
666 lines
20 KiB

use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use futures::{stream, stream::Stream, StreamExt, TryFutureExt};
use md5::{Digest as Md5Digest, Md5};
use hyper::{Body, Request, Response};
use serde::Serialize;
use garage_table::*;
use garage_util::data::*;
use garage_util::time::*;
use garage_model::garage::Garage;
use garage_model::key_table::Key;
use garage_model::s3::block_ref_table::*;
use garage_model::s3::object_table::*;
use garage_model::s3::version_table::*;
use crate::helpers::parse_bucket_key;
use crate::s3::error::*;
use crate::s3::put::{decode_upload_id, get_headers};
use crate::s3::xml::{self as s3_xml, xmlns_tag};
pub async fn handle_copy(
garage: Arc<Garage>,
api_key: &Key,
req: &Request<Body>,
dest_bucket_id: Uuid,
dest_key: &str,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let copy_precondition = CopyPreconditionHeaders::parse(req)?;
let source_object = get_copy_source(&garage, api_key, req).await?;
let (source_version, source_version_data, source_version_meta) =
// Check precondition, e.g. x-amz-copy-source-if-match
copy_precondition.check(source_version, &source_version_meta.etag)?;
// Generate parameters for copied object
let new_uuid = gen_uuid();
let new_timestamp = now_msec();
// Implement x-amz-metadata-directive: REPLACE
let new_meta = match req.headers().get("x-amz-metadata-directive") {
Some(v) if v == hyper::header::HeaderValue::from_static("REPLACE") => ObjectVersionMeta {
headers: get_headers(req.headers())?,
size: source_version_meta.size,
etag: source_version_meta.etag.clone(),
_ => source_version_meta.clone(),
let etag = new_meta.etag.to_string();
// Save object copy
match source_version_data {
ObjectVersionData::DeleteMarker => unreachable!(),
ObjectVersionData::Inline(_meta, bytes) => {
let dest_object_version = ObjectVersion {
uuid: new_uuid,
timestamp: new_timestamp,
state: ObjectVersionState::Complete(ObjectVersionData::Inline(
let dest_object = Object::new(
ObjectVersionData::FirstBlock(_meta, first_block_hash) => {
// Get block list from source version
let source_version = garage
.get(&source_version.uuid, &EmptyKey)
let source_version = source_version.ok_or(Error::NoSuchKey)?;
// Write an "uploading" marker in Object table
// This holds a reference to the object in the Version table
// so that it won't be deleted, e.g. by repair_versions.
let tmp_dest_object_version = ObjectVersion {
uuid: new_uuid,
timestamp: new_timestamp,
state: ObjectVersionState::Uploading(new_meta.headers.clone()),
let tmp_dest_object = Object::new(
// Write version in the version table. Even with empty block list,
// this means that the BlockRef entries linked to this version cannot be
// marked as deleted (they are marked as deleted only if the Version
// doesn't exist or is marked as deleted).
let mut dest_version =
Version::new(new_uuid, dest_bucket_id, dest_key.to_string(), false);
// Fill in block list for version and insert block refs
for (bk, bv) in source_version.blocks.items().iter() {
dest_version.blocks.put(*bk, *bv);
let dest_block_refs = dest_version
.map(|b| BlockRef {
block: b.1.hash,
version: new_uuid,
deleted: false.into(),
// Insert final object
// We do this last because otherwise there is a race condition in the case where
// the copy call has the same source and destination (this happens, rclone does
// it to update the modification timestamp for instance). If we did this concurrently
// with the stuff before, the block's reference counts could be decremented before
// they are incremented again for the new version, leading to data being deleted.
