//! The Switch64 encoding for text strings //! //! Allowed characters are encoded as-is. //! Others are encoded using base64. //! Plain parts and base64-encoded parts are separated by a backslasah `\` use crate::{SWITCH64_EXTRA_CHARS, SWITCH64_SEPARATOR}; pub fn encode(bytes: &[u8], allow_whitespace: bool) -> Vec { let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(bytes.len()); let mut pos = 0; while pos < bytes.len() { // Determine how many bytes to copy as-is let cnt = bytes[pos..] .iter() .take_while(|c| is_valid_plaintext_char(**c, allow_whitespace)) .count(); // Copy those bytes as-is output.extend_from_slice(&bytes[pos..pos + cnt]); pos += cnt; // If some bytes remain, switch to base64 encoding if pos < bytes.len() { output.push(SWITCH64_SEPARATOR); } else { break; } // Count how many bytes to write as base64 // We stop at the first position where we find three consecutive // characters to encode as-is let mut b64end = bytes.len(); for i in pos..bytes.len() - 3 { if bytes[i..i + 3] .iter() .all(|c| is_valid_plaintext_char(*c, allow_whitespace)) { b64end = i; break; } } output.extend_from_slice( base64::encode_config(&bytes[pos..b64end], base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).as_bytes(), ); pos = b64end; if pos < bytes.len() { output.push(SWITCH64_SEPARATOR); } } output } pub fn decode(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result, base64::DecodeError> { let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(bytes.len()); let mut pos = 0; while pos < bytes.len() { let cnt = bytes[pos..] .iter() .take_while(|c| **c != SWITCH64_SEPARATOR) .count(); output.extend_from_slice(&bytes[pos..pos + cnt]); pos += cnt + 1; if pos >= bytes.len() { break; } let cnt = bytes[pos..] .iter() .take_while(|c| **c != SWITCH64_SEPARATOR) .count(); output.extend_from_slice(&base64::decode_config( &bytes[pos..pos + cnt], base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, )?); pos += cnt + 1; } Ok(output) } #[inline] fn is_valid_plaintext_char(c: u8, allow_whitespace: bool) -> bool { c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || (allow_whitespace && c.is_ascii_whitespace()) || SWITCH64_EXTRA_CHARS.contains(&c) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::debug; #[test] fn test_encode() { assert_eq!(debug(&encode(&b"hello world"[..], true)), "hello world"); assert_eq!( debug(&encode(&b"hello, world!"[..], true)), "hello\\LA\\ world\\IQ" ); assert_eq!(debug(&encode(&b",;,@$;8"[..], true)), "\\LDssQCQ7OA"); } #[test] fn test_decode() { assert_eq!(debug(&decode(&b"hello world"[..]).unwrap()), "hello world"); assert_eq!( debug(&decode(&b"hello\\LA\\ world\\IQ"[..]).unwrap()), "hello, world!" ); assert_eq!(debug(&decode(&b"\\LDssQCQ7OA"[..]).unwrap()), ",;,@$;8"); } #[test] fn test_encdec() { for s in [ br#"assert_eq!(debug(&decode(&b"hello\\LA\\ world\\IQ"[..]).unwrap()), "hello, world!");"#.to_vec(), br#"- a list, which may contain any number of any kind of terms (can be mixed)"#.to_vec(), base64::decode("dVcG5EzJqGP/2ZGkVu4ewzfAug1W96tb2KiBOVyPUXfw8uD34DEepW/PPqRzi0HL").unwrap() ] { assert_eq!(decode(&encode(&s, true)).unwrap(), s); assert_eq!(decode(&encode(&s, false)).unwrap(), s); } } }