Alex 5768bf3622 First implementation of K2V (#293)

View spec at [this URL](

- [x] Specify the structure of K2V triples
- [x] Specify the DVVS format used for causality detection
- [x] Specify the K2V index (just a counter of number of values per partition key)
- [x] Specify single-item endpoints: ReadItem, InsertItem, DeleteItem
- [x] Specify index endpoint: ReadIndex
- [x] Specify multi-item endpoints: InsertBatch, ReadBatch, DeleteBatch
- [x] Move to JSON objects instead of tuples
- [x] Specify endpoints for polling for updates on single values (PollItem)


- [x] Table for K2V items, causal contexts
- [x] Indexing mechanism and table for K2V index
- [x] Make API handlers a bit more generic
- [x] K2V API endpoint
- [x] K2V API router
- [x] ReadItem
- [x] InsertItem
- [x] DeleteItem
- [x] PollItem
- [x] ReadIndex
- [x] InsertBatch
- [x] ReadBatch
- [x] DeleteBatch


- [x] Just a simple Python script that does some requests to check visually that things are going right (does not contain parsing of results or assertions on returned values)
- [x] Actual tests:
  - [x] Adapt testing framework
  - [x] Simple test with InsertItem + ReadItem
  - [x] Test with several Insert/Read/DeleteItem + ReadIndex
  - [x] Test all combinations of return formats for ReadItem
  - [x] Test with ReadBatch, InsertBatch, DeleteBatch
  - [x] Test with PollItem
  - [x] Test error codes
- [ ] Fix most broken stuff
  - [x] test PollItem broken randomly
  - [x] when invalid causality tokens are given, errors should be 4xx not 5xx


- [x] Descending range queries
  - [x] Specify
  - [x] Implement
  - [x] Add test
- [x] Batch updates to index counter
- [x] Put K2V behind `k2v` feature flag

Co-authored-by: Alex Auvolat <>
Reviewed-on: Deuxfleurs/garage#293
Co-authored-by: Alex <>
Co-committed-by: Alex <>
2022-05-10 13:16:57 +02:00