let dest_object_version = ObjectVersion {
uuid: new_uuid,
timestamp: new_timestamp,
state: ObjectVersionState::Complete(ObjectVersionData::FirstBlock(
let dest_object = Object::new(
let last_modified = msec_to_rfc3339(new_timestamp);
let result = CopyObjectResult {
last_modified: s3_xml::Value(last_modified),
etag: s3_xml::Value(format!("\"{}\"", etag)),
let xml = s3_xml::to_xml_with_header(&result)?;
.header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
.header("x-amz-version-id", hex::encode(new_uuid))
pub async fn handle_upload_part_copy(
garage: Arc<Garage>,
api_key: &Key,
req: &Request<Body>,
dest_bucket_id: Uuid,
dest_key: &str,
part_number: u64,
upload_id: &str,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
let copy_precondition = CopyPreconditionHeaders::parse(req)?;
let dest_version_uuid = decode_upload_id(upload_id)?;
let dest_key = dest_key.to_string();
let (source_object, dest_object) = futures::try_join!(
get_copy_source(&garage, api_key, req),
.get(&dest_bucket_id, &dest_key)
let dest_object = dest_object.ok_or(Error::NoSuchKey)?;
let (source_object_version, source_version_data, source_version_meta) =
// Check precondition on source, e.g. x-amz-copy-source-if-match
copy_precondition.check(source_object_version, &source_version_meta.etag)?;
// Check source range is valid
let source_range = match req.headers().get("x-amz-copy-source-range") {
Some(range) => {
let range_str = range.to_str()?;
let mut ranges = http_range::HttpRange::parse(range_str, source_version_meta.size)
.map_err(|e| (e, source_version_meta.size))?;
if ranges.len() != 1 {
return Err(Error::bad_request(
"Invalid x-amz-copy-source-range header: exactly 1 range must be given",
} else {
None => http_range::HttpRange {
start: 0,
length: source_version_meta.size,
// Check destination version is indeed in uploading state
if !dest_object
.any(|v| v.uuid == dest_version_uuid && v.is_uploading())
return Err(Error::NoSuchUpload);
// Check source version is not inlined
match source_version_data {
ObjectVersionData::DeleteMarker => unreachable!(),
ObjectVersionData::Inline(_meta, _bytes) => {
// This is only for small files, we don't bother handling this.
// (in AWS UploadPartCopy works for parts at least 5MB which
// is never the case of an inline object)
return Err(Error::bad_request(
"Source object is too small (minimum part size is 5Mb)",
ObjectVersionData::FirstBlock(_meta, _first_block_hash) => (),
// Fetch source versin with its block list,
// and destination version to check part hasn't yet been uploaded
let (source_version, dest_version) = futures::try_join!(
.get(&source_object_version.uuid, &EmptyKey),
garage.version_table.get(&dest_version_uuid, &EmptyKey),
let source_version = source_version.ok_or(Error::NoSuchKey)?;
// Check this part number hasn't yet been uploaded
if let Some(dv) = dest_version {
if dv.has_part_number(part_number) {
return Err(Error::bad_request(format!(
"Part number {} has already been uploaded",
// We want to reuse blocks from the source version as much as possible.
// However, we still need to get the data from these blocks
// because we need to know it to calculate the MD5sum of the part
// which is used as its ETag.
// First, calculate what blocks we want to keep,
// and the subrange of the block to take, if the bounds of the
// requested range are in the middle.
let (range_begin, range_end) = (source_range.start, source_range.start + source_range.length);
let mut blocks_to_copy = vec![];
let mut current_offset = 0;
for (_bk, block) in source_version.blocks.items().iter() {
let (block_begin, block_end) = (current_offset, current_offset + block.size);
if block_begin < range_end && block_end > range_begin {
let subrange_begin = if block_begin < range_begin {
Some(range_begin - block_begin)
} else {
let subrange_end = if block_end > range_end {
Some(range_end - block_begin)
} else {
let range_to_copy = match (subrange_begin, subrange_end) {
(Some(b), Some(e)) => Some(b as usize..e as usize),
(None, Some(e)) => Some(0..e as usize),
(Some(b), None) => Some(b as usize..block.size as usize),
(None, None) => None,
blocks_to_copy.push((block.hash, range_to_copy));
current_offset = block_end;
// Now, actually copy the blocks
let mut md5hasher = Md5::new();
// First, create a stream that is able to read the source blocks
// and extract the subrange if necessary.
