Better concurrency:

Use Notify instead of stupid sleep in background worker
Use Semaphore to limit concurrent requests in rpc_client
Make more background tasks cancellable
This commit is contained in:
Alex 2020-04-22 16:51:52 +00:00
parent c0335ac690
commit e8214cb180
10 changed files with 153 additions and 120 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "arc-swap"
version = "0.4.5"
version = "0.4.6"
source = "registry+"
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ name = "atty"
version = "0.2.14"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hermit-abi 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"hermit-abi 0.1.11 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ source = "registry+"
name = "cc"
version = "1.0.50"
version = "1.0.51"
source = "registry+"
@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ dependencies = [
name = "err-derive"
version = "0.2.3"
version = "0.2.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro-error 0.4.12 (registry+",
"proc-macro-error 1.0.2 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.10 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.3 (registry+",
"rustversion 1.0.2 (registry+",
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ name = "fs2"
version = "0.4.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
@ -316,17 +316,17 @@ dependencies = [
name = "garage"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"arc-swap 0.4.5 (registry+",
"arc-swap 0.4.6 (registry+",
"async-trait 0.1.30 (registry+",
"bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
"err-derive 0.2.3 (registry+",
"err-derive 0.2.4 (registry+",
"futures 0.3.4 (registry+",
"futures-core 0.3.4 (registry+",
"futures-util 0.3.4 (registry+",
"gethostname 0.2.1 (registry+",
"hex 0.3.2 (registry+",
"http 0.2.1 (registry+",
"hyper 0.13.4 (registry+",
"hyper 0.13.5 (registry+",
"hyper-rustls 0.20.0 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"pretty_env_logger 0.4.0 (registry+",
@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ dependencies = [
"serde_json 1.0.51 (registry+",
"sha2 0.8.1 (registry+",
"sled 0.31.0 (registry+",
"structopt 0.3.12 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.16 (registry+",
"structopt 0.3.14 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.18 (registry+",
"tokio-rustls 0.13.0 (registry+",
"toml 0.5.6 (registry+",
"webpki 0.21.2 (registry+",
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ name = "generic-array"
version = "0.12.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"typenum 1.11.2 (registry+",
"typenum 1.12.0 (registry+",
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ name = "gethostname"
version = "0.2.1"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ version = "0.1.14"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"wasi 0.9.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 (registry+",
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ dependencies = [
"indexmap 1.3.2 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.16 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.18 (registry+",
"tokio-util 0.3.1 (registry+",
@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ dependencies = [
name = "hermit-abi"
version = "0.1.10"
version = "0.1.11"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "hyper"
version = "0.13.4"
version = "0.13.5"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"bytes 0.5.4 (registry+",
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ dependencies = [
"itoa 0.4.5 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
