This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 276 additions and 6 deletions
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -14,9 +14,63 @@ media_library:
max_file_size: 1024000
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icon: homePage
label: Page principale
label_singular: Page principale
create: false
destroy: false
description: >
Créez vos propre pages
folder: content/blog
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- title
- date
- title
- date
field: title
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label: Posts With Index
field: title
pattern: 'This is post #'
- name: posts-without-index
label: Posts Without Index
field: title
pattern: front matter post
- name: by-year
label: Year
field: date
pattern: '\d{4}'
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name: title
widget: string
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name: date
widget: datetime
date_format: yyyy-MM-dd
time_format: 'HH:mm'
format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"
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name: image
widget: image
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- label: Body
name: body
widget: markdown
hint: "*Main* __content__ __*goes*__ [here](https://example.com/)."
- name: pages
#to build a hugo section (look for it)
label: Pages du site
icon: postPage
label_singular: 'Page'
folder: content/pages
#path: '{{slug}}/_index'
@ -51,8 +105,82 @@ collections:
# media_library:
# config:
# multiple: true
- label: 'Configuration'
name: settings
# - name: posts
# icon: postPage
# label: Posts
# label_singular: Post
# description: >
# The description is a great place for tone setting, high level information,
# and editing guidelines that are specific to a collection.
# folder: content/_posts
# slug: '{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{slug}}'
# summary_fields:
# - title
# - date
# sortable_fields:
# fields:
# - title
# - date
# default:
# field: title
# create: true
# view_filters:
# filters:
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# label: Posts With Index
# field: title
# pattern: 'This is post #'
# - name: posts-without-index
# label: Posts Without Index
# field: title
# pattern: front matter post
# - name: draft
# label: Drafts
# field: draft
# pattern: true
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# groups:
# - name: by-year
# label: Year
# field: date
# pattern: '\d{4}'
# - name: draft
# label: Drafts
# field: draft
# fields:
# - label: Title
# name: title
# widget: string
# - label: 'Draft'
# name: 'draft'
# widget: 'boolean'
# default: false
# - label: Publish Date
# name: date
# widget: datetime
# date_format: yyyy-MM-dd
# time_format: 'HH:mm'
# format: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"
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# name: image
# widget: image
# required: false
# - label: Description
# name: description
# widget: text
# - label: Category
# name: category
# widget: string
# - label: Body
# name: body
# widget: markdown
# hint: '*Main* __content__ __*goes*__ [here](https://example.com/).'
# - label: Tags
# name: tags
# widget: list
- name: settings
label: 'Configuration'
icon: settingsPage
- label: 'Configuration du thème'
name: theme settings
@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
<!-- Include the script that builds the page and powers Static CMS -->
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<script type="module" src="index.js"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
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h('g', {}, [
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CMS.registerIcon('settingsPage', () => settingsSVG);
CMS.registerIcon('postPage', () => post2SVG);
CMS.registerIcon('helpPage', () => helpSVG);
const TutorialPage = () => {
return h('div', {}, 'TODO tutoriel!');
id: 'tutorial',
title: 'Tutoriel',
data: TutorialPage,
options: {
icon: 'helpPage',
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