backend: name: gitea repo: maximeg/palettetest # Path to your Gitea repository app_id: e8c9892d-30f2-428f-b639-172402acbf94 # The Client ID provided by Gitea api_root: # API URL of your Gitea instance base_url: # Root URL of your Gitea instance # optional, defaults to main # branch: main locale: 'fr' media_folder: "static/images" public_folder: "/images" collections: - name: pages label: Pages label_singular: 'Page' folder: content/pages create: true # adding a nested object will show the collection folder structure nested: depth: 100 # max depth to show in the collection tree summary: '{{title}}' # optional summary for a tree node, defaults to the inferred title field # adding a path object allows editing the path of entries # moving an existing entry will move the entire sub tree of the entry to the new location path: { widget: string, index_file: '{{}}' } fields: - label: Title name: title widget: string - label: Body name: body widget: markdown # - label: 'Settings' # name: settings # files: # - label: 'Theme Settings' # name: theme settings # file: 'site/settings.toml' # fields: # - label: toml file # name: toml file # widget: 'file' # media_library: # config: # multiple: true - label: 'Configuration' name: settings files: - label: 'Configuration du thème' name: theme settings file: 'hugo_config/_default/theme_settings.toml' extension: toml fields: - label: 'Paramètres' name: params widget: object fields: - name: site_logo label: "Logo du site" widget: image hint: "Le logo qui apparaît en haut à gauche sur toutes les pages du site" choose_url: true - name: favicon label: "Favicon" widget: image hint: "L'icône qui apparaît à côté du nom dans l'onglet" - label: Couleur du fond name: background_color_class widget: select hint: Pour choisir la couleur du fond options: - label: 'Rouge' value: 'bg-red' - label: 'Bleu' value: 'bg-blue' - label: 'Vert' value: 'bg-green' - label: 'Violet' value: 'bg-purple' - label: 'Grapefruit slice atop a pile of other slices' value: 'bg-orange' - label: 'Réseaux sociaux' name: ananke_socials widget: list collapsed: true summary: '{{ | upper}}' add_to_top: false label_singular: 'Réseau' fields: - name: name label: 'Réseau social' widget: select options: - label: 'Facebook' value: 'facebook' - label: 'LinkedIn' value: 'linkedin' - name: url label: 'Lien du compte' widget: string