"pin-project 0.4.8 (registry+",
"time 0.1.42 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.16 (registry+",
"pin-project 0.4.9 (registry+",
"time 0.1.43 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.18 (registry+",
"tower-service 0.3.0 (registry+",
"want 0.3.0 (registry+",
@ -473,10 +473,10 @@ source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"bytes 0.5.4 (registry+",
"futures-util 0.3.4 (registry+",
"hyper 0.13.4 (registry+",
"hyper 0.13.5 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"rustls 0.17.0 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.16 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.18 (registry+",
"tokio-rustls 0.13.0 (registry+",
"webpki 0.21.2 (registry+",
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ name = "iovec"
version = "0.1.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
@ -526,12 +526,12 @@ source = "registry+"
name = "libc"
version = "0.2.68"
version = "0.2.69"
source = "registry+"
name = "lock_api"
version = "0.3.3"
version = "0.3.4"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"scopeguard 1.1.0 (registry+",
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ dependencies = [
"fuchsia-zircon-sys 0.3.3 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"miow 0.2.1 (registry+",
"net2 0.2.33 (registry+",
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ version = "0.6.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.21 (registry+",
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ version = "0.2.33"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
@ -622,11 +622,11 @@ dependencies = [
name = "num_cpus"
version = "1.12.0"
version = "1.13.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"hermit-abi 0.1.10 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"hermit-abi 0.1.11 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
@ -636,37 +636,37 @@ source = "registry+"
name = "parking_lot"
version = "0.10.0"
version = "0.10.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"lock_api 0.3.3 (registry+",
"parking_lot_core 0.7.0 (registry+",
"lock_api 0.3.4 (registry+",
"parking_lot_core 0.7.2 (registry+",
name = "parking_lot_core"
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+",
"cloudabi 0.0.3 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+",
"smallvec 1.2.0 (registry+",
"smallvec 1.3.0 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "pin-project"
version = "0.4.8"
version = "0.4.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"pin-project-internal 0.4.8 (registry+",
"pin-project-internal 0.4.9 (registry+",
name = "pin-project-internal"
version = "0.4.8"
version = "0.4.9"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.10 (registry+",
@ -700,10 +700,10 @@ dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro-error"
version = "0.4.12"
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro-error-attr 0.4.12 (registry+",
"proc-macro-error-attr 1.0.2 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.10 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.3 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.17 (registry+",
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "proc-macro-error-attr"
version = "0.4.12"
version = "1.0.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.10 (registry+",
@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ version = "0.7.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"getrandom 0.1.14 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"rand_chacha 0.2.2 (registry+",
"rand_core 0.5.1 (registry+",
"rand_hc 0.2.0 (registry+",
