Alex Auvolat c1d1646c4d
Change the way new layout assignations are computed.
The function now computes an optimal assignation (with respect to partition size) that minimizes the distance to the former assignation, using flow algorithms.

This commit was written by Mendes Oulamara <>
2022-05-01 09:54:19 +02:00

621 lines
23 KiB

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::cmp::{min};
use std::collections::{HashMap};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use garage_util::crdt::{AutoCrdt, Crdt, LwwMap};
use garage_util::data::*;
use garage_util::bipartite::*;
use rand::prelude::SliceRandom;
use crate::ring::*;
/// The layout of the cluster, i.e. the list of roles
/// which are assigned to each cluster node
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ClusterLayout {
pub version: u64,
pub replication_factor: usize,
pub roles: LwwMap<Uuid, NodeRoleV>,
/// node_id_vec: a vector of node IDs with a role assigned
/// in the system (this includes gateway nodes).
/// The order here is different than the vec stored by `roles`, because:
/// 1. non-gateway nodes are first so that they have lower numbers
/// 2. nodes that don't have a role are excluded (but they need to
/// stay in the CRDT as tombstones)
pub node_id_vec: Vec<Uuid>,
/// the assignation of data partitions to node, the values
/// are indices in node_id_vec
#[serde(with = "serde_bytes")]
pub ring_assignation_data: Vec<CompactNodeType>,
/// Role changes which are staged for the next version of the layout
pub staging: LwwMap<Uuid, NodeRoleV>,
pub staging_hash: Hash,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct NodeRoleV(pub Option<NodeRole>);
impl AutoCrdt for NodeRoleV {
const WARN_IF_DIFFERENT: bool = true;
/// The user-assigned roles of cluster nodes
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct NodeRole {
/// Datacenter at which this entry belong. This information might be used to perform a better
/// geodistribution
pub zone: String,
/// The (relative) capacity of the node
/// If this is set to None, the node does not participate in storing data for the system
/// and is only active as an API gateway to other nodes
pub capacity: Option<u32>,
/// A set of tags to recognize the node
pub tags: Vec<String>,
impl NodeRole {
pub fn capacity_string(&self) -> String {
match self.capacity {
Some(c) => format!("{}", c),
None => "gateway".to_string(),
impl ClusterLayout {
pub fn new(replication_factor: usize) -> Self {
let empty_lwwmap = LwwMap::new();
let empty_lwwmap_hash = blake2sum(&rmp_to_vec_all_named(&empty_lwwmap).unwrap()[..]);
ClusterLayout {
version: 0,
roles: LwwMap::new(),
node_id_vec: Vec::new(),
ring_assignation_data: Vec::new(),
staging: empty_lwwmap,
staging_hash: empty_lwwmap_hash,
pub fn merge(&mut self, other: &ClusterLayout) -> bool {
match other.version.cmp(&self.version) {
Ordering::Greater => {
*self = other.clone();
Ordering::Equal => {
let new_staging_hash = blake2sum(&rmp_to_vec_all_named(&self.staging).unwrap()[..]);
let changed = new_staging_hash != self.staging_hash;
self.staging_hash = new_staging_hash;
Ordering::Less => false,
/// Returns a list of IDs of nodes that currently have
/// a role in the cluster
pub fn node_ids(&self) -> &[Uuid] {
pub fn num_nodes(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the role of a node in the layout
pub fn node_role(&self, node: &Uuid) -> Option<&NodeRole> {
match self.roles.get(node) {
Some(NodeRoleV(Some(v))) => Some(v),
_ => None,
/// Check a cluster layout for internal consistency
/// returns true if consistent, false if error
pub fn check(&self) -> bool {
// Check that the hash of the staging data is correct
let staging_hash = blake2sum(&rmp_to_vec_all_named(&self.staging).unwrap()[..]);
if staging_hash != self.staging_hash {
return false;
// Check that node_id_vec contains the correct list of nodes
let mut expected_nodes = self
.filter(|(_, _, v)| v.0.is_some())
.map(|(id, _, _)| *id)
let mut node_id_vec = self.node_id_vec.clone();
if expected_nodes != node_id_vec {
return false;
// Check that the assignation data has the correct length
if self.ring_assignation_data.len() != (1 << PARTITION_BITS) * self.replication_factor {
return false;
// Check that the assigned nodes are correct identifiers
// of nodes that are assigned a role
// and that role is not the role of a gateway nodes
for x in self.ring_assignation_data.iter() {
if *x as usize >= self.node_id_vec.len() {
return false;
let node = self.node_id_vec[*x as usize];
match self.roles.get(&node) {
Some(NodeRoleV(Some(x))) if x.capacity.is_some() => (),
_ => return false,
/// This function calculates a new partition-to-node assignation.
