//! Functions to generate nettext representations of data structures use std::collections::HashMap; use crate::dec::{self, decode}; use crate::{is_string_char, is_whitespace}; /// A term meant to be encoded into a nettext representation pub struct Term<'a>(T<'a>); enum T<'a> { Str(&'a [u8]), OwnedStr(Vec), Dict(HashMap<&'a [u8], T<'a>>), List(Vec>), Err(Error), } /// An error that happenned when creating a nettext encoder term #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { InvalidCharacter(u8), InvalidRaw, NotADictionnary, } // ---- helpers to transform datatypes into encoder terms ---- /// Trait for anything that can be encoded as nettext pub trait Encode { fn term(&self) -> Term<'_>; } impl<'a, 'b> Encode for dec::Term<'a, 'b> { fn term(&self) -> Term<'_> { Term(T::Str(self.raw())) } } // ---- helpers to build terms ---- /// Term corresponding to a string (that may contain whitespace) /// /// ``` /// use nettext::enc::*; /// /// assert_eq!(encode(string("Hello world .")).unwrap(), b"Hello world ."); /// ``` pub fn string(s: &str) -> Term<'_> { for c in s.as_bytes().iter() { if !(is_string_char(*c) || is_whitespace(*c)) { return Term(T::Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(*c))); } } Term(T::Str(s.as_bytes())) } /// Include a raw nettext value /// /// ``` /// use nettext::enc::*; /// /// assert_eq!(encode(raw(b"Hello { a = b, c = d} .")).unwrap(), b"Hello { a = b, c = d} ."); /// ``` pub fn raw(bytes: &[u8]) -> Term<'_> { if decode(bytes).is_err() { return Term(T::Err(Error::InvalidRaw)); } Term(T::Str(bytes)) } /// Term corresponding to a list of terms /// /// ``` /// use nettext::enc::*; /// /// assert_eq!(encode(list([ /// string("Hello"), /// string("world") /// ])).unwrap(), b"Hello world"); /// ``` pub fn list<'a, I: IntoIterator>>(terms: I) -> Term<'a> { let mut tmp = Vec::with_capacity(8); for t in terms { match t.0 { T::Err(e) => return Term(T::Err(e)), x => tmp.push(x), } } Term(T::List(tmp)) } /// Term corresponding to a dictionnary of items /// /// ``` /// use nettext::enc::*; /// /// assert_eq!(encode(dict([ /// ("a", string("Hello")), /// ("b", string("world")) /// ])).unwrap(), b"{\n a = Hello,\n b = world,\n}"); /// ``` pub fn dict<'a, I: IntoIterator)>>(pairs: I) -> Term<'a> { let mut tmp = HashMap::new(); for (k, v) in pairs { match v.0 { T::Err(e) => return Term(T::Err(e)), vv => { tmp.insert(k.as_bytes(), vv); } } } Term(T::Dict(tmp)) } /// Term corresponding to a byte slice, /// encoding using base64 url-safe encoding without padding /// /// Example: /// /// ``` /// use nettext::enc::*; /// /// assert_eq!(encode(bytes(b"hello, world!")).unwrap(), b"aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ"); /// ``` pub fn bytes(b: &[u8]) -> Term<'static> { Term(T::OwnedStr( base64::encode_config(b, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).into_bytes(), )) } impl<'a> Term<'a> { /// Append a term to an existing term. /// Transforms the initial term into a list if necessary. pub fn append(self, t: Term<'a>) -> Term<'a> { match t.0 { T::Err(e) => Term(T::Err(e)), tt => match self.0 { T::List(mut v) => { v.push(tt); Term(T::List(v)) } x => Term(T::List(vec![x, tt])), }, } } /// Inserts a key-value pair into a term that is a dictionnary. /// Fails if `self` is not a dictionnary. pub fn insert(self, k: &'a str, v: Term<'a>) -> Term<'a> { match v.0 { T::Err(e) => Term(T::Err(e)), vv => match self.0 { T::Dict(mut d) => { d.insert(k.as_bytes(), vv); Term(T::Dict(d)) } _ => Term(T::Err(Error::NotADictionnary)), }, } } } // ---- encoding function ---- /// Generate the nettext representation of a term pub fn encode(t: Term<'_>) -> Result, Error> { let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(128); encode_aux(&mut buf, t.0, 0)?; Ok(buf) } fn encode_aux(buf: &mut Vec, term: T<'_>, indent: usize) -> Result<(), Error> { match term { T::Str(s) => buf.extend_from_slice(s), T::OwnedStr(s) => buf.extend_from_slice(&s), T::Dict(mut d) => { buf.extend_from_slice(b"{\n"); let indent2 = indent + 2; let mut keys = d.keys().cloned().collect::>(); keys.sort(); for k in keys { let v = d.remove(k).unwrap(); for _ in 0..indent2 { buf.push(b' '); } buf.extend_from_slice(k); buf.extend_from_slice(b" = "); encode_aux(buf, v, indent2)?; buf.extend_from_slice(b",\n"); } for _ in 0..indent { buf.push(b' '); } buf.push(b'}'); } T::List(l) => { let indent2 = indent + 2; for (i, v) in l.into_iter().enumerate() { if buf.iter().rev().take_while(|c| **c != b'\n').count() > 80 { buf.push(b'\n'); for _ in 0..indent2 { buf.push(b' '); } } else if i > 0 { buf.push(b' '); } encode_aux(buf, v, indent2)?; } } T::Err(e) => return Err(e), } Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn complex1() { let input = list([ string("HELLO"), string("alexhelloworld"), dict([ ("from", string("jxx")), ("subject", string("hello")), ("data", raw(b"{ f1 = plop, f2 = kuko }")), ]), ]); let expected = b"HELLO alexhelloworld { data = { f1 = plop, f2 = kuko }, from = jxx, subject = hello, }"; let enc = encode(input).unwrap(); eprintln!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&enc).unwrap()); eprintln!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&expected[..]).unwrap()); assert_eq!(&enc, &expected[..]); } }