simplify byte encodings, use prefixes for crypto data types
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 251 additions and 163 deletions
@ -82,6 +82,30 @@ Terms can be interpreted in a number of different ways, depending on the context
Terms further have mappings as different data types:
- BYTES: if the term maps as a STRING, decode it using base64
- INT: if the term maps as a STRING, decode it as an integer written in decimal notation
- BYTES: if the term maps as a STRING, decode it using base64. Since a STRING cannot be empty, the string `-` is used to represent an empty byte string.
- Cryptographic data types (see below)
## Cryptographic data types
Cryptographic values such as keys, hashes, signatures, etc. are encoded
as STRING with a prefix indicating the algorithm used, followed by ":",
followed by the base64-encoded value.
Prefixes are as follows:
- `` public key for NaCl's box API
- `` secret key for NaCl's box API
- `sk.sbox:` secret key for NaCl's secretbox API
- `h.sha256:` sha256 hash
- `h.sha512:` sha512 hash
- `h.sha3:` sha3 hash
- `h.b2:` blake2b hash
- `h.b3:` blake3 hash
- `sig.ed25519:` ed25519 signature
- `pk.ed25519:` ed25519 public signing key
- `sk.ed25519:` ed25519 secret signing key
More can be added.
- HASH, PUBKEY, SECKEY, SIGNATURE, ENCKEY, DECKEY, SYMKEY: a bunch of things that interpret BYTES as specific cryptographic items
@ -1,48 +1,156 @@
//! Helpers to use cryptographic data types in nettext
pub use dryoc::types::Bytes;
pub use dryoc::*;
use dryoc::types::{Bytes, StackByteArray};
use crate::dec;
use crate::enc;
pub type SigningKeyPair = sign::SigningKeyPair<sign::PublicKey, sign::SecretKey>;
const BM_HASH: &str = "h.b2";
impl<const N: usize> enc::Encode for StackByteArray<N> {
fn term(&self) -> enc::Result<'_> {
const BM_SIGNATURE: &str = "sig.ed25519";
const BM_SIGN_KEYPAIR: &str = "sk.ed25519";
const BM_SIGN_PUBKEY: &str = "pk.ed25519";
// ---- types ----
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Hash(pub generichash::Hash);
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Signature(pub sign::Signature);
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SigningPublicKey(pub sign::PublicKey);
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SigningKeyPair(pub sign::SigningKeyPair<sign::PublicKey, sign::SecretKey>);
impl SigningKeyPair {
/// Return the public key of this keypair
pub fn public_key(&self) -> SigningPublicKey {
impl enc::Encode for sign::SigningKeyPair<sign::PublicKey, sign::SecretKey> {
// ---- encoding ----
impl enc::Encode for Hash {
fn term(&self) -> enc::Result<'_> {
enc::marked_bytes(BM_HASH, self.0.as_slice())
// ---- helpers ----
impl enc::Encode for Signature {
fn term(&self) -> enc::Result<'_> {
enc::marked_bytes(BM_SIGNATURE, self.0.as_slice())
impl enc::Encode for SigningPublicKey {
fn term(&self) -> enc::Result<'_> {
enc::marked_bytes(BM_SIGN_PUBKEY, self.0.as_slice())
impl enc::Encode for SigningKeyPair {
fn term(&self) -> enc::Result<'_> {
enc::marked_bytes(BM_SIGN_KEYPAIR, self.0.secret_key.as_slice())
// ---- calculating hashes, signatures, etc ----
/// Compute the hash of a payload with default dryoc parameters and optionnal key
pub fn compute_hash(bytes: &[u8], key: Option<&[u8; 32]>) -> generichash::Hash {
generichash::GenericHash::hash_with_defaults(bytes, key).unwrap()
pub fn compute_hash(bytes: &[u8], key: Option<&[u8; 32]>) -> Hash {
Hash(generichash::GenericHash::hash_with_defaults(bytes, key).unwrap())
/// Generate a new signing keypair
pub fn gen_signing_keypair() -> SigningKeyPair {
/// Compute the ed25519 signature of a message using a secret key
pub fn compute_signature(message: &[u8], secret_key: &sign::SecretKey) -> sign::Signature {
pub fn compute_signature(message: &[u8], keypair: &SigningKeyPair) -> Signature {
/// Verify the ed25519 signature of a message using a public key
pub fn verify_signature(
signature: &sign::Signature,
signature: &Signature,
message: &[u8],
public_key: &sign::PublicKey,
public_key: &SigningPublicKey,
) -> bool {
sign::SignedMessage::from_parts(signature.clone(), message)
sign::SignedMessage::from_parts(signature.0.clone(), message)
// ---- decode helpers ----
pub trait CryptoDec {
/// Try to interpret this string as a Blake2b512 digest
/// (32-bytes base64 encoded, prefixed by `h.b2:`)
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use nettext::dec::decode;
/// use nettext::crypto::{compute_hash, CryptoDec};
/// let term = decode(b"{
/// message = hello;
/// hash = h.b2:Mk3PAn3UowqTLEQfNlol6GsXPe-kuOWJSCU0cbgbcs8;
/// }").unwrap();
/// let [msg, hash] = term.dict_of(["message", "hash"], false).unwrap();
/// let expected_hash = compute_hash(msg.raw(), None);
/// assert_eq!(hash.hash().unwrap(), expected_hash);
/// ```
fn hash(&self) -> Result<Hash, dec::TypeError>;
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 signature
/// (64 bytes base64 encoded, prefixed by `sig.ed25519:`)
fn signature(&self) -> Result<Signature, dec::TypeError>;
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 keypair
/// (64 bytes base64 encoded, prefixed by `sk.ed25519:`)
fn keypair(&self) -> Result<SigningKeyPair, dec::TypeError>;
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 public key
/// (32 bytes base64 encoded, prefixed by `pk.ed25519:`)
fn public_key(&self) -> Result<SigningPublicKey, dec::TypeError>;
impl<'a, 'b> CryptoDec for dec::Term<'a, 'b> {
fn hash(&self) -> Result<Hash, dec::TypeError> {
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 signature (64 bytes base64 encoded)
fn signature(&self) -> Result<Signature, dec::TypeError> {
fn keypair(&self) -> Result<SigningKeyPair, dec::TypeError> {
let secret_key = sign::SecretKey::from(self.marked_bytes_exact(BM_SIGN_KEYPAIR)?);
fn public_key(&self) -> Result<SigningPublicKey, dec::TypeError> {
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ pub enum TypeError {
/// The term could not be decoded in the given type
#[error(display = "Not a {}", _0)]
WrongType(&'static str),
/// The term did not have the correct marker
#[error(display = "Byte marker was not {}", _0)]
WrongMarker(&'static str),
/// The term is not an array of the requested length
#[error(display = "Expected {} items, got {}", _0, _1)]
@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ mod error;
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[cfg(any(feature = "dryoc"))]
use crate::crypto;
use crate::debug;
pub use decode::*;
@ -420,7 +417,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Term<'a, 'b> {
match self.0.mkref() {
AnyTerm::Str(encoded) => {
if encoded == b"." {
if encoded == b"-" {
} else {
@ -442,68 +439,40 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Term<'a, 'b> {
/// Try to interpret this string as base64-encoded bytes,
/// with an exact length.
/// with a marker prefix and an exact byte length.
/// This is typically used for cryptographic data types such as hashes,
/// keys, signatures, ...
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use nettext::dec::decode;
/// let term = decode(b"aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&term.bytes_exact::<13>().unwrap(), b"hello, world!");
/// let term = decode(b"test:aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(&term.marked_bytes_exact::<13>("test").unwrap(), b"hello, world!");
/// ```
pub fn bytes_exact<const N: usize>(&self) -> Result<[u8; N], TypeError> {
let bytes = self.bytes()?;
let bytes_len = bytes.len();
.map_err(|_| TypeError::WrongLength(bytes_len, N))
// ---- CRYPTO HELPERS ----
#[cfg(feature = "dryoc")]
impl<'a, 'b> Term<'a, 'b> {
/// Try to interpret this string as a Blake2b512 digest (32-bytes base64 encoded)
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use nettext::dec::decode;
/// use nettext::crypto::generichash::GenericHash;
/// let term = decode(b"{
/// message = hello;
/// hash = Mk3PAn3UowqTLEQfNlol6GsXPe-kuOWJSCU0cbgbcs8;
/// }").unwrap();
/// let [msg, hash] = term.dict_of(["message", "hash"], false).unwrap();
/// let expected_hash = GenericHash::hash_with_defaults(msg.raw(), None::<&Vec<u8>>).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(hash.hash().unwrap(), expected_hash);
/// ```
pub fn hash(&self) -> Result<crypto::generichash::Hash, TypeError> {
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 keypair (64 bytes base64 encoded)
pub fn keypair(&self) -> Result<crypto::SigningKeyPair, TypeError> {
let secret_key = crypto::sign::SecretKey::from(self.bytes_exact()?);
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 public key (32 bytes base64 encoded)
pub fn public_key(&self) -> Result<crypto::sign::PublicKey, TypeError> {
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 secret key (32 bytes base64 encoded)
pub fn secret_key(&self) -> Result<crypto::sign::SecretKey, TypeError> {
/// Try to interpret this string as an ed25519 signature (64 bytes base64 encoded)
pub fn signature(&self) -> Result<crypto::sign::Signature, TypeError> {
pub fn marked_bytes_exact<const N: usize>(
marker: &'static str,
) -> Result<[u8; N], TypeError> {
let mkr = marker.as_bytes();
match &self.0 {
if s.len() >= mkr.len() + 2 && &s[..mkr.len()] == mkr && s[mkr.len()] == b':' =>
let bytes = match &s[mkr.len() + 1..] {
b"-" => vec![],
bytes => base64::decode_config(bytes, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)
.map_err(|_| TypeError::WrongType("BYTES"))?,
let bytes_len = bytes.len();
.map_err(|_| TypeError::WrongLength(bytes_len, N))
AnyTerm::Str(_) => Err(TypeError::WrongMarker(marker)),
_ => Err(TypeError::WrongType("BYTES")),
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ mod error;
use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::*;
use crate::dec::{self, decode};
use crate::{is_string_char, is_whitespace, BytesEncoding};
use crate::*;
use crate::{is_string_char, is_whitespace};
pub use error::Error;
@ -100,61 +100,77 @@ pub fn raw(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<'_> {
/// Term corresponding to a byte slice,
/// encoding using base64 url-safe encoding without padding.
/// Since empty strings are not possible in nettext,
/// an empty byte string is encoded as an empty list (`[]`).
/// an empty byte string is encoded as the special string `-`.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use nettext::enc::*;
/// assert_eq!(bytes(b"").encode(), b"-");
/// assert_eq!(bytes(b"hello, world!").encode(), b"aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ");
/// ```
pub fn bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Term<'static> {
bytes_format(bytes, BytesEncoding::Base64 { split: false })
if bytes.is_empty() {
} else {
base64::encode_config(bytes, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).into_bytes(),
/// Same as `bytes()`, but splits the byte slice in 48-byte chunks
/// and encodes each chunk separately, putting them in a sequence of terms.
/// Usefull for long byte slices to have cleaner representations,
/// mainly usefull for dictionnary keys.
/// Usefull for long byte slices to have cleaner representations.
pub fn bytes_split(bytes: &[u8]) -> Term<'static> {
bytes_format(bytes, BytesEncoding::Base64 { split: true })
if bytes.is_empty() {
} else {
let chunks = bytes
.map(|b| T::OwnedStr(base64::encode_config(b, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).into_bytes()))
if chunks.len() > 1 {
} else {
pub fn bytes_format(bytes: &[u8], encoding: BytesEncoding) -> Term<'static> {
match encoding {
BytesEncoding::Base64 { .. } | BytesEncoding::Hex { .. } if bytes.is_empty() => {
BytesEncoding::Base64 { split: false } => Term(T::OwnedStr(
base64::encode_config(bytes, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).into_bytes(),
BytesEncoding::Base64 { split: true } => {
let chunks = bytes
.map(|b| {
T::OwnedStr(base64::encode_config(b, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).into_bytes())
if chunks.len() > 1 {
} else {
BytesEncoding::Hex { split: false } => Term(T::OwnedStr(hex::encode(bytes).into_bytes())),
BytesEncoding::Hex { split: true } => {
let chunks = bytes
.map(|b| T::OwnedStr(hex::encode(b).into_bytes()))
if chunks.len() > 1 {
} else {
/// Term corresponding to a byte slice,
/// encoding using base64 url-safe encoding without padding,
/// with a prefix used to identify its content type.
