
186 lines
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package main
// Imported from
// License AGPLv3
//SeafDir is a dir object
type DirElem struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
DirType int `json:"type,omitempty"`
DirId string `json:"dir_id,omitempty"`
Entries []*DirEnt `json:"dirents"`
// SeafDirent is a dir entry object
type DirEnt struct {
Mode uint32 `json:"mode"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Mtime int64 `json:"mtime"`
Modifier string `json:"modifier"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
type FileElem struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
FileType int `json:"type,omitempty"`
FileId string `json:"file_id,omitempty"`
FileSize uint64 `json:"size"`
BlkIds []string `json:"block_ids"`
type DirNode struct {
Config *configCollect
Ent *DirEnt
Elem DirElem
Folders []*DirNode
Files []*FileNode
Parent *DirNode
AbsolutePath string
type FileNode struct {
Config *configCollect
Ent *DirEnt
Elem FileElem
AbsolutePath string
type RepoFs struct {
Config *configCollect
EntryNode *DirNode
func NewRepoFs(config *configCollect) *RepoFs {
rf := new(RepoFs)
rf.Config = config
rf.EntryNode = new(DirNode)
rf.EntryNode.Ent = new(DirEnt)
rf.EntryNode.Ent.Id = config.DirId
rf.EntryNode.Ent.Name = ""
rf.EntryNode.AbsolutePath = "/"
rf.EntryNode.Files = make([]*FileNode,0)
rf.EntryNode.Folders = make([]*DirNode,0)
rf.EntryNode.Config = config
return rf
func NewDirNode(parent *DirNode, ent *DirEnt) *DirNode {
dn := new(DirNode)
dn.Ent = ent
dn.Config = parent.Config
dn.Files = make([]*FileNode,0)
dn.Folders = make([]*DirNode,0)
dn.Parent = parent
dn.AbsolutePath = dn.Parent.AbsolutePath + ent.Name + "/"
return dn
func (dn* DirNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", dn.Ent.Id[:6], dn.AbsolutePath)
func (fn* FileNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", fn.Ent.Id[:6], fn.AbsolutePath)
func NewFileNode(parent *DirNode, ent *DirEnt) *FileNode {
fn := new (FileNode)
fn.Ent = ent
fn.Config = parent.Config
fn.AbsolutePath = parent.AbsolutePath + ent.Name
return fn
func (dn* DirNode) Parse() {
path := filepath.Join(dn.Config.Storage, "fs", dn.Config.RepoId, dn.Ent.Id[:2], dn.Ent.Id[2:])
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
defer file.Close()
zfile, err := zlib.NewReader(file)
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
jdec := json.NewDecoder(zfile)
err = jdec.Decode(&dn.Elem)
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
for _, el := range dn.Elem.Entries {
if IsDir(el.Mode) {
dn.Folders = append(dn.Folders, NewDirNode(dn, el))
} else if IsRegular(el.Mode) {
dn.Files = append(dn.Files, NewFileNode(dn, el))
} else {
log.Fatal("Unknown mode", el.Mode, "for", el.Name, "in object id", dn.Ent.Id)
func (fn* FileNode) Parse() {
path := filepath.Join(fn.Config.Storage, "fs", fn.Config.RepoId, fn.Ent.Id[:2], fn.Ent.Id[2:])
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
defer file.Close()
zfile, err := zlib.NewReader(file)
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
jdec := json.NewDecoder(zfile)
err = jdec.Decode(&fn.Elem)
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
type ExpandStrat int
const (
ExpandOnlyDirectory ExpandStrat = iota
func (dn* DirNode) Walk(strat ExpandStrat, depth int) {
qNode := []*DirNode{dn}
for len(qNode) > 0 && depth != 0{
if depth > 0 { depth = depth - 1 }
cursor := qNode[0]
qNode = qNode[1:]
for _, ndn := range dn.Folders {
qNode = append(qNode, ndn)
if ExpandAll == strat {
for _, nfn := range dn.Files {
// IsDir check if the mode is dir.
func IsDir(m uint32) bool {
return (m & syscall.S_IFMT) == syscall.S_IFDIR
// IsRegular Check if the mode is regular.
func IsRegular(m uint32) bool {
return (m & syscall.S_IFMT) == syscall.S_IFREG