const fs = require('fs') const Promise = require('bluebird') const threshold = (rttl, thrshld) => => { const too_high_dur = [] let already_too_high = false circuit.forEach(rtt => { const too_high = rtt > thrshld if (too_high) { if (!already_too_high) { already_too_high = true too_high_dur.push(0) } too_high_dur[too_high_dur.length - 1]++ } else { already_too_high = false } }) return too_high_dur }) const multi_threshold = rttl => { const lim = [0,2,20,600].reverse() const limtxt = ["0-1 s", "2-19 s", "20-559 s","600-inf s"] const thresholdv = [100, 250, 500, 1000] const thresholdtxt = => `${t}ms`) const answr = thresholdv .map((th, idx, thtable) => threshold(rttl, th) .reduce((acc, e) => acc.concat(e), []) .reduce((acc, e) => { lim.some((l, i) => { if (e >= l) { acc[i]++ return true } return false }) return acc }, [0,0,0,0]) .reverse() .map((v, i, t) => v / t.reduce((a,b) => a+b)) .map((v, i) => [thresholdtxt[idx], limtxt[i], v]) ) .reduce((acc, e) => acc.concat(e), []) return answr } const flip = data => { const res = {} Object .keys(data[0]) .forEach(k => { res[k] = => e[k]) }) return res } const split_in_perc = ar => new Object({ min: ar[0], _5th: ar[Math.floor((ar.length - 1) * 0.05)], _25th: ar[Math.floor((ar.length - 1) * 0.25)], med: ar[Math.floor((ar.length - 1) * 0.50)], _75th: ar[Math.floor((ar.length - 1) * 0.75)], _95th: ar[Math.floor((ar.length - 1) * 0.95)], max: ar[ar.length - 1] }) const comp_perc = (hsl, rttl) =>, idx) => { rtt.sort((a, b) => a - b) const hs = hsl[idx] const sprtt = split_in_perc(rtt) return [ [hs, "min", sprtt.min], [hs, "5th", sprtt._5th], [hs, "25th", sprtt._25th], [hs, "med",], [hs, "75th", sprtt._75th], [hs, "95th", sprtt._95th], [hs, "max", sprtt.max] ] }) const comp_delta = (hsl, rttl) => comp_perc(hsl, rttl) .map(percentiles => [ [percentiles[0][0], "max - min", percentiles[6][2] - percentiles[0][2]], [percentiles[0][0], "95th - 5th", percentiles[5][2] - percentiles[1][2]], [percentiles[0][0], "75th - 25th", percentiles[4][2] - percentiles[2][2]] ]) const pick_circuits = (rtt, n) => Array(n) .fill(0) .map(v => Math.floor(Math.random() * rtt.length)) .map(v => rtt[v]) const prepare_circuit_merge = group => group .reduce((acc, circuit) => circuit.reduce((acc2, v, idx) => { if (!acc2[idx]) acc2[idx] = [] acc2[idx].push(v) return acc2 }, acc) , Array(Math.max.apply(null, => v.length))).fill(null)) const new_circuits = (group, k) => prepare_circuit_merge(group) .map(values => { const c = values .sort((a,b) => a-b) .filter(a => a != null) return c[Math.min(c.length - 1, k)] }) const new_circuits_with_pkt = (group, k, delay) => prepare_circuit_merge(group) .filter(v => v.length >= k) .reduce((acc, v, idx) => { if (idx % k == 0) acc.push([]) const pos = idx % k acc[acc.length-1].push(new Object({ arriv: pos * delay + v[pos], idx: pos})) if ((idx + 1) % k == 0) acc[acc.length-1] = acc[acc.length-1].concat(v.slice(k).map(rtt => new Object({ arriv: pos * delay + rtt, idx: null}))) return acc }, []) .filter(v => v.length >= k) .map(v => v .sort((a,b) => a.arriv - b.arriv) // Now we sort packets according to their arrival time considering that they were not sent at the seme time .slice(0, k) // We only keep the k first received packets, as they are the only needed one to decode our stuff .reduce((acc, v, idx, tab) => { if (acc.length == 0) acc = Array(tab.length).fill(tab[tab.length - 1].arriv) // init accumulator with last significative received value if (v.idx) acc[v.idx] = v.arriv return acc }, []) // If we receive a packet with idx, it is a clear packet and can be delivered now, however we will need to receive k packets to decode .reduce((acc, v) => { if (acc.length > 0) acc.push(Math.max(acc[acc.length - 1], v)) else acc.push(v) return acc }, []) // Implement Head of Line blocking, as packets must be delivered in order. .map((v, idx) => v - idx * delay) // Reset time according to packet emission and not first packet encoded ) .reduce((acc, v) => acc.concat(v), []) // flatten data const latency_per_real_time_sec = (aggreg, include_onion) => aggreg .reduce((acc2, v) => v.reduce((acc, [onion, end, start, rtt]) => { const in_sec = Math.floor(start / 1000) if (acc.start > in_sec) acc.start = in_sec if (!acc.latencies[in_sec]) acc.latencies[in_sec] = [] acc.latencies[in_sec].push(include_onion ? [onion, rtt] : rtt) return acc }, acc2), {start: Math.floor( / 1000), latencies: []}) const latency_histo = lat_per_sec => lat_per_sec .latencies .slice(lat_per_sec.start) //.forEach((v, idx) => console.log(idx+lat_per_sec.start,v)) .map((v, idx) => new Object({ time: idx+lat_per_sec.start, count: v.length, avg: split_in_perc(v.sort((a,b) => a-b)) })) .map(v => Object.keys(v.avg).map(p => [v.time, v.count, p, v.avg[p]])) const med_by_circuit = perc => { const res = {} perc.forEach(([min,fith,quart,[med_hs, med_name, med_rtt],]) => res[med_hs] = med_rtt) return res } const med_threshold = (lat_per_sec, med_by_circ, mult) => lat_per_sec .latencies .slice(lat_per_sec.start) .map((v, idx) => new Object({ time: idx+lat_per_sec.start, count: v.length, above_th: v.reduce((acc, [onion, rtt]) => { return rtt > mult * med_by_circ[onion] ? acc + 1 : acc }, 0) / v.length })) const circuit_over_time = rttl => Array(600) .fill(null) .map((_v, idx) => rttl .map(circuit => circuit[idx] ? circuit[idx] : null) .filter(v => v != null) .sort((a,b) => a - b) ) .map(v => split_in_perc(v)) .map(v => Object.keys(v).map(p => [p, v[p]])) const passe_bas = (ar, th) => ar.filter(circ => circ[0] <= th) const order_circuit_time = aggreg => aggreg.sort((c1, c2) => c1[0][2] - c2[0][2]) const pick_circuits_ord = (aggreg_ord, n, max_difference) => { const pivot = Math.floor(Math.random() * aggreg_ord.size()) } fs.readdir(process.argv[2], (err, items) => { if (err) { console.error(err) return } const started = new Date(parseInt(items[0].match(/^\d+/)[0])) const stopped = new Date(parseInt(items[items.length - 1].match(/^\d+/)[0])) stopped.setMinutes(stopped.getMinutes() - 30) const cut = stopped.getTime() const result = items.filter(e => { if (!e.match(/onion/)) return false const current = parseInt(e.match(/^\d+/)[0]) return current <= cut }) console.error(`${result.length} accepted results`) console.error(`Started at ${started.toString()} and stopped at ${stopped.toString()}`), f => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.readFile(`${process.argv[2]}/${f}`, 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err) return } const aggregation = [] const rtt = [] let res const reg = /delta_timestamp, (\d+), ([\d\w.]+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\n/g while (res = reg.exec(data)) { aggregation.push([ res[2], // hs parseInt(res[4]), // end parseInt(res[5]), // start parseInt(res[4]) - parseInt(res[5]) // rtt ]) rtt.push(parseInt(res[4]) - parseInt(res[5])) } const same_buffer = [] const reg2 = /#info aggregation: (\d+) was aggregated with (\d+) for ([\w\d.]+)/g while (res = reg2.exec(data)) { same_buffer.push({ current: parseInt(res[1]), orig: parseInt(res[2]), hs: res[3] }) } resolve({ aggreg: aggregation, rtt: rtt, hs: aggregation[0][0], failed_at: rtt.length, same_buffer: same_buffer }) }) }), {concurrency: 512}) .then(data => { ({aggreg, rtt, hs, failed_at, same_buffer} = flip(data)) //const [new_rtt, new_hs] = generate_new_rtt(7000, 1, 2, 500, 0, rtt) //out_percentiles(new_hs, new_rtt) out_ordered_median(hs,rtt,'med') //out_raw() }) .catch(console.error) }) const sample = (a,n) => ((w) => Array(n) .fill(null) .map(v => w.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * w.length), 1)[0]) )(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a))) const out_lat_real_time = aggreg => { console.log("time,count,type,rtt") latency_histo(latency_per_real_time_sec(aggreg)) .reduce((acc, v) => acc.concat(v), []) .forEach(a => console.log(`${a[0]},${a[1]},${a[2]},${a[3]}`)) } const out_circ_over_measurement = rtt => { console.log("type,rtt,time") circuit_over_time(rtt) .reduce((acc,v,idx) => acc.concat( => w.concat([idx]))), []) .forEach(v => console.log(`${v[0]}, ${v[1]}, ${v[2]} `)) } const out_above_median = aggreg => { const lprlt = latency_per_real_time_sec(aggreg, true) const mbc = med_by_circuit(comp_perc(hs, rtt)) console.log("time,count,above_th") med_threshold(lprlt, mbc, 2) .forEach(a => console.log(`${a.time},${a.count},${a.above_th}`)) } const out_raw = aggreg => { console.log("onion,end,start,delta") aggreg .