use std::convert::TryInto; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use futures::select; use futures_util::future::*; use log::{debug, warn}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use sled::transaction::{ ConflictableTransactionError, ConflictableTransactionResult, TransactionalTree, }; use tokio::sync::{watch, Notify}; use garage_util::background::BackgroundRunner; use garage_util::data::*; use garage_util::error::Error; pub type MerklePartition = [u8; 2]; pub fn hash_of_merkle_partition(p: MerklePartition) -> Hash { let mut partition_pos = [0u8; 32]; partition_pos[0..2].copy_from_slice(&p[..]); partition_pos.into() } pub fn hash_of_merkle_partition_opt(p: Option) -> Hash { .unwrap_or([0xFFu8; 32].into()) } // This modules partitions the data in 2**16 partitions, based on the top // 16 bits (two bytes) of item's partition keys' hashes. // It builds one Merkle tree for each of these 2**16 partitions. pub struct MerkleUpdater { table_name: String, background: Arc, // Content of the todo tree: items where // - key = the key of an item in the main table, ie hash(partition_key)+sort_key // - value = the hash of the full serialized item, if present, // or an empty vec if item is absent (deleted) pub todo: sled::Tree, pub(crate) todo_notify: Notify, // Content of the merkle tree: items where // - key = .bytes() for MerkleNodeKey // - value = serialization of a MerkleNode, assumed to be MerkleNode::empty if not found pub merkle_tree: sled::Tree, empty_node_hash: Hash, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct MerkleNodeKey { // partition: first 16 bits (two bytes) of the partition_key's hash pub partition: MerklePartition, // prefix: a prefix for the hash of full keys, i.e. hash(hash(partition_key)+sort_key) pub prefix: Vec, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum MerkleNode { // The empty Merkle node Empty, // An intermediate Merkle tree node for a prefix // Contains the hashes of the 256 possible next prefixes Intermediate(Vec<(u8, Hash)>), // A final node for an item // Contains the full key of the item and the hash of the value Leaf(Vec, Hash), } impl MerkleUpdater { pub(crate) fn launch( table_name: String, background: Arc, todo: sled::Tree, merkle_tree: sled::Tree, ) -> Arc { let empty_node_hash = blake2sum(&rmp_to_vec_all_named(&MerkleNode::Empty).unwrap()[..]); let ret = Arc::new(Self { table_name, background, todo, todo_notify: Notify::new(), merkle_tree, empty_node_hash, }); let ret2 = ret.clone(); ret.background.spawn_worker( format!("Merkle tree updater for {}", ret.table_name), |must_exit: watch::Receiver| ret2.updater_loop(must_exit), ); ret } async fn updater_loop( self: Arc, mut must_exit: watch::Receiver, ) -> Result<(), Error> { while !*must_exit.borrow() { if let Some(x) = self.todo.iter().next() { match x { Ok((key, valhash)) => { if let Err(e) = self.update_item(&key[..], &valhash[..]) { warn!( "({}) Error while updating Merkle tree item: {}", self.table_name, e ); } } Err(e) => { warn!( "({}) Error while iterating on Merkle todo tree: {}", self.table_name, e ); tokio::time::delay_for(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; } } } else { select! { _ = self.todo_notify.notified().fuse() => (), _ = must_exit.recv().fuse() => (), } } } Ok(()) } fn update_item(&self, k: &[u8], vhash_by: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> { let khash = blake2sum(k); let new_vhash = if vhash_by.len() == 0 { None } else { Some(Hash::try_from(&vhash_by[..]).unwrap()) }; let key = MerkleNodeKey { partition: k[0..2].try_into().unwrap(), prefix: vec![], }; self.merkle_tree .transaction(|tx| self.update_item_rec(tx, k, khash, &key, new_vhash))?; let deleted = self .todo .compare_and_swap::<_, _, Vec>(k, Some(vhash_by), None)? .is_ok(); if !deleted { debug!( "({}) Item not deleted from Merkle todo because it changed: {:?}", self.table_name, k ); } Ok(()) } fn update_item_rec( &self, tx: &TransactionalTree, k: &[u8], khash: Hash, key: &MerkleNodeKey, new_vhash: Option, ) -> ConflictableTransactionResult, Error> { let i = key.prefix.len(); // Read node at current position (defined by the prefix stored in key) // Calculate an update to apply to this node // This update is an Option<_>, so that it is None if the update is a no-op // and we can thus skip recalculating and re-storing everything let mutate = match self.read_node_txn(tx, &key)? { MerkleNode::Empty => { if let Some(vhv) = new_vhash { Some(MerkleNode::Leaf(k.to_vec(), vhv)) } else { // Nothing to do, keep empty node None } } MerkleNode::Intermediate(mut children) => { let key2 = key.next_key(khash); if let Some(subhash) = self.update_item_rec(tx, k, khash, &key2, new_vhash)? { // Subtree changed, update this node as well if subhash == self.empty_node_hash { intermediate_rm_child(&mut children, key2.prefix[i]); } else { intermediate_set_child(&mut children, key2.prefix[i], subhash); } if children.len() == 0 { // should not happen warn!