@ -816,9 +816,9 @@ name = "ring"
version = "0.16.12"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"cc 1.0.50 (registry+",
"cc 1.0.51 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"spin 0.5.2 (registry+",
"untrusted 0.7.0 (registry+",
"web-sys 0.3.37 (registry+",
@ -937,8 +937,8 @@ name = "signal-hook-registry"
version = "1.2.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"arc-swap 0.4.5 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"arc-swap 0.4.6 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
@ -956,14 +956,14 @@ dependencies = [
"crossbeam-utils 0.7.2 (registry+",
"fs2 0.4.3 (registry+",
"fxhash 0.2.1 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.10.0 (registry+",
"parking_lot 0.10.2 (registry+",
name = "smallvec"
version = "1.2.0"
version = "1.3.0"
source = "registry+"
@ -973,21 +973,21 @@ source = "registry+"
name = "structopt"
version = "0.3.12"
version = "0.3.14"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"clap 2.33.0 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"structopt-derive 0.4.5 (registry+",
"structopt-derive 0.4.7 (registry+",
name = "structopt-derive"
version = "0.4.5"
version = "0.4.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"heck 0.3.1 (registry+",
"proc-macro-error 0.4.12 (registry+",
"proc-macro-error 1.0.2 (registry+",
"proc-macro2 1.0.10 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.3 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.17 (registry+",
@ -1050,17 +1050,16 @@ dependencies = [
name = "time"
version = "0.1.42"
version = "0.1.43"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"redox_syscall 0.1.56 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"winapi 0.3.8 (registry+",
name = "tokio"
version = "0.2.16"
version = "0.2.18"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"bytes 0.5.4 (registry+",
@ -1068,11 +1067,11 @@ dependencies = [
"futures-core 0.3.4 (registry+",
"iovec 0.1.4 (registry+",
"lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.68 (registry+",
"libc 0.2.69 (registry+",
"memchr 2.3.3 (registry+",
"mio 0.6.21 (registry+",
"mio-uds 0.6.7 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.12.0 (registry+",
"num_cpus 1.13.0 (registry+",
"pin-project-lite 0.1.4 (registry+",
"signal-hook-registry 1.2.0 (registry+",
"slab 0.4.2 (registry+",
@ -1097,7 +1096,7 @@ source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"futures-core 0.3.4 (registry+",
"rustls 0.17.0 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.16 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.18 (registry+",
"webpki 0.21.2 (registry+",
@ -1111,7 +1110,7 @@ dependencies = [
"futures-sink 0.3.4 (registry+",
"log 0.4.8 (registry+",
"pin-project-lite 0.1.4 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.16 (registry+",
"tokio 0.2.18 (registry+",
@ -1134,7 +1133,7 @@ source = "registry+"
name = "typenum"
version = "1.11.2"
version = "1.12.0"
source = "registry+"
@ -1291,7 +1290,7 @@ dependencies = [
"checksum aho-corasick 0.7.10 (registry+" = "8716408b8bc624ed7f65d223ddb9ac2d044c0547b6fa4b0d554f3a9540496ada"
"checksum arc-swap 0.4.5 (registry+" = "d663a8e9a99154b5fb793032533f6328da35e23aac63d5c152279aa8ba356825"
"checksum arc-swap 0.4.6 (registry+" = "b585a98a234c46fc563103e9278c9391fde1f4e6850334da895d27edb9580f62"
"checksum async-trait 0.1.30 (registry+" = "da71fef07bc806586090247e971229289f64c210a278ee5ae419314eb386b31d"
"checksum atty 0.2.14 (registry+" = "d9b39be18770d11421cdb1b9947a45dd3f37e93092cbf377614828a319d5fee8"
"checksum autocfg 1.0.0 (registry+" = "f8aac770f1885fd7e387acedd76065302551364496e46b3dd00860b2f8359b9d"
