Alex 669c2c1c28 Actually gorm:"type:text" was useless
With the Postgres backend, strings will use text by default.
Using varchar(255) by default (which is stupid) is done only for sqlite,
which doesn't care about the type anyways.
2020-02-28 17:00:53 +01:00

358 lines
7.8 KiB

package main
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/postgres"
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/sqlite"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var db *gorm.DB
var dbCache *lru.TwoQueueCache
func InitDb() error {
var err error
db, err = gorm.Open(config.DbType, config.DbPath)
if err != nil {
return err
db.Model(&DbJoinedRoom{}).AddIndex("idx_joined_room_user_protocol_account", "mx_user_id", "protocol", "account_name")
db.Model(&DbUserMap{}).AddIndex("idx_user_map_protocol_user", "protocol", "user_id")
db.Model(&DbRoomMap{}).AddIndex("idx_room_map_protocol_room", "protocol", "room_id")
db.Model(&DbPmRoomMap{}).AddIndex("idx_pm_room_map_protocol_user_account_user", "protocol", "user_id", "mx_user_id", "account_name")
dbCache, err = lru.New2Q(10000)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Account configuration
type DbAccountConfig struct {
MxUserID string `gorm:"index"`
Name string
Protocol string
Config string
// List of joined channels to be re-joined on reconnect
type DbJoinedRoom struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
// User id and account name
MxUserID string
Protocol string
AccountName string
// Room ID
RoomID connector.RoomID
// User mapping between protocol user IDs and puppeted matrix ids
type DbUserMap struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
Protocol string
UserID connector.UserID
MxUserID string `gorm:"index"`
// Room mapping between Matrix rooms and outside rooms
type DbRoomMap struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
// Network protocol
Protocol string
// Room id on the bridged network
RoomID connector.RoomID
// Bridged room matrix id
MxRoomID string `gorm:"index"`
// Room mapping between Matrix rooms and private messages
type DbPmRoomMap struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
// User id and account name of the local end viewed on Matrix
MxUserID string
Protocol string
AccountName string
// User id to reach them
UserID connector.UserID
// Bridged room for PMs
MxRoomID string `gorm:"index"`
// Key-value store for various things
type DbKv struct {
Key string `gorm:"primary_key"`
Value string
// ---- Simple locking mechanism
// Slot keys are strings that identify the object we are acting upon
// They define which lock to lock for a certain operation
// They are also used as keys in the LRU cache
var dbLocks [256]sync.Mutex
func dbLockSlot(key string) {
slot := blake2b.Sum512([]byte(key))[0]
func dbUnlockSlot(key string) {
slot := blake2b.Sum512([]byte(key))[0]
// ---- Key-value store supporting atomic test-and-set
func dbKvSlotKey(key string) string {
return "kv:" + key
func dbKvGet(key string) string {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
if ent, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return ent.(string)
var entry DbKv
if db.Where(&DbKv{Key: key}).First(&entry).RecordNotFound() {
return ""
} else {
return entry.Value
func dbKvPut(key string, value string) {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
var entry DbKv
db.Where(&DbKv{Key: key}).Assign(&DbKv{Value: value}).FirstOrCreate(&entry)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, value)
func dbKvTestAndSet(key string, value string) bool {
slot_key := dbKvSlotKey(key)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
// True if value was changed, false if was already set
if dbKvGet(key) == value {
return false
var entry DbKv
db.Where(&DbKv{Key: key}).Assign(&DbKv{Value: value}).FirstOrCreate(&entry)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, value)
return true
// ----
func dbGetMxRoom(protocol string, roomId connector.RoomID) (string, error) {
slot_key := fmt.Sprintf("room:%s/%s", protocol, roomId)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
if cached, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return cached.(string), nil
// Check if room exists in our mapping,
// If not create it
var room DbRoomMap
must_create := db.First(&room, DbRoomMap{
Protocol: protocol,
RoomID: roomId,
if must_create {
alias := roomAlias(protocol, roomId)
// Lookup alias
mx_room_id, err := mx.DirectoryRoom(fmt.Sprintf("#%s:%s", alias, config.MatrixDomain))
// If no alias found, create room
if err != nil {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", roomId, protocol)
mx_room_id, err = mx.CreateRoom(name, alias, []string{})
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Could not create room for %s: %s", name, err)
return "", err
room = DbRoomMap{
Protocol: protocol,
RoomID: roomId,
MxRoomID: mx_room_id,
log.Tracef("%s -> %s", slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
return room.MxRoomID, nil
func dbPmRoomSlotKey(room *DbPmRoomMap) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("pmroom:%s/%s/%s/%s",
room.Protocol, room.MxUserID, room.AccountName, room.UserID)
func dbGetMxPmRoom(protocol string, them connector.UserID, themMxId string, usMxId string, usAccount string) (string, error) {
map_key := &DbPmRoomMap{
MxUserID: usMxId,
Protocol: protocol,
AccountName: usAccount,
UserID: them,
slot_key := dbPmRoomSlotKey(map_key)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
if cached, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return cached.(string), nil
var room DbPmRoomMap
must_create := db.First(&room, map_key).RecordNotFound()
if must_create {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", them, protocol)
mx_room_id, err := mx.CreateDirectRoomAs([]string{usMxId}, themMxId)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Could not create room for %s: %s", name, err)
return "", err
room = DbPmRoomMap{
MxUserID: usMxId,
Protocol: protocol,
AccountName: usAccount,
UserID: them,
MxRoomID: mx_room_id,
log.Tracef("%s -> %s", slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, room.MxRoomID)
return room.MxRoomID, nil
func dbDeletePmRoom(room *DbPmRoomMap) {
slot_key := dbPmRoomSlotKey(room)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
func dbGetMxUser(protocol string, userId connector.UserID) (string, error) {
slot_key := fmt.Sprintf("user:%s/%s", protocol, userId)
defer dbUnlockSlot(slot_key)
if cached, ok := dbCache.Get(slot_key); ok {
return cached.(string), nil
var user DbUserMap
must_create := db.First(&user, DbUserMap{
Protocol: protocol,
UserID: userId,
if must_create {
username := userMxId(protocol, userId)
err := mx.RegisterUser(username)
if err != nil {
if mxE, ok := err.(*mxlib.MxError); !ok || mxE.ErrCode != "M_USER_IN_USE" {
log.Warnf("Could not register %s: %s", username, err)
return "", err
mxid := fmt.Sprintf("@%s:%s", username, config.MatrixDomain)
mx.ProfileDisplayname(mxid, fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", userId, protocol))
user = DbUserMap{
Protocol: protocol,
UserID: userId,
MxUserID: mxid,
log.Tracef("%s -> %s", slot_key, user.MxUserID)
dbCache.Add(slot_key, user.MxUserID)
return user.MxUserID, nil
func dbIsPmRoom(mxRoomId string) *DbPmRoomMap {
var pm_room DbPmRoomMap
if db.First(&pm_room, DbPmRoomMap{MxRoomID: mxRoomId}).RecordNotFound() {
return nil
} else {
return &pm_room
func dbIsPublicRoom(mxRoomId string) *DbRoomMap {
var room DbRoomMap
if db.First(&room, DbRoomMap{MxRoomID: mxRoomId}).RecordNotFound() {
return nil
} else {
return &room