// The second returned value is an Option<Hash>, that is Some
// if and only if the block returned is a block that already existed
// in the Garage data store (thus we don't need to save it again).
let garage2 = garage.clone();
let source_blocks = stream::iter(blocks_to_copy)
.flat_map(|(block_hash, range_to_copy)| {
let garage3 = garage2.clone();
stream::once(async move {
let data = garage3.block_manager.rpc_get_block(&block_hash).await?;
match range_to_copy {
Some(r) => Ok((data[r].to_vec(), None)),
None => Ok((data, Some(block_hash))),
// The defragmenter is a custom stream (defined below) that concatenates
// consecutive block parts when they are too small.
// It returns a series of (Vec<u8>, Option<Hash>).
// When it is done, it returns an empty vec.
// Same as the previous iterator, the Option is Some(_) if and only if
// it's an existing block of the Garage data store.
let mut defragmenter = Defragmenter::new(garage.config.block_size, Box::pin(source_blocks));
let mut current_offset = 0;
let mut next_block =;
loop {
let (data, existing_block_hash) = next_block;
if data.is_empty() {
let must_upload = existing_block_hash.is_none();
let final_hash = existing_block_hash.unwrap_or_else(|| blake2sum(&data[..]));
let mut version = Version::new(dest_version_uuid, dest_bucket_id, dest_key.clone(), false);
VersionBlockKey {
offset: current_offset,
VersionBlock {
hash: final_hash,
size: data.len() as u64,
current_offset += data.len() as u64;
let block_ref = BlockRef {
block: final_hash,
version: dest_version_uuid,
deleted: false.into(),
let garage2 = garage.clone();
let res = futures::try_join!(
// Thing 1: if the block is not exactly a block that existed before,
// we need to insert that data as a new block.
async move {
if must_upload {
.rpc_put_block(final_hash, data.into())
} else {
// Thing 2: we need to insert the block in the version
// Thing 3: we need to add a block reference
// Thing 4: we need to prefetch the next block,
next_block = res.3;
let data_md5sum = md5hasher.finalize();
let etag = hex::encode(data_md5sum);
// Put the part's ETag in the Versiontable
let mut version = Version::new(dest_version_uuid, dest_bucket_id, dest_key.clone(), false);
version.parts_etags.put(part_number, etag.clone());
let resp_xml = s3_xml::to_xml_with_header(&CopyPartResult {
xmlns: (),
etag: s3_xml::Value(format!("\"{}\"", etag)),
last_modified: s3_xml::Value(msec_to_rfc3339(source_object_version.timestamp)),
.header("Content-Type", "application/xml")
async fn get_copy_source(
garage: &Garage,
api_key: &Key,
req: &Request<Body>,
) -> Result<Object, Error> {
let copy_source = req.headers().get("x-amz-copy-source").unwrap().to_str()?;
let copy_source = percent_encoding::percent_decode_str(copy_source).decode_utf8()?;
let (source_bucket, source_key) = parse_bucket_key(&copy_source, None)?;
let source_bucket_id = garage
.resolve_bucket(&source_bucket.to_string(), api_key)
if !api_key.allow_read(&source_bucket_id) {
return Err(Error::forbidden(format!(
"Reading from bucket {} not allowed for this key",
let source_key = source_key.ok_or_bad_request("No source key specified")?;
let source_object = garage
.get(&source_bucket_id, &source_key.to_string())
fn extract_source_info(
source_object: &Object,
) -> Result<(&ObjectVersion, &ObjectVersionData, &ObjectVersionMeta), Error> {
let source_version = source_object
.find(|v| v.is_complete())
let source_version_data = match &source_version.state {
ObjectVersionState::Complete(x) => x,
_ => unreachable!(),
let source_version_meta = match source_version_data {
ObjectVersionData::DeleteMarker => {
return Err(Error::NoSuchKey);
ObjectVersionData::Inline(meta, _bytes) => meta,
ObjectVersionData::FirstBlock(meta, _fbh) => meta,
Ok((source_version, source_version_data, source_version_meta))
struct CopyPreconditionHeaders {
copy_source_if_match: Option<Vec<String>>,
copy_source_if_modified_since: Option<SystemTime>,
copy_source_if_none_match: Option<Vec<String>>,
copy_source_if_unmodified_since: Option<SystemTime>,
impl CopyPreconditionHeaders {
fn parse(req: &Request<Body>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
Ok(Self {
copy_source_if_match: req
.map(|x| x.to_str())
.map(|x| {
.map(|m| m.trim().trim_matches('"').to_string())
copy_source_if_modified_since: req
.map(|x| x.to_str())
.ok_or_bad_request("Invalid date in x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since")?,
copy_source_if_none_match: req
.map(|x| x.to_str())
.map(|x| {
.map(|m| m.trim().trim_matches('"').to_string())
copy_source_if_unmodified_since: req
.map(|x| x.to_str())
.ok_or_bad_request("Invalid date in x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since")?,
fn check(&self, v: &ObjectVersion, etag: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let v_date = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_millis(v.timestamp);
let ok = match (
) {
// TODO I'm not sure all of the conditions are evaluated correctly here
// If we have both if-match and if-unmodified-since,
// basically we don't care about if-unmodified-since,
// because in the spec it says that if if-match evaluates to
// true but if-unmodified-since evaluates to false,
// the copy is still done.
