2020-01-23 17:08:04 +01:00

125 lines
3.9 KiB

#include "donar_server.h"
void create_onion_services(struct tor_os_str* tos, struct tor_ctl* tctl, uint16_t* ports, int ports_count, enum TOR_ONION_FLAGS tof) {
tor_os_create (tos, "", "onion_services.txt", ports_count);
tor_os_read (tos);
int err = 0;
err = tor_ctl_connect (tctl, "", "9051");
if (err < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open Tor Socket\n");
err = tor_ctl_add_onion (tctl, tos, ports, tof);
if (err != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create Onion Services (error: %d)\n", err);
void destroy_resources(struct tor_os_str* tos, struct tor_ctl* tctl) {
tor_ctl_close (tctl);
tor_os_free (tos);
void init_tcp_servers(struct donar_server_ctx* ctx, int nlinks) {
char url[1024];
struct evt_core_cat cat = {0};
struct evt_core_fdinfo fdinfo = {0}; = &cat;
fdinfo.url = url;
char buffer[6];
int err, sock = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nlinks; i++) {
sprintf (buffer, "%d", ctx->ports[i]);
//@FIXME shouldn't listen on but is not compatible with docker
sock = create_tcp_server ("", buffer);
if (sock < 0) goto socket_create_err;
err = listen(sock, SOMAXCONN);
if (err != 0) goto socket_create_err;>name = "tcp-listen";
fdinfo.fd = sock;
sprintf(fdinfo.url, "tcp:listen:", ctx->ports[i]);
evt_core_add_fd(&(ctx->evts), &fdinfo);
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create a TCP socket\n");
struct tor_ctl* ugly_global_tctl;
int donar_server_stream_repair(struct evt_core_ctx* ctx, struct evt_core_fdinfo* fd) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%s][donar-server] I am a server, I do nothing with broken streams...\n", current_human_datetime ());
/* tor_ctl_list_onions(ugly_global_tctl); */
return 1;
struct donar_server_os_republish_params {
struct donar_server_ctx* dctx;
struct donar_params* dp;
void republish_tor_os(struct evt_core_ctx* ctx, void* user_data) {
struct donar_server_os_republish_params* dsorp = user_data;
int err = 0;
printf("Republish Tor OS\n");
err = tor_ctl_add_onion (&dsorp->dctx->tctl, &dsorp->dctx->tos, dsorp->dctx->ports, dsorp->dp->tof);
if (err != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create Onion Services (error: %d)\n", err);
printf("Republish Tor OS\n");
void donar_server(struct donar_server_ctx* ctx, struct donar_params* dp) {
struct algo_params ap = {
.is_waiting_bootstrap = dp->is_waiting_bootstrap,
.algo_specific_params = dp->algo_specific_params,
.algo_name = dp->algo,
.links = dp->links,
.fresh_data = dp->fresh_data,
.redundant_data = dp->redundant_data,
.capture_file = dp->capture_file,
.sr = donar_server_stream_repair
evt_core_init (&(ctx->evts), dp->verbose);
printf("--- Signal initialized\n");
algo_main_init(&ctx->evts, &ap);
printf("--- Algorithm initialized\n");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < dp->links ; i++) {
ctx->ports[i] = 7500 + i;
create_onion_services (&(ctx->tos), &(ctx->tctl), ctx->ports, dp->links, dp->tof);
ugly_global_tctl = &(ctx->tctl);
/*struct donar_server_os_republish_params dsorp = { .dctx = ctx, dp = dp};
set_timeout(&(ctx->evts), 1000, &dsorp, republish_tor_os); */
printf("--- Onion services created\n");
init_tcp_servers(ctx, dp->links);
printf("--- TCP servers are listening\n");
g_ptr_array_foreach (dp->remote_ports, (void(*)(void*, void*))init_udp_remote, &(ctx->evts));
printf("--- Remote ports are binded locally\n");
for (int i = 0; i < dp->exposed_ports->len; i++) {
init_udp_exposed(dp->bound_ip, g_ptr_array_index (dp->exposed_ports, i), &(ctx->evts));
printf("--- Local UDP services (on %s) are exposed\n", dp->bound_ip);
evt_core_loop (&(ctx->evts));
destroy_resources (&(ctx->tos), &(ctx->tctl));