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"checksum byteorder 1.3.4 (registry+" = "08c48aae112d48ed9f069b33538ea9e3e90aa263cfa3d1c24309612b1f7472de"
"checksum bytes 0.4.12 (registry+" = "206fdffcfa2df7cbe15601ef46c813fce0965eb3286db6b56c583b814b51c81c"
"checksum bytes 0.5.4 (registry+" = "130aac562c0dd69c56b3b1cc8ffd2e17be31d0b6c25b61c96b76231aa23e39e1"
"checksum cc 1.0.50 (registry+" = "95e28fa049fda1c330bcf9d723be7663a899c4679724b34c81e9f5a326aab8cd"
"checksum cc 1.0.51 (registry+" = "9c9384ca4b90c0ea47e19a5c996d6643a3e73dedf9b89c65efb67587e34da1bb"
"checksum cfg-if 0.1.10 (registry+" = "4785bdd1c96b2a846b2bd7cc02e86b6b3dbf14e7e53446c4f54c92a361040822"
"checksum clap 2.33.0 (registry+" = "5067f5bb2d80ef5d68b4c87db81601f0b75bca627bc2ef76b141d7b846a3c6d9"
"checksum cloudabi 0.0.3 (registry+" = "ddfc5b9aa5d4507acaf872de71051dfd0e309860e88966e1051e462a077aac4f"
@ -1313,7 +1312,7 @@ dependencies = [
"checksum crossbeam-utils 0.7.2 (registry+" = "c3c7c73a2d1e9fc0886a08b93e98eb643461230d5f1925e4036204d5f2e261a8"
"checksum digest 0.8.1 (registry+" = "f3d0c8c8752312f9713efd397ff63acb9f85585afbf179282e720e7704954dd5"
"checksum env_logger 0.7.1 (registry+" = "44533bbbb3bb3c1fa17d9f2e4e38bbbaf8396ba82193c4cb1b6445d711445d36"
"checksum err-derive 0.2.3 (registry+" = "82f46c91bbed409ee74495549acbfcc7fae856e712e1df15afe75d0775eedc6c"
"checksum err-derive 0.2.4 (registry+" = "22deed3a8124cff5fa835713fa105621e43bbdc46690c3a6b68328a012d350d4"
"checksum fake-simd 0.1.2 (registry+" = "e88a8acf291dafb59c2d96e8f59828f3838bb1a70398823ade51a84de6a6deed"
"checksum fnv 1.0.6 (registry+" = "2fad85553e09a6f881f739c29f0b00b0f01357c743266d478b68951ce23285f3"
"checksum fs2 0.4.3 (registry+" = "9564fc758e15025b46aa6643b1b77d047d1a56a1aea6e01002ac0c7026876213"
@ -1334,13 +1333,13 @@ dependencies = [
"checksum getrandom 0.1.14 (registry+" = "7abc8dd8451921606d809ba32e95b6111925cd2906060d2dcc29c070220503eb"
"checksum h2 0.2.4 (registry+" = "377038bf3c89d18d6ca1431e7a5027194fbd724ca10592b9487ede5e8e144f42"
"checksum heck 0.3.1 (registry+" = "20564e78d53d2bb135c343b3f47714a56af2061f1c928fdb541dc7b9fdd94205"
"checksum hermit-abi 0.1.10 (registry+" = "725cf19794cf90aa94e65050cb4191ff5d8fa87a498383774c47b332e3af952e"
"checksum hermit-abi 0.1.11 (registry+" = "8a0d737e0f947a1864e93d33fdef4af8445a00d1ed8dc0c8ddb73139ea6abf15"
"checksum hex 0.3.2 (registry+" = "805026a5d0141ffc30abb3be3173848ad46a1b1664fe632428479619a3644d77"
"checksum http 0.2.1 (registry+" = "28d569972648b2c512421b5f2a405ad6ac9666547189d0c5477a3f200f3e02f9"
"checksum http-body 0.3.1 (registry+" = "13d5ff830006f7646652e057693569bfe0d51760c0085a071769d142a205111b"
"checksum httparse 1.3.4 (registry+" = "cd179ae861f0c2e53da70d892f5f3029f9594be0c41dc5269cd371691b1dc2f9"
"checksum humantime 1.3.0 (registry+" = "df004cfca50ef23c36850aaaa59ad52cc70d0e90243c3c7737a4dd32dc7a3c4f"
"checksum hyper 0.13.4 (registry+" = "ed6081100e960d9d74734659ffc9cc91daf1c0fc7aceb8eaa94ee1a3f5046f2e"
"checksum hyper 0.13.5 (registry+" = "96816e1d921eca64d208a85aab4f7798455a8e34229ee5a88c935bdee1b78b14"
"checksum hyper-rustls 0.20.0 (registry+" = "ac965ea399ec3a25ac7d13b8affd4b8f39325cca00858ddf5eb29b79e6b14b08"
"checksum indexmap 1.3.2 (registry+" = "076f042c5b7b98f31d205f1249267e12a6518c1481e9dae9764af19b707d2292"
"checksum iovec 0.1.4 (registry+" = "b2b3ea6ff95e175473f8ffe6a7eb7c00d054240321b84c57051175fe3c1e075e"
@ -1348,8 +1347,8 @@ dependencies = [
"checksum js-sys 0.3.37 (registry+" = "6a27d435371a2fa5b6d2b028a74bbdb1234f308da363226a2854ca3ff8ba7055"