(Some(im), _, None, None) => im.iter().any(|x| x == etag || x == "*"),
(None, Some(ius), None, None) => v_date <= *ius,
// If we have both if-none-match and if-modified-since,
// then both of the two conditions must evaluate to true
(None, None, Some(inm), Some(ims)) => {
!inm.iter().any(|x| x == etag || x == "*") && v_date > *ims
(None, None, Some(inm), None) => !inm.iter().any(|x| x == etag || x == "*"),
(None, None, None, Some(ims)) => v_date > *ims,
(None, None, None, None) => true,
_ => {
return Err(Error::bad_request(
"Invalid combination of x-amz-copy-source-if-xxxxx headers",
if ok {
} else {
type BlockStreamItemOk = (Vec<u8>, Option<Hash>);
type BlockStreamItem = Result<BlockStreamItemOk, garage_util::error::Error>;
struct Defragmenter<S: Stream<Item = BlockStreamItem>> {
block_size: usize,
block_stream: Pin<Box<stream::Peekable<S>>>,
buffer: Vec<u8>,
hash: Option<Hash>,
impl<S: Stream<Item = BlockStreamItem>> Defragmenter<S> {
fn new(block_size: usize, block_stream: Pin<Box<stream::Peekable<S>>>) -> Self {
Self {
buffer: vec![],
hash: None,
async fn next(&mut self) -> BlockStreamItem {
// Fill buffer while we can
while let Some(res) = self.block_stream.as_mut().peek().await {
let (peeked_next_block, _) = match res {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => {;
if self.buffer.is_empty() {
let (next_block, next_block_hash) =;
self.buffer = next_block;
self.hash = next_block_hash;
} else if self.buffer.len() + peeked_next_block.len() > self.block_size {
} else {
let (next_block, _) =;
self.hash = None;
Ok((std::mem::take(&mut self.buffer), self.hash.take()))
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct CopyObjectResult {
#[serde(rename = "LastModified")]
pub last_modified: s3_xml::Value,
#[serde(rename = "ETag")]
pub etag: s3_xml::Value,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct CopyPartResult {
#[serde(serialize_with = "xmlns_tag")]
pub xmlns: (),
#[serde(rename = "LastModified")]
pub last_modified: s3_xml::Value,
#[serde(rename = "ETag")]
pub etag: s3_xml::Value,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::s3::xml::to_xml_with_header;
fn copy_object_result() -> Result<(), Error> {
let copy_result = CopyObjectResult {
last_modified: s3_xml::Value(msec_to_rfc3339(0)),
etag: s3_xml::Value("\"9b2cf535f27731c974343645a3985328\"".to_string()),
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\
fn serialize_copy_part_result() -> Result<(), Error> {
let expected_retval = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\
<CopyPartResult xmlns=\"\">\
let v = CopyPartResult {
xmlns: (),
last_modified: s3_xml::Value("2011-04-11T20:34:56.000Z".into()),
etag: s3_xml::Value("\"9b2cf535f27731c974343645a3985328\"".into()),
println!("{}", to_xml_with_header(&v)?);
assert_eq!(to_xml_with_header(&v)?, expected_retval);