Alex Auvolat 1bcd6fabbd
New buckets for 0.6.0: small changes
- Fix bucket delete

- fix merge of bucket creation date

- Replace deletable with option in aliases
    Rationale: if two aliases point to conflicting bucket, resolving
    by making an arbitrary choice risks making data accessible when it
    shouldn't be. We'd rather resolve to deleting the alias until
    someone puts it back.
2022-01-04 12:52:47 +01:00

168 lines
4.5 KiB

use std::{borrow::Cow, convert::Infallible, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc};
use futures::future::Future;
use hyper::{
service::{make_service_fn, service_fn},
Body, Method, Request, Response, Server,
use crate::error::*;
use garage_api::helpers::{authority_to_host, host_to_bucket};
use garage_api::s3_get::{handle_get, handle_head};
use garage_model::bucket_table::Bucket;
use garage_model::garage::Garage;
use garage_table::*;
use garage_util::error::Error as GarageError;
/// Run a web server
pub async fn run_web_server(
garage: Arc<Garage>,
shutdown_signal: impl Future<Output = ()>,
) -> Result<(), GarageError> {
let addr = &garage.config.s3_web.bind_addr;
let service = make_service_fn(|conn: &AddrStream| {
let garage = garage.clone();
let client_addr = conn.remote_addr();
async move {
Ok::<_, Error>(service_fn(move |req: Request<Body>| {
let garage = garage.clone();
handle_request(garage, req, client_addr)
let server = Server::bind(addr).serve(service);
let graceful = server.with_graceful_shutdown(shutdown_signal);
info!("Web server listening on http://{}", addr);
async fn handle_request(
garage: Arc<Garage>,
req: Request<Body>,
addr: SocketAddr,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> {
info!("{} {} {}", addr, req.method(), req.uri());
let res = serve_file(garage, req).await;
match &res {
Ok(r) => debug!("{} {:?}", r.status(), r.headers()),
Err(e) => warn!("Response: error {}, {}", e.http_status_code(), e),
fn error_to_res(e: Error) -> Response<Body> {
let body: Body = Body::from(format!("{}\n", e));
let mut http_error = Response::new(body);
*http_error.status_mut() = e.http_status_code();
async fn serve_file(garage: Arc<Garage>, req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
// Get http authority string (eg. [::1]:3902 or garage.tld:80)
let authority = req
.ok_or_else(|| Error::BadRequest("HOST header required".to_owned()))?
// Get bucket
let host = authority_to_host(authority)?;
let root = &garage.config.s3_web.root_domain;
let bucket_name = host_to_bucket(&host, root).unwrap_or(&host);
let bucket_id = garage
.get(&EmptyKey, &bucket_name.to_string())
.map(|x| x.state.take())
// Check bucket isn't deleted and has website access enabled
let _: Bucket = garage
.get(&bucket_id, &EmptyKey)
.filter(|b| {
.map(|x| x.website_config.get().is_some())
// Get path
let path = req.uri().path().to_string();
let index = &garage.config.s3_web.index;
let key = path_to_key(&path, index)?;
"Selected bucket: \"{}\" {:?}, selected key: \"{}\"",
bucket_name, bucket_id, key
let res = match *req.method() {
Method::HEAD => handle_head(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key).await?,
Method::GET => handle_get(garage, &req, bucket_id, &key).await?,
_ => return Err(Error::BadRequest("HTTP method not supported".to_string())),
/// Path to key
/// Convert the provided path to the internal key
/// When a path ends with "/", we append the index name to match traditional web server behavior
/// which is also AWS S3 behavior.
fn path_to_key<'a>(path: &'a str, index: &str) -> Result<Cow<'a, str>, Error> {
let path_utf8 = percent_encoding::percent_decode_str(path).decode_utf8()?;
if !path_utf8.starts_with('/') {
return Err(Error::BadRequest(
"Path must start with a / (slash)".to_string(),
match path_utf8.chars().last() {
None => unreachable!(),
Some('/') => {
let mut key = String::with_capacity(path_utf8.len() + index.len());
Some(_) => match path_utf8 {
Cow::Borrowed(pu8) => Ok((&pu8[1..]).into()),
Cow::Owned(pu8) => Ok((&pu8[1..]).to_string().into()),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn path_to_key_test() -> Result<(), Error> {
assert_eq!(path_to_key("/file%20.jpg", "index.html")?, "file .jpg");
assert_eq!(path_to_key("/%20t/", "index.html")?, " t/index.html");
assert_eq!(path_to_key("/", "index.html")?, "index.html");
assert_eq!(path_to_key("/hello", "index.html")?, "hello");
assert!(path_to_key("", "index.html").is_err());
assert!(path_to_key("i/am/relative", "index.html").is_err());