/// The computed assignation maximizes the capacity of a
/// partition (assuming all partitions have the same size).
/// Among such optimal assignation, it minimizes the distance to
/// the former assignation (if any) to minimize the amount of
/// data to be moved. A heuristic ensures node triplets
/// dispersion (in garage_util::bipartite::optimize_matching()).
pub fn calculate_partition_assignation(&mut self) -> bool {
//The nodes might have been updated, some might have been deleted.
//So we need to first update the list of nodes and retrieve the
let old_node_assignation = self.update_nodes_and_ring();
let (node_zone, _) = self.get_node_zone_capacity();
//We compute the optimal number of partition to assign to
//every node and zone.
if let Some((part_per_nod, part_per_zone)) = self.optimal_proportions(){
//We collect part_per_zone in a vec to not rely on the
//arbitrary order in which elements are iterated in
let part_per_zone_vec = part_per_zone.iter()
.map(|(x,y)| (x.clone(),*y))
//We create an indexing of the zones
let mut zone_id = HashMap::<String,usize>::new();
for i in 0..part_per_zone_vec.len(){
zone_id.insert(part_per_zone_vec[i].0.clone(), i);
//We compute a candidate for the new partition to zone
let nb_zones = part_per_zone.len();
let nb_nodes = part_per_nod.len();
let nb_partitions = 1<<PARTITION_BITS;
let left_cap_vec = vec![self.replication_factor as u32 ; nb_partitions];
let right_cap_vec = part_per_zone_vec.iter().map(|(_,y)| *y as u32)
let mut zone_assignation =
dinic_compute_matching(left_cap_vec, right_cap_vec);
//We create the structure for the partition-to-node assignation.
let mut node_assignation =
vec![vec![None; self.replication_factor ];nb_partitions];
//We will decrement part_per_nod to keep track of the number
//of partitions that we still have to associate.
let mut part_per_nod = part_per_nod.clone();
//We minimize the distance to the former assignation(if any)
//We get the id of the zones of the former assignation
//(and the id no_zone if there is no node assignated)
let no_zone = part_per_zone_vec.len();
let old_zone_assignation : Vec<Vec<usize>> =
old_node_assignation.iter().map(|x| x.iter().map(
|id| match *id { Some(i) => zone_id[&node_zone[i]] ,
None => no_zone }
//We minimize the distance to the former zone assignation
zone_assignation = optimize_matching(
&old_zone_assignation, &zone_assignation, nb_zones+1); //+1 for no_zone
//We need to assign partitions to nodes in their zone
//We first put the nodes assignation that can stay the same
for i in 0..nb_partitions{
for j in 0..self.replication_factor {
if let Some(Some(former_node)) = old_node_assignation[i].iter().find(
|x| if let Some(id) = x {
zone_id[&node_zone[*id]] == zone_assignation[i][j]
else {false}
if part_per_nod[*former_node] > 0 {
node_assignation[i][j] = Some(*former_node);
part_per_nod[*former_node] -= 1;
//We complete the assignation of partitions to nodes
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for i in 0..nb_partitions {
for j in 0..self.replication_factor {
if node_assignation[i][j] == None {
let possible_nodes : Vec<usize> = (0..nb_nodes)
|id| zone_id[&node_zone[*id]] == zone_assignation[i][j]
&& part_per_nod[*id] > 0).collect();
//We randomly pick a node
if let Some(nod) = possible_nodes.choose(&mut rng){
node_assignation[i][j] = Some(*nod);
part_per_nod[*nod] -= 1;
//We write the assignation in the 1D table
self.ring_assignation_data = Vec::<CompactNodeType>::new();
for i in 0..nb_partitions{
for j in 0..self.replication_factor {
if let Some(id) = node_assignation[i][j] {
self.ring_assignation_data.push(id as CompactNodeType);
else {assert!(false)}
else { false }
/// The LwwMap of node roles might have changed. This function updates the node_id_vec
/// and returns the assignation given by ring, with the new indices of the nodes, and
/// None of the node is not present anymore.
