#include "measure.h" char* default_tag = "undefined"; void measure_params_init(struct measure_params* mp) { mp->interval = 1000; mp->max_measure = 3; mp->tag = default_tag; mp->payload_size = sizeof(struct measure_packet); } void measure_params_setpl (struct measure_params* mp, size_t plsize) { if (plsize > sizeof(struct measure_packet)) { mp->payload_size = plsize; } } void measure_state_init(struct measure_params* mp, struct measure_state* ms) { ms->mp_nin = 0; ms->fd = 0; uuid_generate (ms->uuid); if (ms->log == NULL) { if ((ms->log = malloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * mp->max_measure)) == NULL) { perror("log malloc failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } memset(ms->log, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * mp->max_measure); if (ms->mp_out == NULL) { if ((ms->mp_out = malloc(sizeof(char) * mp->payload_size)) == NULL) { perror("payload malloc failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } memset(ms->mp_out, 0, mp->payload_size); if (ms->mp_in == NULL) { if ((ms->mp_in = malloc(sizeof(char) * mp->payload_size)) == NULL) { perror("payload malloc failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } memset(ms->mp_in, 0, mp->payload_size); ms->mp_out->probe = mp->probe; char *my_msg = "Tu n'es pas tout a fait la misere,\nCar les levres les plus pauvres te denoncent\nPar un sourire."; size_t msg_len = strlen(my_msg); size_t cursor_msg = 0; char* pl = (char*) ms->mp_out; for (size_t i = sizeof(struct measure_packet); i < mp->payload_size; i++) { pl[i] = my_msg[cursor_msg]; cursor_msg = (cursor_msg + 1) % msg_len; } } void measure_parse(struct measure_params* mp, struct measure_state* ms, uint8_t verbose) { struct timespec curr; uint64_t micro_sec; if (ms->mp_nin != mp->payload_size) { fprintf(stderr, "read size: %ld, expected: %ld\n", ms->mp_nin, mp->payload_size); int i; fprintf(stderr, "received buffer:\n"); for (i = 0; i < mp->payload_size; i++) { if (i > 0) fprintf(stderr, ":"); fprintf(stderr, "%02x", (unsigned char) ((char*)ms->mp_in)[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "local buffer (reference):\n"); for (i = 0; i < mp->payload_size; i++) { if (i > 0) fprintf(stderr, ":"); fprintf(stderr, "%02X", (unsigned char) ((char*)ms->mp_out)[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); perror("read error, payload has wrong size"); } if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &curr) == -1){ perror("clock_gettime error"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } micro_sec = elapsed_micros (&ms->mp_in->emit_time, &curr); if (ms->mp_in->counter <= mp->max_measure && !ms->mp_in->probe) { // we log only the delay of the first received packet, the fastest if (ms->log[ms->mp_in->counter-1] == 0) ms->log[ms->mp_in->counter-1] = micro_sec; } else { verbose = 1; fprintf(stderr, "measure will be ignored: probe=%d, counter=%lu, max_measure=%lu\n", ms->mp_in->probe, ms->mp_in->counter, mp->max_measure); } if (verbose) { uint8_t is_slow = ms->mp_in->flag >> 7; uint8_t is_vanilla = (ms->mp_in->flag & 0x40) >> 6; uint8_t link_id = ms->mp_in->flag & 0x3f; printf( "[%s] src=%d, id=%lu, owd=%luµs, flag=%d, link=%d, vanilla=%d\n", current_human_datetime(), ms->fd, ms->mp_in->counter, micro_sec, is_slow, link_id, is_vanilla); } ms->mp_nin = 0; } struct measure_packet* measure_generate(struct measure_params* mp, struct measure_state* ms) { ms->mp_out->counter++; ms->mp_out->flag = 0; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ms->mp_out->emit_time) == -1) { perror("clock_gettime error"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return ms->mp_out; } void measure_next_tick(struct measure_params *mp, struct measure_state* ms, struct timespec *next) { //struct measure_packet *head = (struct measure_packet*) ms->payload_rcv; struct timespec now = {0}, *sent_at = &ms->mp_in->emit_time; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) == -1) { perror("clock_gettime error"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memcpy(next, sent_at, sizeof(struct timespec)); while(!timespec_gt (next, &now)) { next->tv_nsec += mp->interval * 1000000L; if (next->tv_nsec > ONE_SEC) { next->tv_sec += next->tv_nsec / ONE_SEC; next->tv_nsec = next->tv_nsec % ONE_SEC; } ms->mp_out->counter++; } ms->mp_out->counter--; printf("interval: %ld\n", mp->interval); printf("sent_at: sec=%ld nsec=%ld \n", (uint64_t) sent_at->tv_sec, (uint64_t) sent_at->tv_nsec); printf("now: sec=%ld nsec=%ld \n", (uint64_t) now.tv_sec, (uint64_t) now.tv_nsec); printf("next: sec=%ld nsec=%ld \n", (uint64_t) next->tv_sec, (uint64_t) next->tv_nsec); } void measure_state_free (struct measure_state* ms) { free(ms->mp_in); free(ms->mp_out); free(ms->log); uuid_clear(ms->uuid); } int cmpuint64t(const void* u1, const void* u2) { const uint64_t *i1 = u1; const uint64_t *i2 = u2; return *i1 < *i2 ? -1 : 1; } void measure_param_print(struct measure_params* mp) { fprintf(stderr, "measure_params {\n\tmax_measure: %lu\n\tpayload_size: %lu\n\tinterval: %lu\n\tis_server: %u\n\ttag: %s\n}\n", mp->max_measure, mp->payload_size, mp->interval, mp->is_server, mp->tag); } void measure_summary(struct measure_params* mp, struct measure_state* ms) { char uuidstr[37] = {0}; uuid_unparse (ms->uuid, uuidstr); char bin[41] = {0}, txt[41] = {0}; FILE *fbin, *ftxt; size_t res; sprintf(bin, "%s.bin", uuidstr); if ((fbin = fopen(bin, "a+")) == NULL) goto measurement_io_error; size_t tlen = strlen(mp->tag); if (fwrite(&tlen, sizeof(size_t), 1, fbin) != 1) goto measurement_io_error; if (fwrite(mp->tag, sizeof(char), tlen, fbin) != tlen) goto measurement_io_error; if (fwrite(ms->uuid, sizeof(uuid_t), 1, fbin) != 1) goto measurement_io_error; if (fwrite(&mp->max_measure, sizeof(uint64_t), 1, fbin) != 1) goto measurement_io_error; if (fwrite(ms->log, sizeof(uint64_t), mp->max_measure, fbin) != mp->max_measure) goto measurement_io_error; if (fclose(fbin) != 0) goto measurement_io_error; printf("saved raw data as %s\n", bin); uint64_t* real_log = ms->log; uint64_t real_log_size = mp->max_measure; // cut beginning while (real_log[0] == 0 && real_log_size > 0) { real_log = &(real_log[1]); real_log_size--; } printf("[summary] cutted %lu values at beginning\n", mp->max_measure - real_log_size); // cut end while (real_log[real_log_size-1] == 0 && real_log_size > 0) { real_log_size--; } printf("[summary] cutted %lu values in total\n", mp->max_measure - real_log_size); if (real_log_size == 0) return; // AVERAGE double avg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < real_log_size; i++) { avg += ((double) real_log[i]) / ((double) real_log_size); } // DISTRIBUTION qsort (real_log, real_log_size, sizeof(uint64_t), cmpuint64t); uint64_t min = real_log[0]; uint64_t max = real_log[real_log_size-1]; uint64_t med = real_log[(int)(0.50 * real_log_size) - 1]; uint64_t q25 = real_log[(int)(0.25 * real_log_size) - 1]; uint64_t q75 = real_log[(int)(0.75 * real_log_size) - 1]; uint64_t q99 = real_log[(int)(0.99 * real_log_size) - 1]; sprintf(txt, "%s.txt", uuidstr); if ((ftxt = fopen(txt, "a+")) == NULL) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,count,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, real_log_size) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,avg,%f\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, avg) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,min,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, min) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,max,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, max) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,med,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, med) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,q25,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, q25) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,q75,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, q75) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fprintf(ftxt, "%s,%s,q99,%lu\n", mp->tag, uuidstr, q99) < 0) goto measurement_io_error; if (fclose(ftxt) != 0) goto measurement_io_error; printf("saved aggregated data as %s\n", txt); return; measurement_io_error: perror("an io error occured while writing measurement results"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }