Garage Administration API v0+garage-v0.9.0", author="OpenAPI Generator community", author_email="team@openapitools.org", url="", keywords=["OpenAPI", "OpenAPI-Generator", "Garage Administration API v0+garage-v0.9.0"], python_requires=">=3.6", install_requires=REQUIRES, packages=find_packages(exclude=["test", "tests"]), include_package_data=True, long_description="""\ Administrate your Garage cluster programatically, including status, layout, keys, buckets, and maintainance tasks. *Disclaimer: The API is not stable yet, hence its v0 tag. The API can change at any time, and changes can include breaking backward compatibility. Read the changelog and upgrade your scripts before upgrading. Additionnaly, this specification is very early stage and can contain bugs, especially on error return codes/types that are not tested yet. Do not expect a well finished and polished product!* # noqa: E501 """ )