"checksum kernel32-sys 0.2.2 (registry+" = "7507624b29483431c0ba2d82aece8ca6cdba9382bff4ddd0f7490560c056098d"
"checksum lazy_static 1.4.0 (registry+" = "e2abad23fbc42b3700f2f279844dc832adb2b2eb069b2df918f455c4e18cc646"
"checksum libc 0.2.68 (registry+" = "dea0c0405123bba743ee3f91f49b1c7cfb684eef0da0a50110f758ccf24cdff0"
"checksum lock_api 0.3.3 (registry+" = "79b2de95ecb4691949fea4716ca53cdbcfccb2c612e19644a8bad05edcf9f47b"
"checksum libc 0.2.69 (registry+" = "99e85c08494b21a9054e7fe1374a732aeadaff3980b6990b94bfd3a70f690005"
"checksum lock_api 0.3.4 (registry+" = "c4da24a77a3d8a6d4862d95f72e6fdb9c09a643ecdb402d754004a557f2bec75"
"checksum log 0.4.8 (registry+" = "14b6052be84e6b71ab17edffc2eeabf5c2c3ae1fdb464aae35ac50c67a44e1f7"
"checksum maybe-uninit 2.0.0 (registry+" = "60302e4db3a61da70c0cb7991976248362f30319e88850c487b9b95bbf059e00"
"checksum memchr 2.3.3 (registry+" = "3728d817d99e5ac407411fa471ff9800a778d88a24685968b36824eaf4bee400"
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"checksum miow 0.2.1 (registry+" = "8c1f2f3b1cf331de6896aabf6e9d55dca90356cc9960cca7eaaf408a355ae919"
"checksum net2 0.2.33 (registry+" = "42550d9fb7b6684a6d404d9fa7250c2eb2646df731d1c06afc06dcee9e1bcf88"
"checksum num-traits 0.2.11 (registry+" = "c62be47e61d1842b9170f0fdeec8eba98e60e90e5446449a0545e5152acd7096"
"checksum num_cpus 1.12.0 (registry+" = "46203554f085ff89c235cd12f7075f3233af9b11ed7c9e16dfe2560d03313ce6"
"checksum num_cpus 1.13.0 (registry+" = "05499f3756671c15885fee9034446956fff3f243d6077b91e5767df161f766b3"
"checksum opaque-debug 0.2.3 (registry+" = "2839e79665f131bdb5782e51f2c6c9599c133c6098982a54c794358bf432529c"
"checksum parking_lot 0.10.0 (registry+" = "92e98c49ab0b7ce5b222f2cc9193fc4efe11c6d0bd4f648e374684a6857b1cfc"
"checksum parking_lot_core 0.7.0 (registry+" = "7582838484df45743c8434fbff785e8edf260c28748353d44bc0da32e0ceabf1"
"checksum pin-project 0.4.8 (registry+" = "7804a463a8d9572f13453c516a5faea534a2403d7ced2f0c7e100eeff072772c"
"checksum pin-project-internal 0.4.8 (registry+" = "385322a45f2ecf3410c68d2a549a4a2685e8051d0f278e39743ff4e451cb9b3f"
"checksum parking_lot 0.10.2 (registry+" = "d3a704eb390aafdc107b0e392f56a82b668e3a71366993b5340f5833fd62505e"
"checksum parking_lot_core 0.7.2 (registry+" = "d58c7c768d4ba344e3e8d72518ac13e259d7c7ade24167003b8488e10b6740a3"
"checksum pin-project 0.4.9 (registry+" = "6f6a7f5eee6292c559c793430c55c00aea9d3b3d1905e855806ca4d7253426a2"
"checksum pin-project-internal 0.4.9 (registry+" = "8988430ce790d8682672117bc06dda364c0be32d3abd738234f19f3240bad99a"
"checksum pin-project-lite 0.1.4 (registry+" = "237844750cfbb86f67afe27eee600dfbbcb6188d734139b534cbfbf4f96792ae"
"checksum pin-utils 0.1.0-alpha.4 (registry+" = "5894c618ce612a3fa23881b152b608bafb8c56cfc22f434a3ba3120b40f7b587"
"checksum ppv-lite86 0.2.6 (registry+" = "74490b50b9fbe561ac330df47c08f3f33073d2d00c150f719147d7c54522fa1b"
"checksum pretty_env_logger 0.4.0 (registry+" = "926d36b9553851b8b0005f1275891b392ee4d2d833852c417ed025477350fb9d"
"checksum proc-macro-error 0.4.12 (registry+" = "18f33027081eba0a6d8aba6d1b1c3a3be58cbb12106341c2d5759fcd9b5277e7"
"checksum proc-macro-error-attr 0.4.12 (registry+" = "8a5b4b77fdb63c1eca72173d68d24501c54ab1269409f6b672c85deb18af69de"
"checksum proc-macro-error 1.0.2 (registry+" = "98e9e4b82e0ef281812565ea4751049f1bdcdfccda7d3f459f2e138a40c08678"
"checksum proc-macro-error-attr 1.0.2 (registry+" = "4f5444ead4e9935abd7f27dc51f7e852a0569ac888096d5ec2499470794e2e53"
"checksum proc-macro-hack 0.5.15 (registry+" = "0d659fe7c6d27f25e9d80a1a094c223f5246f6a6596453e09d7229bf42750b63"
