# Lesson 2 Task 5: sort a comma-separated array of numbers, output the smallest and the biggest elements, and the sum of the rest elements # Author: Stanislav Mykhailenko # License: Unlicense # Return codes: # 0 - OK def is_float(number): try: float(number) except ValueError: return False return True list = [element for element in list(dict.fromkeys(input("Enter a comma-separated list: ").split(','))) if is_float(element)] # remove all duplicates and non-number values if len(list) == 0: print("The list is empty") else: list.sort(key = float) print(list) print ("The " + ("only" if len(list) == 1 else "smallest") + " element is: " + str(list[0])) list.remove(list[0]) if len(list) > 0: print ("The biggest element is: " + str(list[-1])) list.remove(list[-1]) if len(list) > 0: sum = 0 for elem in list: sum = sum + float(elem) print(sum)