/// We work with the assumption that only this function and calculate_new_assignation
/// do modify assignation_ring and node_id_vec.
fn update_nodes_and_ring(&mut self) -> Vec<Vec<Option<usize>>> {
let nb_partitions = 1usize<<PARTITION_BITS;
let mut node_assignation =
vec![vec![None; self.replication_factor ];nb_partitions];
let rf = self.replication_factor;
let ring = &self.ring_assignation_data;
let new_node_id_vec : Vec::<Uuid> = self.roles.items().iter()
.map(|(k, _, _)| *k)
if ring.len() == rf*nb_partitions {
for i in 0..nb_partitions {
for j in 0..self.replication_factor {
node_assignation[i][j] = new_node_id_vec.iter()
.position(|id| *id == self.node_id_vec[ring[i*rf + j] as usize]);
self.node_id_vec = new_node_id_vec;
self.ring_assignation_data = vec![];
return node_assignation;
///This function compute the number of partition to assign to
///every node and zone, so that every partition is replicated
///self.replication_factor times and the capacity of a partition
///is maximized.
fn optimal_proportions(&mut self) -> Option<(Vec<usize>, HashMap<String, usize>)> {
let mut zone_capacity :HashMap<String, u32>= HashMap::new();
let (node_zone, node_capacity) = self.get_node_zone_capacity();
let nb_nodes = self.node_id_vec.len();
for i in 0..nb_nodes
if zone_capacity.contains_key(&node_zone[i]) {
zone_capacity.insert(node_zone[i].clone(), zone_capacity[&node_zone[i]] + node_capacity[i]);
zone_capacity.insert(node_zone[i].clone(), node_capacity[i]);
//Compute the optimal number of partitions per zone
let sum_capacities: u32 =zone_capacity.values().sum();
if sum_capacities <= 0 {
println!("No storage capacity in the network.");
return None;
let nb_partitions = 1<<PARTITION_BITS;
//Initially we would like to use zones porportionally to
//their capacity.
//However, a large zone can be associated to at most
//nb_partitions to ensure replication of the date.
//So we take the min with nb_partitions:
let mut part_per_zone : HashMap<String, usize> =
.map(|(k, v)| (k.clone(), min(nb_partitions,
**v as usize)/sum_capacities as usize) ) ).collect();
//The replication_factor-1 upper bounds the number of
//part_per_zones that are greater than nb_partitions
for _ in 1..self.replication_factor {
//The number of partitions that are not assignated to
//a zone that takes nb_partitions.
let sum_capleft : u32 = zone_capacity.keys()
.filter(| k | {part_per_zone[*k] < nb_partitions} )
.map(|k| zone_capacity[k]).sum();
//The number of replication of the data that we need
//to ensure.
let repl_left = self.replication_factor
- part_per_zone.values()
.filter(|x| {**x == nb_partitions})
if repl_left == 0 {
for k in zone_capacity.keys() {
if part_per_zone[k] != nb_partitions
part_per_zone.insert(k.to_string() , min(nb_partitions,
(nb_partitions*zone_capacity[k] as usize
*repl_left)/sum_capleft as usize));
//Now we divide the zone's partition share proportionally
//between their nodes.
let mut part_per_nod : Vec<usize> = (0..nb_nodes).map(
|i| (part_per_zone[&node_zone[i]]*node_capacity[i] as usize)/zone_capacity[&node_zone[i]] as usize
//We must update the part_per_zone to make it correspond to
//part_per_nod (because of integer rounding)
part_per_zone = part_per_zone.iter().map(|(k,_)|
(k.clone(), 0))
for i in 0..nb_nodes {
node_zone[i].clone() ,
part_per_zone[&node_zone[i]] + part_per_nod[i]);
//Because of integer rounding, the total sum of part_per_nod
//might not be replication_factor*nb_partitions.
// We need at most to add 1 to every non maximal value of
// part_per_nod. The capacity of a partition will be bounded
// by the minimal value of
// node_capacity_vec[i]/part_per_nod[i]
// so we try to maximize this minimal value, keeping the
// part_per_zone capped
let discrepancy : usize =
- part_per_nod.iter().sum::<usize>();
//We use a stupid O(N^2) algorithm. If the number of nodes
//is actually expected to be high, one should optimize this.
for _ in 0..discrepancy {
if let Some(idmax) = (0..nb_nodes)
.filter(|i| part_per_zone[&node_zone[*i]] < nb_partitions)
.max_by( |i,j|
(node_capacity[*i]*(part_per_nod[*j]+1) as u32)
.cmp(&(node_capacity[*j]*(part_per_nod[*i]+1) as u32))
part_per_nod[idmax] += 1;
//We check the algorithm consistency
let discrepancy : usize =
- part_per_nod.iter().sum::<usize>();
assert!(discrepancy == 0);
assert!(if let Some(v) = part_per_zone.values().max()
{*v <= nb_partitions} else {false} );
Some((part_per_nod, part_per_zone))
//Returns vectors of zone and capacity; indexed by the same (temporary)
//indices as node_id_vec.
fn get_node_zone_capacity(& self) -> (Vec<String> , Vec<u32>) {
let node_zone = self.node_id_vec.iter().map(
|id_nod| match self.node_role(id_nod) {
Some(NodeRole{zone,capacity:_,tags:_}) => zone.clone() ,
_ => "".to_string()
let node_capacity = self.node_id_vec.iter().map(
|id_nod| match self.node_role(id_nod) {
Some(NodeRole{zone:_,capacity,tags:_}) =>
if let Some(c)=capacity
else {0},
_ => 0
mod tests {
use super::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
fn check_assignation(cl : &ClusterLayout) {
//Check that input data has the right format
let nb_partitions = 1usize<<PARTITION_BITS;
assert!(cl.ring_assignation_data.len() == nb_partitions*cl.replication_factor);
let (node_zone, node_capacity) = cl.get_node_zone_capacity();
//Check that is is a correct assignation with zone redundancy
let rf = cl.replication_factor;
for i in 0..nb_partitions{
assert!( rf ==
.map(|nod| node_zone[*nod as usize].clone())
.count() );
let nb_nodes = cl.node_id_vec.len();
//Check optimality
let node_nb_part =(0..nb_nodes).map(|i| cl.ring_assignation_data
.filter(|x| **x==i as u8)
let zone_vec = node_zone.iter().unique().collect::<Vec::<_>>();
let zone_nb_part = zone_vec.iter().map( |z| cl.ring_assignation_data.iter()
.filter(|x| node_zone[**x as usize] == **z)
//Check optimality of the zone assignation : would it be better for the
//node_capacity/node_partitions ratio to change the assignation of a partition
if let Some(idmin) = (0..nb_nodes).min_by(
|i,j| (node_capacity[*i]*node_nb_part[*j] as u32)
.cmp(&(node_capacity[*j]*node_nb_part[*i] as u32))
if let Some(idnew) = (0..nb_nodes)
.filter( |i| if let Some(p) = zone_vec.iter().position(|z| **z==node_zone[*i])
{zone_nb_part[p] < nb_partitions }
else { false })
|i,j| (node_capacity[*i]*(node_nb_part[*j]as u32+1))
.cmp(&(node_capacity[*j]*(node_nb_part[*i] as u32+1)))
assert!(node_capacity[idmin]*(node_nb_part[idnew] as u32+1) >=
node_capacity[idnew]*node_nb_part[idmin] as u32);
//In every zone, check optimality of the nod assignation
for z in zone_vec {
let node_of_z_iter = (0..nb_nodes).filter(|id| node_zone[*id] == *z );
if let Some(idmin) = node_of_z_iter.clone().min_by(
|i,j| (node_capacity[*i]*node_nb_part[*j] as u32)
.cmp(&(node_capacity[*j]*node_nb_part[*i] as u32))
if let Some(idnew) = node_of_z_iter.min_by(
|i,j| (node_capacity[*i]*(node_nb_part[*j] as u32+1))
.cmp(&(node_capacity[*j]*(node_nb_part[*i] as u32+1)))
assert!(node_capacity[idmin]*(node_nb_part[idnew] as u32+1) >=
node_capacity[idnew]*node_nb_part[idmin] as u32);
fn update_layout(cl : &mut ClusterLayout, node_id_vec : &Vec<u8>,
node_capacity_vec : &Vec<u32> , node_zone_vec : &Vec<String>) {
for i in 0..node_id_vec.len(){
if let Some(x) = FixedBytes32::try_from(&[i as u8;32]) {
let update = cl.roles.update_mutator(cl.node_id_vec[i] ,
zone : (node_zone_vec[i].to_string()),
capacity : (Some(node_capacity_vec[i])),
tags : (vec![])})));
fn test_assignation() {
let mut node_id_vec = vec![1,2,3];
let mut node_capacity_vec = vec![4000,1000,2000];
let mut node_zone_vec= vec!["A", "B", "C"].into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
let mut cl = ClusterLayout {
node_id_vec: vec![],
roles : LwwMap::new(),
replication_factor: 3,
ring_assignation_data : vec![],
staging: LwwMap::new(),
staging_hash: sha256sum(&[1;32]),
update_layout(&mut cl, &node_id_vec, &node_capacity_vec, &node_zone_vec);
node_id_vec = vec![1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
node_capacity_vec = vec![4000,1000,1000, 3000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 10000, 2000];
node_zone_vec= vec!["A", "B", "C", "C", "C", "B", "G", "H", "I"].into_iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
update_layout(&mut cl, &node_id_vec, &node_capacity_vec, &node_zone_vec);
node_capacity_vec = vec![4000,1000,2000, 7000, 1000, 1000, 2000, 10000, 2000];
update_layout(&mut cl, &node_id_vec, &node_capacity_vec, &node_zone_vec);
node_capacity_vec = vec![4000,4000,2000, 7000, 1000, 9000, 2000, 10, 2000];
update_layout(&mut cl, &node_id_vec, &node_capacity_vec, &node_zone_vec);