"checksum proc-macro-nested 0.1.4 (registry+" = "8e946095f9d3ed29ec38de908c22f95d9ac008e424c7bcae54c75a79c527c694"
"checksum proc-macro2 1.0.10 (registry+" = "df246d292ff63439fea9bc8c0a270bed0e390d5ebd4db4ba15aba81111b5abe3"
@ -1399,25 +1398,25 @@ dependencies = [
"checksum signal-hook-registry 1.2.0 (registry+" = "94f478ede9f64724c5d173d7bb56099ec3e2d9fc2774aac65d34b8b890405f41"
"checksum slab 0.4.2 (registry+" = "c111b5bd5695e56cffe5129854aa230b39c93a305372fdbb2668ca2394eea9f8"
"checksum sled 0.31.0 (registry+" = "8fb6824dde66ad33bf20c6e8476f5b82b871bc8bc3c129a10ea2f7dae5060fa3"
"checksum smallvec 1.2.0 (registry+" = "5c2fb2ec9bcd216a5b0d0ccf31ab17b5ed1d627960edff65bbe95d3ce221cefc"
"checksum smallvec 1.3.0 (registry+" = "05720e22615919e4734f6a99ceae50d00226c3c5aca406e102ebc33298214e0a"
"checksum spin 0.5.2 (registry+" = "6e63cff320ae2c57904679ba7cb63280a3dc4613885beafb148ee7bf9aa9042d"
"checksum structopt 0.3.12 (registry+" = "c8faa2719539bbe9d77869bfb15d4ee769f99525e707931452c97b693b3f159d"
"checksum structopt-derive 0.4.5 (registry+" = "3f88b8e18c69496aad6f9ddf4630dd7d585bcaf765786cb415b9aec2fe5a0430"
"checksum structopt 0.3.14 (registry+" = "863246aaf5ddd0d6928dfeb1a9ca65f505599e4e1b399935ef7e75107516b4ef"
"checksum structopt-derive 0.4.7 (registry+" = "d239ca4b13aee7a2142e6795cbd69e457665ff8037aed33b3effdc430d2f927a"
"checksum syn 1.0.17 (registry+" = "0df0eb663f387145cab623dea85b09c2c5b4b0aef44e945d928e682fce71bb03"
"checksum syn-mid 0.5.0 (registry+" = "7be3539f6c128a931cf19dcee741c1af532c7fd387baa739c03dd2e96479338a"
"checksum synstructure 0.12.3 (registry+" = "67656ea1dc1b41b1451851562ea232ec2e5a80242139f7e679ceccfb5d61f545"
"checksum termcolor 1.1.0 (registry+" = "bb6bfa289a4d7c5766392812c0a1f4c1ba45afa1ad47803c11e1f407d846d75f"
"checksum textwrap 0.11.0 (registry+" = "d326610f408c7a4eb6f51c37c330e496b08506c9457c9d34287ecc38809fb060"
"checksum thread_local 1.0.1 (registry+" = "d40c6d1b69745a6ec6fb1ca717914848da4b44ae29d9b3080cbee91d72a69b14"
"checksum time 0.1.42 (registry+" = "db8dcfca086c1143c9270ac42a2bbd8a7ee477b78ac8e45b19abfb0cbede4b6f"
"checksum tokio 0.2.16 (registry+" = "ee5a0dd887e37d37390c13ff8ac830f992307fe30a1fff0ab8427af67211ba28"
"checksum time 0.1.43 (registry+" = "ca8a50ef2360fbd1eeb0ecd46795a87a19024eb4b53c5dc916ca1fd95fe62438"
"checksum tokio 0.2.18 (registry+" = "34ef16d072d2b6dc8b4a56c70f5c5ced1a37752116f8e7c1e80c659aa7cb6713"
"checksum tokio-macros 0.2.5 (registry+" = "f0c3acc6aa564495a0f2e1d59fab677cd7f81a19994cfc7f3ad0e64301560389"
"checksum tokio-rustls 0.13.0 (registry+" = "4adb8b3e5f86b707f1b54e7c15b6de52617a823608ccda98a15d3a24222f265a"
"checksum tokio-util 0.3.1 (registry+" = "be8242891f2b6cbef26a2d7e8605133c2c554cd35b3e4948ea892d6d68436499"
"checksum toml 0.5.6 (registry+" = "ffc92d160b1eef40665be3a05630d003936a3bc7da7421277846c2613e92c71a"
"checksum tower-service 0.3.0 (registry+" = "e987b6bf443f4b5b3b6f38704195592cca41c5bb7aedd3c3693c7081f8289860"
"checksum try-lock 0.2.2 (registry+" = "e604eb7b43c06650e854be16a2a03155743d3752dd1c943f6829e26b7a36e382"
"checksum typenum 1.11.2 (registry+" = "6d2783fe2d6b8c1101136184eb41be8b1ad379e4657050b8aaff0c79ee7575f9"
"checksum typenum 1.12.0 (registry+" = "373c8a200f9e67a0c95e62a4f52fbf80c23b4381c05a17845531982fa99e6b33"
"checksum unicode-segmentation 1.6.0 (registry+" = "e83e153d1053cbb5a118eeff7fd5be06ed99153f00dbcd8ae310c5fb2b22edc0"
"checksum unicode-width 0.1.7 (registry+" = "caaa9d531767d1ff2150b9332433f32a24622147e5ebb1f26409d5da67afd479"
"checksum unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+" = "826e7639553986605ec5979c7dd957c7895e93eabed50ab2ffa7f6128a75097c"

