
366 lines
8 KiB

package main
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/postgres"
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/sqlite"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var db *gorm.DB
var dbCache *lru.TwoQueueCache
func InitDb() error {
var err error
db, err = gorm.Open(config.DbType, config.DbPath)
if err != nil {
return err
db.Model(&DbJoinedRoom{}).AddIndex("idx_joined_room_user_protocol_account", "mx_user_id", "protocol", "account_name")
db.Model(&DbUserMap{}).AddIndex("idx_user_map_protocol_user", "protocol", "user_id")
db.Model(&DbRoomMap{}).AddIndex("idx_room_map_protocol_room", "protocol", "room_id")
db.Model(&DbPmRoomMap{}).AddIndex("idx_pm_room_map_protocol_user_account_user", "protocol", "user_id", "mx_user_id", "account_name")
dbCache, err = lru.New2Q(10000)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Account configuration
type DbAccountConfig struct {
MxUserID string `gorm:"index"`
Name string
Protocol string
Config string
// List of joined channels to be re-joined on reconnect
type DbJoinedRoom struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
// User id and account name
MxUserID string
Protocol string
AccountName string
// Room ID
RoomID connector.RoomID
// User mapping between protocol user IDs and puppeted matrix ids
type DbUserMap struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
Protocol string
UserID connector.UserID
MxUserID string `gorm:"index"`
// Room mapping between Matrix rooms and outside rooms
type DbRoomMap struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
// Network protocol
Protocol string
// Room id on the bridged network
RoomID connector.RoomID
// Bridged room matrix id
MxRoomID string `gorm:"index"`
// Room mapping between Matrix rooms and private messages
type DbPmRoomMap struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
// User id and account name of the local end viewed on Matrix
MxUserID string
Protocol string
AccountName string
// User id to reach them
UserID connector.UserID
// Bridged room for PMs
MxRoomID string `gorm:"index"`
// Key-value store for various things
type DbKv struct {
Key string `gorm:"primary_key"`
Value string
// ---- Simple locking mechanism
// Slot keys are strings that identify the object we are acting upon
// They define which lock to lock for a certain operation
// They are also used as keys in the LRU cache
var dbLocks [256]sync.Mutex
func dbLockSlot(key string) {
slot := blake2b.Sum512([]byte(key))[0]
func dbUnlockSlot(key string) {
slot := blake2b.Sum512([]byte(key))[0]
// ---- Key-value store supporting atomic test-and-set
func dbKvSlotKey(key string) string {
return "kv:" + key
func dbKvGet(key string) string {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
if ent, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return ent.(string)
var entry DbKv
if db.Where(&DbKv{Key: key}).First(&entry).RecordNotFound() {
return ""
} else {
return entry.Value
func dbKvPut(key string, value string) {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
dbKvPutLocked(key, value)
// Variant of dbKvPut that does not take a lock,
// use this if the slot is already locked
func dbKvPutLocked(key string, value string) {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
var entry DbKv
db.Where(&DbKv{Key: key}).Assign(&DbKv{Value: value}).FirstOrCreate(&entry)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, value)
func dbKvTestAndSet(key string, value string) bool {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
// True if value was changed, false if was already set
if dbKvGet(key) == value {
return false
dbKvPutLocked(key, value)
return true
// ----
func dbGetMxRoom(protocol string, roomId connector.RoomID) (string, error) {
slot_key := fmt.Sprintf("room:%s/%s", protocol, roomId)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
if cached, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return cached.(string), nil
// Check if room exists in our mapping,
// If not create it
var room DbRoomMap
must_create := db.First(&room, DbRoomMap{
Protocol: protocol,
RoomID: roomId,
if must_create {
alias := roomAlias(protocol, roomId)
// Delete previous alias if it existed
prev_full_alias := fmt.Sprintf("#%s:%s", alias, config.MatrixDomain)
mx_room_id, err := mx.DirectoryRoom(prev_full_alias)
if err == nil {
// Create room
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", roomId, protocol)
mx_room_id, err = mx.CreateRoom(name, alias, []string{})
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Could not create room for %s: %s", name, err)
return "", err
room = DbRoomMap{
Protocol: protocol,
RoomID: roomId,
MxRoomID: mx_room_id,
log.Tracef("%s -> %s", slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
return room.MxRoomID, nil
func dbPmRoomSlotKey(room *DbPmRoomMap) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("pmroom:%s/%s/%s/%s",
room.Protocol, room.MxUserID, room.AccountName, room.UserID)
func dbGetMxPmRoom(protocol string, them connector.UserID, themMxId string, usMxId string, usAccount string) (string, error) {
map_key := &DbPmRoomMap{
MxUserID: usMxId,
Protocol: protocol,
AccountName: usAccount,
UserID: them,
slot_key := dbPmRoomSlotKey(map_key)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
if cached, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return cached.(string), nil
var room DbPmRoomMap
must_create := db.First(&room, map_key).RecordNotFound()
if must_create {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", them, protocol)
mx_room_id, err := mx.CreateDirectRoomAs([]string{usMxId}, themMxId)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Could not create room for %s: %s", name, err)
return "", err
room = DbPmRoomMap{
MxUserID: usMxId,
Protocol: protocol,
AccountName: usAccount,
UserID: them,
MxRoomID: mx_room_id,
log.Tracef("%s -> %s", slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
return room.MxRoomID, nil
func dbDeletePmRoom(room *DbPmRoomMap) {
slot_key := dbPmRoomSlotKey(room)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
func dbGetMxUser(protocol string, userId connector.UserID) (string, error) {
slot_key := fmt.Sprintf("user:%s/%s", protocol, userId)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
if cached, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return cached.(string), nil
var user DbUserMap
must_create := db.First(&user, DbUserMap{
Protocol: protocol,
UserID: userId,
if must_create {
username := userMxId(protocol, userId)
err := mx.RegisterUser(username)
if err != nil {
if mxE, ok := err.(*mxlib.MxError); !ok || mxE.ErrCode != "M_USER_IN_USE" {
log.Warnf("Could not register %s: %s", username, err)
return "", err
mxid := fmt.Sprintf("@%s:%s", username, config.MatrixDomain)
mx.ProfileDisplayname(mxid, fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", userId, protocol))
user = DbUserMap{
Protocol: protocol,
UserID: userId,
MxUserID: mxid,
log.Tracef("%s -> %s", slot_key, user.MxUserID)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, user.MxUserID)
return user.MxUserID, nil
func dbIsPmRoom(mxRoomId string) *DbPmRoomMap {
var pm_room DbPmRoomMap
if db.First(&pm_room, DbPmRoomMap{MxRoomID: mxRoomId}).RecordNotFound() {
return nil
} else {
return &pm_room
func dbIsPublicRoom(mxRoomId string) *DbRoomMap {
var room DbRoomMap
if db.First(&room, DbRoomMap{MxRoomID: mxRoomId}).RecordNotFound() {
return nil
} else {
return &room