## Flash OpenWRT from uboot (Configure your computer with a static IP address and make sure you have a running tftp server containing your image) First connect your UART cable on the router: ![UART](../img/uart.jpg) Launch minicom ``` sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 ``` Then boot the router. Press repeatidly `[ENTER]` to get the following prompt: ``` (IPQ40xx) # ``` Then enter the following commands: ``` set ipaddr set serverip ping ${serverip} sf probe tftpboot 0x84000000 openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-compex_wpj428-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin sf erase 0x00180000 +$filesize sf write 0x84000000 0x00180000 $filesize bootipq ``` ## Flash OpenWRT from OpenWRT (!) Copy the firmware in router's `/tmp`. Why `/tmp`? Your router has more volatile storage than persistent one, moreover you will overwrite the persistent storage. So, copy the firmware in `/tmp`! Next, we will use the `sysupgrade` command. `-v` is verbose, `-n` ask openwrt to erase configuration files (ie. ask for a factory reset). ``` sysupgrade -v -n /tmp/openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-compex_wpj428-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin ``` ## Flash OpenWRT from Compex ROM (MimoAP) *Not written* ## Flash MimoAP/OpenWRT with Compex tools on Uboot *Not written*