
1.2 KiB


Seafile Recovery.

  seafile_recovery [--storage=<sto>] head <repoid>
  seafile_recovery [--storage=<sto>] ls <repoid> (--dir=<dirid> | --file=<fileid>)
  seafile_recovery [--storage=<sto>] cp <repoid> (--dir=<dirid> | --file=<fileid>)
  seafile_recovery [--storage=<sto>] s3 <repoid> (--dir=<dirid> | --file=<pathid>) <s3url>
  seafile_recovery (-h | --help)

  -h --help        Show this screen
  --storage=<sto>  Set Seafile storage path [default: ./storage]
  --dir=<dirid>    Seafile Directory ID, can be obtained from commits as RootID
  --file=<fileid>  Seafile File ID, can be obtained through ls

Dev notes

Should look how Seafile handles ID collision, it might be one here in a repo with 44592 commits:

$ ls -lah
62684fe2260d67b6b5d2de909c3816feb21c39	bd8d7b2df788bf8bb6efc87ddb52c6f595ea7e	       ffc4e7f4273c8e4cc57124ccb6d65467c3b6a3
641064a61de537a696f2172e90be9c8ac4ae04	bd8d7b2df788bf8bb6efc87ddb52c6f595ea7e.8WWPVZ
$ ls -lah bd8d7b2df788bf8bb6efc87ddb52c6f595ea7e.8WWPVZ
-rw------- 1 1000 1000 0 Jan 12  2019 bd8d7b2df788bf8bb6efc87ddb52c6f595ea7e.8WWPVZ
% ls -lah bd8d7b2df788bf8bb6efc87ddb52c6f595ea7e       
-rw------- 1 1000 1000 629 Jan 12  2019 bd8d7b2df788bf8bb6efc87ddb52c6f595ea7e