( "({}) Replacing intermediate node with empty node, should not happen.", self.table_name ); Some(MerkleNode::Empty) } else if children.len() == 1 { // We now have a single node (case when the update deleted one of only two // children). Move that single child to this level of the tree. let key_sub = key.add_byte(children[0].0); let subnode = self.read_node_txn(tx, &key_sub)?; tx.remove(key_sub.encode())?; Some(subnode) } else { Some(MerkleNode::Intermediate(children)) } } else { // Subtree not changed, nothing to do None } } MerkleNode::Leaf(exlf_key, exlf_hash) => { if exlf_key == k { // This leaf is for the same key that the one we are updating match new_vhash { Some(vhv) if vhv == exlf_hash => None, Some(vhv) => Some(MerkleNode::Leaf(k.to_vec(), vhv)), None => Some(MerkleNode::Empty), } } else { // This is an only leaf for another key if let Some(vhv) = new_vhash { // Move that other key to a subnode, create another subnode for our // insertion and replace current node by an intermediary node let (pos1, h1) = { let key2 = key.next_key(blake2sum(&exlf_key[..])); let subhash = self.put_node_txn( tx, &key2, &MerkleNode::Leaf(exlf_key, exlf_hash), )?; (key2.prefix[i], subhash) }; let (pos2, h2) = { let key2 = key.next_key(khash); let subhash = self.put_node_txn(tx, &key2, &MerkleNode::Leaf(k.to_vec(), vhv))?; (key2.prefix[i], subhash) }; let mut int = vec![]; intermediate_set_child(&mut int, pos1, h1); intermediate_set_child(&mut int, pos2, h2); Some(MerkleNode::Intermediate(int)) } else { // Nothing to do, we don't want to insert this value because it is None, // and we don't want to change the other value because it's for something // else None } } } }; if let Some(new_node) = mutate { let hash = self.put_node_txn(tx, &key, &new_node)?; Ok(Some(hash)) } else { Ok(None) } } // Merkle tree node manipulation fn read_node_txn( &self, tx: &TransactionalTree, k: &MerkleNodeKey, ) -> ConflictableTransactionResult { let ent = tx.get(k.encode())?; match ent { None => Ok(MerkleNode::Empty), Some(v) => Ok(rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref::<_, MerkleNode>(&v[..]) .map_err(|e| ConflictableTransactionError::Abort(e.into()))?), } } fn put_node_txn( &self, tx: &TransactionalTree, k: &MerkleNodeKey, v: &MerkleNode, ) -> ConflictableTransactionResult { trace!("Put Merkle node: {:?} => {:?}", k, v); if *v == MerkleNode::Empty { tx.remove(k.encode())?; Ok(self.empty_node_hash) } else { let vby = rmp_to_vec_all_named(v) .map_err(|e| ConflictableTransactionError::Abort(e.into()))?; let rethash = blake2sum(&vby[..]); tx.insert(k.encode(), vby)?; Ok(rethash) } } // Access a node in the Merkle tree, used by the sync protocol pub(crate) fn read_node(&self, k: &MerkleNodeKey) -> Result { let ent = self.merkle_tree.get(k.encode())?; match ent { None => Ok(MerkleNode::Empty), Some(v) => Ok(rmp_serde::decode::from_read_ref::<_, MerkleNode>(&v[..])?), } } } impl MerkleNodeKey { fn encode(&self) -> Vec { let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(2 + self.prefix.len()); ret.extend(&self.partition[..]); ret.extend(&self.prefix[..]); ret } pub fn next_key(&self, h: Hash) -> Self { assert!(&h.as_slice()[0..self.prefix.len()] == &self.prefix[..]); let mut s2 = self.clone(); s2.prefix.push(h.as_slice()[self.prefix.len()]); s2 } pub fn add_byte(&self, b: u8) -> Self { let mut s2 = self.clone(); s2.prefix.push(b); s2 } } fn intermediate_set_child(ch: &mut Vec<(u8, Hash)>, pos: u8, v: Hash) { for i in { if ch[i].0 == pos { ch[i].1 = v; return; } else if ch[i].0 > pos { ch.insert(i, (pos, v)); return; } } ch.insert(ch.len(), (pos, v)); } fn intermediate_rm_child(ch: &mut Vec<(u8, Hash)>, pos: u8) { for i in { if ch[i].0 == pos { ch.remove(i); return; } } } #[test] fn test_intermediate_aux() { let mut v = vec![]; intermediate_set_child(&mut v, 12u8, [12u8; 32].into()); assert_eq!(v, vec![(12u8, [12u8; 32].into())]); intermediate_set_child(&mut v, 42u8, [42u8; 32].into()); assert_eq!( v, vec![(12u8, [12u8; 32].into()), (42u8, [42u8; 32].into())] ); intermediate_set_child(&mut v, 4u8, [4u8; 32].into()); assert_eq!( v, vec![ (4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [12u8; 32].into()), (42u8, [42u8; 32].into()) ] ); intermediate_set_child(&mut v, 12u8, [8u8; 32].into()); assert_eq!( v, vec![ (4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [8u8; 32].into()), (42u8, [42u8; 32].into()) ] ); intermediate_set_child(&mut v, 6u8, [6u8; 32].into()); assert_eq!( v, vec![ (4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (6u8, [6u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [8u8; 32].into()), (42u8, [42u8; 32].into()) ] ); intermediate_rm_child(&mut v, 42u8); assert_eq!( v, vec![ (4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (6u8, [6u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [8u8; 32].into()) ] ); intermediate_rm_child(&mut v, 11u8); assert_eq!( v, vec![ (4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (6u8, [6u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [8u8; 32].into()) ] ); intermediate_rm_child(&mut v, 6u8); assert_eq!(v, vec![(4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [8u8; 32].into())]); intermediate_set_child(&mut v, 6u8, [7u8; 32].into()); assert_eq!( v, vec![ (4u8, [4u8; 32].into()), (6u8, [7u8; 32].into()), (12u8, [8u8; 32].into()) ] ); }