\begin{frame}{Future Work: Donar and SAFE} \begin{columns}[t] \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} \normalsize \underline{For Donar} \Large QoE\\ \normalsize Large scale experiment\\ to collect users feedback \Large White Box\\ \normalsize Use information from the daemon to enrich scheduling \end{column} \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth} \normalsize \underline{For SAFE} \Large Deploy at scale\\ \normalsize a network to study performance gains \Large Build Live Metrics\\ \normalsize about security and performance based on public data \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Future Work: Synergies} \begin{center} \Large Create \underline{synergies} between our systems \end{center} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{figure} \tikzsetnextfilename{fw} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \coordinate (extr1) at (0,0); \coordinate (extr2) at (3,0); \coordinate (extr3) at (1.5,-2.6); \node[above left=0cm of extr1] (t1) {\Large \textbf{CHEPIN}}; \node[above right=0cm of extr2] (t2) {\Large \textbf{DONAR}}; \node[below=0cm of extr3] (t3) {\Large \textbf{SAFE}}; \node[text width=2cm,align=center] (t1t2) at (1.5,1) {Voice\\Conference}; \node[text width=2cm,align=center] (t2t3) at (3.5,-1.3) {Optimize\\Routing\\Delays}; \node[text width=2cm,align=center] (t3t1) at (-0.5,-1.3) {Group\\File\\Sharing}; \draw (extr1) -- (extr2) -- (extr3) -- (extr1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{figure} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Conclusion} \begin{center} \Large We contributed 2 \textcolor{purple}{privacy}-first systems\\ \normalsize and 1 gossip system \end{center} \begin{figure} \tikzsetnextfilename{concl} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \node[text width=5cm,anchor=north west,draw=black,color=black] (c) at (0,0) { \Large \textbf{DONAR}\\ \normalsize \textcolor{purple}{Real-time} usages }; \node[below=0.5cm of c.south west,text width=5cm,anchor=north west,draw=black,color=black] (d) { \Large \textbf{SAFE} \\ \normalsize \textcolor{purple}{High-throughput} usages }; \node[below=0.5cm of d.south west,text width=5cm,anchor=north west,draw=gray,color=gray] (e) { \Large \textbf{CHEPIN} \\ \normalsize Fast group communications }; \node[text width=5cm, anchor=north west,align=center] (f) at (5.5,-0.8) { \normalsize with a focus on \\ \Large \textcolor{purple}{onion networks} }; \node[text width=5cm,below=0.5cm of f,align=center] (h) { \normalsize to cover usages of \\ \Large \textcolor{purple}{everyone} }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{figure} \end{frame}