Alex 1b450c4b49
Improvements to CLI and various fixes for netapp version
Discovery via consul, persist peer list to file
2021-10-22 16:55:24 +02:00

83 lines
2.1 KiB

#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
//! Garage CLI, used to interact with a running Garage instance, and to launch a Garage instance
extern crate log;
mod admin_rpc;
mod cli;
mod repair;
mod server;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use netapp::util::parse_peer_addr;
use netapp::NetworkKey;
use garage_util::error::Error;
use garage_rpc::system::*;
use garage_rpc::*;
use admin_rpc::*;
use cli::*;
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(name = "garage")]
struct Opt {
/// Host to connect to for admin operations, in the format:
/// <public-key>@<ip>:<port>
#[structopt(short = "h", long = "rpc-host")]
pub rpc_host: Option<String>,
/// RPC secret network key for admin operations
#[structopt(short = "s", long = "rpc-secret")]
pub rpc_secret: Option<String>,
cmd: Command,
async fn main() {
sodiumoxide::init().expect("Unable to init sodiumoxide");
let opt = Opt::from_args();
let res = if let Command::Server(server_opt) = opt.cmd {
// Abort on panic (same behavior as in Go)
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(|panic_info| {
error!("{}", panic_info.to_string());
} else {
if let Err(e) = res {
error!("{}", e);
async fn cli_command(opt: Opt) -> Result<(), Error> {
let net_key_hex_str = &opt.rpc_secret.expect("No RPC secret provided");
let network_key = NetworkKey::from_slice(
&hex::decode(net_key_hex_str).expect("Invalid RPC secret key (bad hex)")[..],
.expect("Invalid RPC secret provided (wrong length)");
let (_pk, sk) = sodiumoxide::crypto::sign::ed25519::gen_keypair();
let netapp = NetApp::new(network_key, sk);
let (id, addr) =
parse_peer_addr(&opt.rpc_host.expect("No RPC host provided")).expect("Invalid RPC host");
netapp.clone().try_connect(addr, id).await?;
let system_rpc_endpoint = netapp.endpoint::<SystemRpc, ()>(SYSTEM_RPC_PATH.into());
let admin_rpc_endpoint = netapp.endpoint::<AdminRpc, ()>(ADMIN_RPC_PATH.into());
cli_cmd(opt.cmd, &system_rpc_endpoint, &admin_rpc_endpoint, id).await