/// The marker prefix is typically used in crypto settings to identify
/// a cryptographic protocol or algorithm; it may not contain the `:` character.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use nettext::enc::*;
/// assert_eq!(marked_bytes("mytype", b"").unwrap().encode(), b"mytype:-");
/// assert_eq!(marked_bytes("mytype", b"hello, world!").unwrap().encode(), b"mytype:aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ");
/// ```
pub fn marked_bytes(marker: &str, bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<'static> {
for c in marker.as_bytes().iter() {
if !is_string_char(*c) || *c == b':' {
return Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(*c));
if bytes.is_empty() {
Ok(Term(T::OwnedStr(format!("{}:-", marker).into_bytes())))
} else {
base64::encode_config(bytes, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)
// ---- composed terms -----
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
//! use nettext::crypto::*;
//! let final_payload = {
//! let keypair = SigningKeyPair::gen_with_defaults();
//! let keypair = gen_signing_keypair();
//! // Encode a fist object that represents a payload that will be hashed and signed
//! let signed_payload = seq([
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
//! ("c", raw(b"{ a = 12; b = 42 }").unwrap()),
//! ("d", bytes_split(&((0..128u8).collect::<Vec<_>>()))),
//! ]).unwrap(),
//! keypair.public_key.term().unwrap(),
//! keypair.public_key().term().unwrap(),
//! ]).unwrap().encode();
//! eprintln!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&signed_payload).unwrap());
//! let hash = compute_hash(&signed_payload, None);
//! let sign = compute_signature(&signed_payload[..], &keypair.secret_key);
//! let sign = compute_signature(&signed_payload[..], &keypair);
//! // Encode a second object that represents the signed and hashed payload
//! dict([
@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
//! YGFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn8;
//! } ZCkE-mTMlK3355u_0UzabRbSNcNO3CWAur7dAhglYtI
//! } pk.ed25519:inYgWFyL_BzZTsXNKp71r2aVct_3Izi_bkerbzOiz94
//! ```
//! And the value of `final_payload` would be as follows:
//! ```raw
//! {
//! hash = fTTk8Hm0HLGwaskCIqFBzRVMrVTeXGetmNBK2X3pNyY;
//! hash = h.b2:B1AnRocS90DmqxynGyvvBNuh-brucNO7-5hrsGplJr0;
//! payload = CALL myfunction {
//! a = hello;
//! b = world;
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
//! YGFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6e3x9fn8;
//! } ZCkE-mTMlK3355u_0UzabRbSNcNO3CWAur7dAhglYtI;
//! signature = XPMrlhAIMfZb6a5Fh5F_ZaEf61olJ1hK4I2kh7vEPT1n20S-943X5cH35bb0Bfwkvy_ENfOTbb3ep1zn2lSIBg;
//! } pk.ed25519:inYgWFyL_BzZTsXNKp71r2aVct_3Izi_bkerbzOiz94;
//! signature = sig.ed25519:LvLC1gHxNxUH44HHQRO-zWtLM4WyXhiYLFr94qTdI311Wa-kmgZsaWqSWe3jcjkS4PnsWSNt5apgbhR68cWWCg;
//! }
//! ```
@ -93,30 +93,6 @@ pub mod crypto;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub mod serde;
/// Possible encodings for byte strings in NetText
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum BytesEncoding {
/// Base64 encoding (default)
Base64 { split: bool },
/// Hexadecimal encoding
Hex { split: bool },
impl Default for BytesEncoding {
fn default() -> Self {
BytesEncoding::Base64 { split: true }
impl BytesEncoding {
pub fn without_whitespace(&self) -> Self {
match self {
BytesEncoding::Base64 { .. } => BytesEncoding::Base64 { split: false },
BytesEncoding::Hex { .. } => BytesEncoding::Hex { split: false },
// ---- syntactic elements of the data format ----
pub(crate) const DICT_OPEN: u8 = b'{';
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ mod de;
mod error;
mod ser;
pub use crate::BytesEncoding;
pub use de::{from_bytes, from_term, Deserializer};
pub use error::{Error, Result};
pub use ser::{to_bytes, to_term, Serializer};
@ -2,15 +2,11 @@ use serde::{ser, Serialize};
use crate::enc::*;
use crate::serde::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::BytesEncoding;
use serde::ser::Error as SerError;
/// Serde serializer for nettext
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct Serializer {
pub string_format: BytesEncoding,
pub bytes_format: BytesEncoding,
pub struct Serializer;
/// Serialize value to nettext encoder term
pub fn to_term<T>(value: &T) -> Result<Term<'static>>
@ -94,11 +90,11 @@ impl<'a> ser::Serializer for &'a mut Serializer {
fn serialize_str(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Ok> {
Ok(bytes_format(v.as_bytes(), self.string_format))
fn serialize_bytes(self, v: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Ok> {
Ok(bytes_format(v, self.bytes_format))
fn serialize_none(self) -> Result<Self::Ok> {
@ -313,10 +309,7 @@ impl ser::SerializeMap for MapSerializer {
T: ?Sized + Serialize,
let mut ser = Serializer {
string_format: self.ser.string_format.without_whitespace(),
bytes_format: self.ser.bytes_format.without_whitespace(),
let mut ser = Serializer;
|||| = Some(key.serialize(&mut ser)?.encode());
Add table
Reference in a new issue