(define (rangeinc b e) (cond ((> b e) '()) (#t (cons b (rangeinc (+ 1 b) e))))) (define (less-than l n) (cond ((null? l) #t) ((<= n 0) #f) (#t (less-than (cdr l) (- n 1))))) (define (unit v) v) (define (aget key alist) (cdr (assoc key alist))) (define (aset key val alist) (cond ((null? alist) `((,key . ,val))) ((eqv? (caar alist) key) (cons `(,key . ,val) (cdr alist))) ; found and updated (#t (cons (car alist) (aset key val (cdr alist)))) ; continue to seek )) (define (dedup l p c) (cond ((null? l) `(((str . ,p) (ctr . ,c)))) ((string=? p (car l)) (dedup (cdr l) p (+ c 1))) (#t (cons `((str . ,p) (ctr . ,c)) (dedup (cdr l) (car l) 1))) )) (define (dedup<=? d1 d2) (<= (aget 'ctr d1) (aget 'ctr d2)))