# Project: Telegram PC kill switch bot # Author: Stanislav Mykhailenko # License: Unlicense # This file contains Telegram interactions from config import * from telegram import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove, Update from telegram.ext import Application, CommandHandler, ContextTypes, ConversationHandler, filters, MessageHandler from payload import * import logging, googledrive from threading import Thread logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) PASSWORD, ACTION, FORMAT, MESSAGE, FILE_MANAGER, LIST, DELETE, UPLOAD = range(8) async def start(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: await update.message.reply_text("Enter password.") return PASSWORD async def action_keyboard(update: Update): reply_keyboard = [["Enable input", "Disable input", "Lock screen", "Format volumes", "Play message", "File manager"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Choose your action:", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Choose your action" ), ) async def file_keyboard(update: Update): reply_keyboard = [["List files", "Upload files", "Delete files", "Go back"]] await update.message.reply_text( "Choose your action:", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup( reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, input_field_placeholder="Choose your action" ), ) async def password(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user if update.message.text == master_password: logger.info("User %s logged in.", user.first_name) await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION logger.info("User %s failed to log in.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Wrong password entered, please try again.") return PASSWORD async def action(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user match update.message.text: case "Enable input": logger.info("Got a request from %s to enable input.", user.first_name) enableInput() await update.message.reply_text("Input enabled.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION case "Disable input": logger.info("Got a request from %s to disable input.", user.first_name) disableInput() await update.message.reply_text("Input disabled.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION case "Lock screen": logger.info("Got a request from %s to lock screen.", user.first_name) lockScreen() await update.message.reply_text("Screen locked.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION case "Format volumes": logger.info("Got a request from %s to format volumes.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Please enter a space-separated list of the volumes you want to format.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return FORMAT case "Play message": logger.info("Got a request from %s to play a message.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Please enter the message you want to play.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return MESSAGE case "File manager": await file_keyboard(update) return FILE_MANAGER async def file_manager(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user match update.message.text: case "List files": logger.info("Got a request from %s to list files.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Please enter the path.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return LIST case "Upload files": logger.info("Got a request from %s to upload files.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Please enter the path.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return UPLOAD case "Delete files": logger.info("Got a request from %s to delete files.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Please enter the path.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return DELETE case "Go back": await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION async def format(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user logger.info("Got a request from %s to format volumes %s.", user.first_name, update.message.text) Thread(target=formatVolumes,args=(update.message.text.split(),)).start() await update.message.reply_text("Command to format the volumes sent.") await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION async def message(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user logger.info("Got a request from %s to play message %s.", user.first_name, update.message.text) Thread(target=playMessage,args=(update.message.text,)).start() await update.message.reply_text("Command to play the message sent.") await action_keyboard(update) return ACTION async def list(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user logger.info("Got a request from %s to list files at %s.", user.first_name, update.message.text) await update.message.reply_text(listData(os.path.join(update.message.text))) await file_keyboard(update) return FILE_MANAGER async def upload(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user logger.info("Got a request from %s to upload %s.", user.first_name, update.message.text) Thread(target=uploadData,args=(os.path.join(update.message.text),)).start() await update.message.reply_text("Command to upload the data sent.") await file_keyboard(update) return FILE_MANAGER async def delete(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user logger.info("Got a request from %s to delete %s.", user.first_name, update.message.text) Thread(target=deleteData,args=(os.path.join(update.message.text),)).start() await update.message.reply_text("Command to delete the data sent.") await file_keyboard(update) return FILE_MANAGER async def cancel(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> int: user = update.message.from_user logger.info("User %s cancelled the conversation.", user.first_name) await update.message.reply_text("Request cancelled.", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END def startBot(): application = Application.builder().token(token).build() conv_handler = ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CommandHandler("start", start)], states={ PASSWORD: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, password)], ACTION: [MessageHandler(filters.Regex("^(Enable input|Disable input|Lock screen|Format volumes|Play message|File manager)$"), action)], FORMAT: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, format)], MESSAGE: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, message)], FILE_MANAGER: [MessageHandler(filters.Regex("^(List files|Upload files|Delete files|Go back)$"), file_manager)], LIST: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, list)], DELETE: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, delete)], UPLOAD: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, upload)], }, fallbacks=[CommandHandler("cancel", cancel)], ) application.add_handler(conv_handler) application.run_polling()