View File

@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ use std::pin::Pin;
use futures::future::join_all;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, watch};
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, watch, Notify};
use crate::error::Error;
@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ pub struct BackgroundRunner {
queue_in: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Job, bool)>,
queue_out: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(Job, bool)>>,
job_notify: Notify,
workers: Mutex<Vec<tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>>>,
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ impl BackgroundRunner {
queue_out: Mutex::new(queue_out),
job_notify: Notify::new(),
workers: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ impl BackgroundRunner {
let boxed: Job = Box::pin(job);
let _: Result<_, _> = self.queue_in.clone().send((boxed, false));
pub fn spawn_cancellable<T>(&self, job: T)
@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ impl BackgroundRunner {
let boxed: Job = Box::pin(job);
let _: Result<_, _> = self.queue_in.clone().send((boxed, true));
pub async fn spawn_worker<F, T>(&self, name: String, worker: F)
@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ impl BackgroundRunner {
info!("Background runner {} exiting", i);

View File

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ async fn main() {
let rpc_http_cli =
Arc::new(RpcHttpClient::new(&tls_config).expect("Could not create RPC client"));
Arc::new(RpcHttpClient::new(8, &tls_config).expect("Could not create RPC client"));
let membership_rpc_cli =
RpcAddrClient::new(rpc_http_cli.clone(), MEMBERSHIP_RPC_PATH.to_string());
let admin_rpc_cli = RpcAddrClient::new(rpc_http_cli.clone(), ADMIN_RPC_PATH.to_string());

View File

@ -296,8 +296,10 @@ impl System {
let (update_ring, ring) = watch::channel(Arc::new(ring));
let rpc_http_client =
Arc::new(RpcHttpClient::new(&config.rpc_tls).expect("Could not create RPC client"));
let rpc_http_client = Arc::new(
RpcHttpClient::new(config.max_concurrent_requests, &config.rpc_tls)
.expect("Could not create RPC client"),
let rpc_path = MEMBERSHIP_RPC_PATH.to_string();
let rpc_client = RpcClient::new(

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
use hyper::client::{Client, HttpConnector};
use hyper::{Body, Method, Request};
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tokio::sync::{watch, Semaphore};
use crate::background::BackgroundRunner;
use crate::data::*;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ impl<M: RpcMessage + 'static> RpcClient<M> {
if results.len() >= stop_after {
// Continue requests in background
// TODO: make this optionnal (only usefull for write requests)
self.clone().background.spawn(async move {
self.clone().background.spawn_cancellable(async move {
@ -164,14 +164,22 @@ impl<M: RpcMessage> RpcAddrClient<M> {
pub enum RpcHttpClient {
pub struct RpcHttpClient {
request_limiter: Semaphore,
method: ClientMethod,
enum ClientMethod {
HTTP(Client<HttpConnector, hyper::Body>),
HTTPS(Client<tls_util::HttpsConnectorFixedDnsname<HttpConnector>, hyper::Body>),
impl RpcHttpClient {
pub fn new(tls_config: &Option<TlsConfig>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if let Some(cf) = tls_config {
pub fn new(
max_concurrent_requests: usize,
tls_config: &Option<TlsConfig>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let method = if let Some(cf) = tls_config {
let ca_certs = tls_util::load_certs(&cf.ca_cert)?;
let node_certs = tls_util::load_certs(&cf.node_cert)?;
let node_key = tls_util::load_private_key(&cf.node_key)?;
@ -187,10 +195,14 @@ impl RpcHttpClient {
let connector =
tls_util::HttpsConnectorFixedDnsname::<HttpConnector>::new(config, "garage");
} else {
Ok(RpcHttpClient {
request_limiter: Semaphore::new(max_concurrent_requests),
async fn call<M, MB>(
@ -204,9 +216,9 @@ impl RpcHttpClient {
MB: Borrow<M>,
M: RpcMessage,
let uri = match self {
RpcHttpClient::HTTP(_) => format!("http://{}/{}", to_addr, path),
RpcHttpClient::HTTPS(_) => format!("https://{}/{}", to_addr, path),
let uri = match self.method {
ClientMethod::HTTP(_) => format!("http://{}/{}", to_addr, path),
ClientMethod::HTTPS(_) => format!("https://{}/{}", to_addr, path),
let req = Request::builder()
@ -214,12 +226,22 @@ impl RpcHttpClient {
let resp_fut = match self {
RpcHttpClient::HTTP(client) => client.request(req).fuse(),
RpcHttpClient::HTTPS(client) => client.request(req).fuse(),
let resp_fut = match &self.method {
ClientMethod::HTTP(client) => client.request(req).fuse(),
ClientMethod::HTTPS(client) => client.request(req).fuse(),
let slot = self.request_limiter.acquire().await;
let resp = tokio::time::timeout(timeout, resp_fut)
.map_err(|e| {
"RPC timeout to {}: {}",
.map_err(|e| {
"RPC HTTP client error when connecting to {}: {}",
@ -227,6 +249,7 @@ impl RpcHttpClient {
let status = resp.status();
let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(resp.into_body()).await?;
@ -240,3 +263,4 @@ impl RpcHttpClient {

View File

@ -52,9 +52,10 @@ where
Ok(resp) => {
let resp_bytes = rmp_to_vec_all_named::<Result<M, String>>(&Ok(resp))?;
"]RPC:{},ok ({} ms)",
"]RPC:{},ok ({} ms), request: {}",
(Instant::now() - begin_time).as_millis()
(Instant::now() - begin_time).as_millis(),
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ where
(Instant::now() - begin_time).as_millis(),

View File

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ pub struct Config {
pub bootstrap_peers: Vec<SocketAddr>,
#[serde(default = "default_max_concurrent_requests")]
pub max_concurrent_requests: usize,
#[serde(default = "default_block_size")]
pub block_size: usize,
@ -50,6 +53,9 @@ pub struct Config {
pub rpc_tls: Option<TlsConfig>,
fn default_max_concurrent_requests() -> usize {
fn default_block_size() -> usize {

View File

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ where
let ent2 = ret_entry.clone();
.spawn(async move { self2.repair_on_read(&who[..], ent2).await });
.spawn_cancellable(async move { self2.repair_on_read(&who[..], ent2).await });
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ where
if !to_repair.is_empty() {
let self2 = self.clone();
self.system.background.spawn(async move {
self.system.background.spawn_cancellable(async move {
for (_, v) in to_repair.iter_mut() {
self2.repair_on_read(&who[..], v.take().unwrap()).await?;
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ where
self.instance.updated(old_entry, Some(new_entry)).await?;
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ where
let self2 = self.clone();
.spawn(async move { self2.insert_many(&epidemic_propagate[..]).await });
.spawn_cancellable(async move { self2.insert_many(&epidemic_propagate[..]).await });
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ where
self.instance.updated(Some(old_entry), None).await?;
count += 1;

View File

@ -132,10 +132,9 @@ where
let s3 = syncer.clone();
table.system.background.spawn(async move {
tokio::spawn(async move {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
for FILE in $(find target/debug/deps); do
echo $FILE
curl -v localhost:3900/$FILE -X PUT -H 'Host: garage' -H 'Content-Type: application/blob' --data-binary "@$FILE"
echo -n "$FILE "
curl localhost:3900/$FILE -X PUT -H 'Host: garage' -H 'Content-Type: application/blob' --data-binary "@$FILE" || echo "ERROR"