321 lines
9 KiB

use core::borrow::Borrow;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::sync::Arc;
use serde_bytes::ByteBuf;
use sled::{IVec, Transactional};
use tokio::sync::Notify;
use garage_util::data::*;
use garage_util::error::*;
use garage_util::sled_counter::SledCountedTree;
use garage_rpc::system::System;
use crate::crdt::Crdt;
use crate::gc::GcTodoEntry;
use crate::metrics::*;
use crate::replication::*;
use crate::schema::*;
use crate::util::*;
pub struct TableData<F: TableSchema, R: TableReplication> {
system: Arc<System>,
pub instance: F,
pub replication: R,
pub store: sled::Tree,
pub(crate) merkle_tree: sled::Tree,
pub(crate) merkle_todo: sled::Tree,
pub(crate) merkle_todo_notify: Notify,
pub(crate) gc_todo: SledCountedTree,
pub(crate) metrics: TableMetrics,
impl<F, R> TableData<F, R>
F: TableSchema,
R: TableReplication,
pub fn new(system: Arc<System>, instance: F, replication: R, db: &sled::Db) -> Arc<Self> {
let store = db
.open_tree(&format!("{}:table", F::TABLE_NAME))
.expect("Unable to open DB tree");
let merkle_tree = db
.open_tree(&format!("{}:merkle_tree", F::TABLE_NAME))
.expect("Unable to open DB Merkle tree tree");
let merkle_todo = db
.open_tree(&format!("{}:merkle_todo", F::TABLE_NAME))
.expect("Unable to open DB Merkle TODO tree");
let gc_todo = db
.open_tree(&format!("{}:gc_todo_v2", F::TABLE_NAME))
.expect("Unable to open DB tree");
let gc_todo = SledCountedTree::new(gc_todo);
let metrics = TableMetrics::new(F::TABLE_NAME, merkle_todo.clone(), gc_todo.clone());
Arc::new(Self {
merkle_todo_notify: Notify::new(),
// Read functions
pub fn read_entry(&self, p: &F::P, s: &F::S) -> Result<Option<ByteBuf>, Error> {
let tree_key = self.tree_key(p, s);
if let Some(bytes) = {
} else {
pub fn read_range(
partition_key: &F::P,
start: &Option<F::S>,
filter: &Option<F::Filter>,
limit: usize,
enumeration_order: EnumerationOrder,
) -> Result<Vec<Arc<ByteBuf>>, Error> {
let partition_hash = partition_key.hash();
match enumeration_order {
EnumerationOrder::Forward => {
let first_key = match start {
None => partition_hash.to_vec(),
Some(sk) => self.tree_key(partition_key, sk),
let range =;
self.read_range_aux(partition_hash, range, filter, limit)
EnumerationOrder::Reverse => match start {
Some(sk) => {
let last_key = self.tree_key(partition_key, sk);
let range =;
self.read_range_aux(partition_hash, range, filter, limit)
None => {
let mut last_key = partition_hash.to_vec();
let lower = u128::from_be_bytes(last_key[16..32].try_into().unwrap());
last_key[16..32].copy_from_slice(&u128::to_be_bytes(lower + 1));
let range =;
self.read_range_aux(partition_hash, range, filter, limit)
fn read_range_aux(
partition_hash: Hash,
range: impl Iterator<Item = sled::Result<(IVec, IVec)>>,
filter: &Option<F::Filter>,
limit: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Arc<ByteBuf>>, Error> {
let mut ret = vec![];
for item in range {
let (key, value) = item?;
if &key[..32] != partition_hash.as_slice() {
let keep = match filter {
None => true,
Some(f) => {
let entry = self.decode_entry(value.as_ref())?;
F::matches_filter(&entry, f)
if keep {
if ret.len() >= limit {
// Mutation functions
// When changing this code, take care of propagating modifications correctly:
// - When an entry is modified or deleted, call the updated() function
// on the table instance
// - When an entry is modified or deleted, add it to the merkle updater's todo list.
// This has to be done atomically with the modification for the merkle updater
// to maintain consistency. The merkle updater must then be notified with todo_notify.
// - When an entry is updated to be a tombstone, add it to the gc_todo tree
pub(crate) fn update_many<T: Borrow<ByteBuf>>(&self, entries: &[T]) -> Result<(), Error> {
for update_bytes in entries.iter() {
pub(crate) fn update_entry(&self, update_bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let update = self.decode_entry(update_bytes)?;
let tree_key = self.tree_key(update.partition_key(), update.sort_key());
self.update_entry_with(&tree_key[..], |ent| match ent {
Some(mut ent) => {
None => update.clone(),
pub fn update_entry_with(
tree_key: &[u8],
f: impl Fn(Option<F::E>) -> F::E,
) -> Result<Option<F::E>, Error> {
let changed = (&, &self.merkle_todo).transaction(|(store, mkl_todo)| {
let (old_entry, old_bytes, new_entry) = match store.get(tree_key)? {
Some(old_bytes) => {
let old_entry = self
let new_entry = f(Some(old_entry.clone()));
(Some(old_entry), Some(old_bytes), new_entry)
None => (None, None, f(None)),
// Scenario 1: the value changed, so of course there is a change
let value_changed = Some(&new_entry) != old_entry.as_ref();
// Scenario 2: the value didn't change but due to a migration in the
// data format, the messagepack encoding changed. In this case
// we have to write the migrated value in the table and update
// the associated Merkle tree entry.
let new_bytes = rmp_to_vec_all_named(&new_entry)
let encoding_changed = Some(&new_bytes[..]) != old_bytes.as_ref().map(|x| &x[..]);
if value_changed || encoding_changed {
let new_bytes_hash = blake2sum(&new_bytes[..]);
mkl_todo.insert(tree_key.to_vec(), new_bytes_hash.as_slice())?;
store.insert(tree_key.to_vec(), new_bytes)?;
Ok(Some((old_entry, new_entry, new_bytes_hash)))
} else {
if let Some((old_entry, new_entry, new_bytes_hash)) = changed {
let is_tombstone = new_entry.is_tombstone();
self.instance.updated(old_entry.as_ref(), Some(&new_entry));
if is_tombstone {
// We are only responsible for GC'ing this item if we are the
// "leader" of the partition, i.e. the first node in the
// set of nodes that replicates this partition.
// This avoids GC loops and does not change the termination properties
// of the GC algorithm, as in all cases GC is suspended if
// any node of the partition is unavailable.
let pk_hash = Hash::try_from(&tree_key[..32]).unwrap();
let nodes = self.replication.write_nodes(&pk_hash);
if nodes.first() == Some(& {
GcTodoEntry::new(tree_key.to_vec(), new_bytes_hash).save(&self.gc_todo)?;
} else {
pub(crate) fn delete_if_equal(self: &Arc<Self>, k: &[u8], v: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let removed = (&, &self.merkle_todo).transaction(|(store, mkl_todo)| {
if let Some(cur_v) = store.get(k)? {
if cur_v == v {
mkl_todo.insert(k, vec![])?;
return Ok(true);
if removed {
let old_entry = self.decode_entry(v)?;
self.instance.updated(Some(&old_entry), None);
pub(crate) fn delete_if_equal_hash(
self: &Arc<Self>,
k: &[u8],
vhash: Hash,
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let removed = (&, &self.merkle_todo).transaction(|(store, mkl_todo)| {
if let Some(cur_v) = store.get(k)? {
if blake2sum(&cur_v[..]) == vhash {
mkl_todo.insert(k, vec![])?;
return Ok(Some(cur_v));
if let Some(old_v) = removed {
let old_entry = self.decode_entry(&old_v[..])?;
self.instance.updated(Some(&old_entry), None);
} else {
// ---- Utility functions ----
pub fn tree_key(&self, p: &F::P, s: &F::S) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut ret = p.hash().to_vec();
pub fn decode_entry(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<F::E, Error> {
match rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref::<_, F::E>(bytes) {
Ok(x) => Ok(x),
Err(e) => match F::try_migrate(bytes) {
Some(x) => Ok(x),
None => {
warn!("Unable to decode entry of {}: {}", F::TABLE_NAME, e);
for line in hexdump::hexdump_iter(bytes) {
debug!("{}", line);
pub fn gc_todo_len(&self) -> usize {