pub mod crypto; pub mod dec; pub mod enc; // ---- syntactic elements of the data format ---- pub(crate) const DICT_OPEN: u8 = b'{'; pub(crate) const DICT_CLOSE: u8 = b'}'; pub(crate) const DICT_ASSIGN: u8 = b'='; pub(crate) const DICT_DELIM: u8 = b','; pub(crate) const STR_EXTRA_CHARS: &[u8] = b"._-*?"; pub(crate) fn is_string_char(c: u8) -> bool { c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || STR_EXTRA_CHARS.contains(&c) } pub(crate) fn is_whitespace(c: u8) -> bool { c.is_ascii_whitespace() }