# Cactus for Jekyll This is a port of [Cactus](https://github.com/koenbok/Cactus)'s default theme for Jekyll. Feel free to fork, change, modify and re-use it. [demo](http://nick.balestra.ch) ## How to use it Simply clone this repository, and then run `jekyll serve` inside the directory. This theme is fully compliant with GH Pages and their dependencies. For extra info: [Using Jekyll with Pages](https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/#keeping-jekyll-up-to-date). Cactus theme includes: * Pagination * Rss feed * Google Analytics Tracking code * Code Syntax Highlight * Author's profile with picture header * Twitter/Facebook share buttons * Archive posts list under each post * Disqus comments ## Screenshots ![index page](https://raw.github.com/nickbalestra/kactus/master/assets/images/kactus-theme-index.png) ![post page](https://raw.github.com/nickbalestra/kactus/master/assets/images/kactus-theme-post.png) ## Thanks Most of the work has been already done by the [Cactus for mac authors](https://github.com/koenbok/Cactus/blob/master/AUTHORS), I've just ported their default theme to Jekyll. I've also added few things specific to Jekyll and some minor style changes.