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []) .forEach(e => console.log(`${e[0]}, ${e[1]}, ${e[2]}, ${e[3]}`)) } const out_percentiles = (hs, rtt) => { console.log("hs,type,delta") comp_perc(hs, rtt) .reduce((acc, rtt) => acc.concat(rtt), []) .forEach(e => console.log(`${e[0]}, ${e[1]}, ${e[2]}`)) } const out_delta_percentiles = (hs, rtt) => { console.log("hs,type,delta") comp_delta(hs,rtt) .reduce((acc, delta) => acc.concat(delta), []) .forEach(e => console.log(`${e[0]}, ${e[1]}, ${e[2]}`)) } const out_failed_at = failed_at => { console.log("failed_at") failed_at.forEach(e => console.log(e)) } const out_latency_spikes = rtt => { console.log("threshold,group,count") multi_threshold(rtt).forEach(l => console.log(`${l[0]},${l[1]},${l[2]}`)) } const generate_new_rtt = (generate, k, n, seuil, delay, rtt) => { const pre_filter = passe_bas(rtt, seuil) const new_rtt = Array(generate) .fill(null) .map(v => pick_circuits(pre_filter, n)) .map(v => new_circuits(v, k - 1)) //.map(v => new_circuits_with_pkt(v, k, delay)) //20ms delay .filter(v => { if (v.length <= 597 || v.length > 600) { console.error(`Wrong final size ${v.length}`) return false } return true }) const new_hs = Array(generate).fill(null).map((v, idx) => `${idx}.onion`) return [new_rtt, new_hs] } const out_pike_corel = aggreg => { const n = 3 const max_difference = 10 * 1000 // 10s in ms const aggreg_ord = order_circuit_time(aggreg) shift_to_match(pick_circuits_ord(aggreg_ord, n, max_difference)) } const out_ecdf_first_rtt = rtt => => v[0]).forEach(v => console.log(v)) const out_low_pass_pct = (rtt, max_rtt) => console.log(`${max_rtt}ms keeps`, passe_bas(rtt, max_rtt).length / rtt.length) const out_hol = same_buffer => { const sbres = => sb.reduce((acc, v) => { if (acc.hs == null) acc.hs = v.hs if (v.orig != acc.orig && v.orig != acc.last - 1) { acc.orig = v.orig acc.l.push(0) } if (v.orig == acc.last - 1) acc.orig = v.orig acc.last = v.current acc.l[acc.l.length - 1] += 1 return acc }, {l: [], last: null, orig: null, hs: null}) ) .reduce((acc, sb) => acc.concat(sb), []) .map(v => v.l) //.filter(v => v.length > 0) //console.log(sbres.length) //const hol = sbres.reduce((acc, sb) => acc.concat(sb), []).sort((a, b) => b - a)) console.log("hol") => v.reduce((a,b) => a+b,0)).forEach(v => console.log(v)) } const out_ordered_median = (hs, rtt, percname) => { const pos = ["min", "_5th", "_25th", "med", "_75th", "_95th", "max"].indexOf(percname) console.log("hs,type,rtt,rank") comp_perc(hs, rtt) .filter(v => Math.random() < 0.1) .sort((a, b) => a[pos][2] - b[pos][2]) // Sort by [percname][rtt] .map((circuit, idx) => => entry.concat([idx]))) // Add rank to each value .reduce((acc, v) => acc.concat(v), []) // Reduce it to have a data structure similar to our future CSV .forEach(v => console.log(`${v[0]}, ${v[1]}, ${v[2]}, ${v[3]}`)) // Output CSV line by line } const predict = () => { const split_at = 60 const too_long = 3000 const predict = rtt .map(circuit => new Object({seen: circuit.slice(0,split_at), to_predict: circuit.slice(split_at) })) .filter(({seen, to_predict}) => Math.max.apply(null, seen) <= too_long) .map(({seen, to_predict}) => new Object({ seen: seen, computed: Object.assign(split_in_perc(seen.sort((a,b) => a-b)), {avg: seen.reduce((a,b) => a+b)/seen.length }), good: to_predict.every(v => v <= too_long) //good: Math.max.apply(null, to_predict) })) .map(v => { v.computed.delta_max = v.computed.max - v.computed.min v.computed.delta_5 = v.computed._95th - v.computed._5th v.computed.delta_25 = v.computed._75th - v.computed._25th v.computed.stddev = Math.sqrt( v.seen .map(rtt => Math.pow(rtt - v.computed.avg, 2)) .reduce((a,b) => a+b) / v.seen.length) return v }) const predict_keys = ['good'].concat(Object.keys(predict[0].computed)) console.log(predict_keys.join()) predict .forEach(({seen,computed,good}) => console.log(([good].concat(predict_keys.slice(1).map(k => computed[k])).join()))) /* console.log("good,rtt0,rtt1,rtt2,rtt3,rtt4,rtt5,rtt6,rtt7,rtt8,rtt9") rtt .filter(v => v.length == 600) .map(v => [v.some(r => r > 2000) ? 'f' : 't'].concat(v.slice(0,10))) .map(v => v.join()) .forEach(v => console.log(v)) */ /* const new_sb = same_buffer .filter((v, idx) => rtt[idx][0] <= 500) out_hol(new_sb) */ }