use std::collections::HashMap; use nom::{ branch::alt, bytes::complete::{tag, take_while, take_while1}, combinator::{map, opt}, multi::{separated_list0, separated_list1}, IResult, InputLength, }; use crate::dec::{debug, AnyTerm, NonListTerm, Term}; const DICT_OPEN: &[u8] = b"{"; const DICT_CLOSE: &[u8] = b"}"; const DICT_ASSIGN: &[u8] = b"="; const DICT_DELIM: &[u8] = b","; const STR_EXTRA_CHARS: &[u8] = b"._-*?"; // ---- /// The error kind returned by the `decode` function. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum DecodeError<'a> { /// Indicates that there is trailing garbage at the end of the decoded string Garbage(&'a [u8]), /// Indicates that the entered string does not represent a complete NetText term IncompleteInput, /// Indicates a syntax error in the decoded term NomError(&'a [u8], nom::error::ErrorKind), } impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for DecodeError<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::result::Result<(), std::fmt::Error> { match self { DecodeError::Garbage(g) => write!(f, "Garbage: `{}`", debug(g)), DecodeError::IncompleteInput => write!(f, "Incomplete input"), DecodeError::NomError(s, e) => write!(f, "Nom: {:?}, at: `{}`", e, debug(s)), } } } /// The result type returned by the `decode` function pub type DecodeResult<'a, T> = std::result::Result>; impl<'a> From>> for DecodeError<'a> { fn from(e: nom::Err>) -> DecodeError<'a> { match e { nom::Err::Incomplete(_) => DecodeError::IncompleteInput, nom::Err::Error(e) | nom::Err::Failure(e) => DecodeError::NomError(e.input, e.code), } } } // ---- /// Decodes a NetText string into the term it represents. pub fn decode<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> DecodeResult<'a, Term<'a, 'static>> { let (rest, term) = decode_term(input)?; let (end, _) = take_while(is_whitespace)(rest)?; if !end.is_empty() { return Err(DecodeError::Garbage(end)); } Ok(Term(term)) } fn decode_term<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], AnyTerm<'a, 'static>> { eprintln!("DT: `{}`", debug(input)); let (start, _) = take_while(is_whitespace)(input)?; eprintln!("DT2: `{}`", debug(start)); let (rest, list) = separated_list1(take_while1(is_whitespace), decode_nonlist_term)(start)?; eprintln!("DT3: `{}`", debug(rest)); if list.len() == 1 { Ok((rest, list.into_iter().next().unwrap().into())) } else { let raw_len = start.input_len() - rest.input_len(); let list_raw = &start[..raw_len]; Ok((rest, AnyTerm::List(list_raw, list))) } } fn decode_nonlist_term<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], NonListTerm<'a, 'static>> { eprintln!("DNLT: `{}`", debug(input)); let (rest, term) = alt(( map(decode_str, NonListTerm::Str), map(decode_dict, |(raw, d)| NonListTerm::Dict(raw, d)), ))(input)?; eprintln!("DNLTend: `{}` {:?}", debug(rest), term); Ok((rest, term)) } fn decode_str<'a>(input: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], &'a [u8]> { eprintln!("DS: `{}`", debug(input)); let (rest, data) = take_while1(is_string_char)(input)?; Ok((rest, data)) } type DictType<'a> = (&'a [u8], HashMap<&'a [u8], AnyTerm<'a, 'static>>); fn decode_dict<'a>(dict_begin: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], DictType<'a>> { eprintln!("DDbegin: `{}`", debug(dict_begin)); let (d, _) = tag(DICT_OPEN)(dict_begin)?; eprintln!("DD2: `{}`", debug(d)); let (d, items) = separated_list0(dict_separator, decode_dict_item)(d)?; eprintln!("DD3: `{}`", debug(d)); let (d, _) = opt(dict_separator)(d)?; let (d, _) = take_while(is_whitespace)(d)?; eprintln!("DD4: `{}`", debug(d)); let (dict_end, _) = tag(DICT_CLOSE)(d)?; eprintln!("DDend: `{}`", debug(dict_end)); let dict = items.into_iter().collect::>(); let raw_len = dict_begin.input_len() - dict_end.input_len(); let dict_raw = &dict_begin[..raw_len]; Ok((dict_end, (dict_raw, dict))) } fn dict_separator<'a>(d: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], ()> { let (d, _) = take_while(is_whitespace)(d)?; let (d, _) = tag(DICT_DELIM)(d)?; Ok((d, ())) } fn decode_dict_item<'a>(d: &'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8], (&'a [u8], AnyTerm<'a, 'static>)> { eprintln!("DDI: `{}`", debug(d)); let (d, _) = take_while(is_whitespace)(d)?; eprintln!("DDI1: `{}`", debug(d)); let (d, key) = decode_str(d)?; eprintln!("DDI2: `{}`", debug(d)); let (d, _) = take_while(is_whitespace)(d)?; let (d, _) = tag(DICT_ASSIGN)(d)?; eprintln!("DDI3: `{}`", debug(d)); let (d, value) = decode_term(d)?; eprintln!("DDI4: `{}`", debug(d)); Ok((d, (key, value))) } fn is_string_char(c: u8) -> bool { c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || STR_EXTRA_CHARS.contains(&c) } fn is_whitespace(c: u8) -> bool { c.is_ascii_whitespace() } // ---- #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn simple_str() { let bytes = b" plop "; assert_eq!(decode(bytes), Ok(AnyTerm::Str(b"plop").into())); } #[test] fn list_of_str_str() { let bytes = b" plop plap plip ploup "; assert_eq!( decode(bytes), Ok(AnyTerm::List( b"plop plap plip ploup", vec![ NonListTerm::Str(b"plop"), NonListTerm::Str(b"plap"), NonListTerm::Str(b"plip"), NonListTerm::Str(b"ploup"), ] ) .into()) ); } #[test] fn simple_dict() { let bytes = b" { aze = hello, by = bojzkz pipo, ccde = ke } "; assert_eq!( decode(bytes), Ok(AnyTerm::Dict( b"{ aze = hello, by = bojzkz pipo, ccde = ke }", [ (&b"aze"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"hello")), ( &b"by"[..], AnyTerm::List( b"bojzkz pipo", vec![NonListTerm::Str(b"bojzkz"), NonListTerm::Str(b"pipo")] ) ), (&b"ccde"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"ke")), ] .into_iter() .collect() ) .into()) ); } #[test] fn simple_dict_2() { let bytes = b" { aze = hello, by = bojzkz pipo , ccde = ke , } "; assert_eq!( decode(bytes), Ok(AnyTerm::Dict( b"{ aze = hello, by = bojzkz pipo , ccde = ke , }", [ (&b"aze"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"hello")), ( &b"by"[..], AnyTerm::List( b"bojzkz pipo", vec![NonListTerm::Str(b"bojzkz"), NonListTerm::Str(b"pipo")] ) ), (&b"ccde"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"ke")), ] .into_iter() .collect() ) .into()) ); } #[test] fn real_world_1() { let bytes = b"HEAD alexpubkey"; assert_eq!( decode(bytes), Ok(AnyTerm::List( b"HEAD alexpubkey", vec![NonListTerm::Str(b"HEAD"), NonListTerm::Str(b"alexpubkey")] ) .into()), ); } #[test] fn real_world_2() { let bytes = b"STANCE sthash stsign { author = alexpubkey, height = 12, parent = parenthash, data = MESSAGE { text = hello } }"; assert_eq!( decode(bytes), Ok(AnyTerm::List( &bytes[..], vec![ NonListTerm::Str(b"STANCE"), NonListTerm::Str(b"sthash"), NonListTerm::Str(b"stsign"), NonListTerm::Dict(b"{ author = alexpubkey, height = 12, parent = parenthash, data = MESSAGE { text = hello } }", [ (&b"author"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"alexpubkey")), (&b"height"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"12")), (&b"parent"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"parenthash")), (&b"data"[..], AnyTerm::List( b"MESSAGE { text = hello }", vec![ NonListTerm::Str(b"MESSAGE"), NonListTerm::Dict( b"{ text = hello }", [ (&b"text"[..], AnyTerm::Str(b"hello")), ] .into_iter() .collect() ) ] )) ].into_iter().collect() ), ]).into(), )); } }