Méga schéma redondance

This commit is contained in:
vincent 2023-06-15 21:31:18 +02:00
parent 756ae779e8
commit 4b9c080355
8 changed files with 93 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
@ -453,6 +454,13 @@ Et comme souvent avec S3, on peut assimiler un bucket à un site, et utiliser le
Et nous visons une offre publique avec un nombre d'usagers pour l'instant relativement modeste.
\input{schéma redondance}

ressources/fichier.png Normal file

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ressources/jitsi.png Normal file

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ressources/nomad.png Normal file

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ressources/serveur.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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ressources/webcam.png Normal file

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schéma redondance.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
% \personnage{position X}{position Y}{facteur d'échelle}{couleur}
\fill[#4] ({#1-(0.4 * #3)},{#2-(0.9 * #3)}) .. controls ({#1-(0.4 * #3)},#2) and ({#1+(0.4 * #3)},#2) .. ({#1+(0.4 * #3)},{#2-(0.9 * #3)}) -- ({#1-(0.4 * #3)},{#2-(0.9 * #3)});
\fill[#4] (#1,#2) circle ({0.25 * #3});
% serveur DNS
\node at (\xDNS, 0) {\includegraphics[width=\largDNS cm]{ressources/serveur.png}};
% serveurs de contenus
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, \yPC) {\includegraphics[width=\largPC cm]{ressources/serveur.png}};}
\onslide<1->{\node at (\xPC, 0) {\includegraphics[width=\largPC cm]{ressources/serveur.png}};}
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, - \yPC) {\includegraphics[width=\largPC cm]{ressources/serveur.png}};}
% flèches Perso <-> DNS
\onslide<2-5,7->{\draw [arrows={Triangle[angle=90:5mm] - }, line width=2mm] ({\xDNS + 0.75 * \largDNS}, \espaceFleches) -- ({\xPers - 0.5 * \largPers}, \espaceFleches);}
\onslide<3-5,8->{\draw [arrows={ - Triangle[angle=90:5mm]}, line width=2mm] ({\xDNS + 0.75 * \largDNS}, -\espaceFleches) -- ({\xPers - 0.5 * \largPers}, -\espaceFleches);}
% flèches Perso <-> PC milieu
\onslide<4-5>{\draw [arrows={ - Triangle[angle=90:5mm]}, line width=2mm] ({\xPers + 0.5 * \largPers}, \espaceFleches) -- ({\xPC - 0.75 * \largPC}, \espaceFleches);}
\onslide<5-5>{\draw [arrows={Triangle[angle=90:5mm] - }, line width=2mm] ({\xPers + 0.5 * \largPers}, -\espaceFleches) -- ({\xPC - 0.75 * \largPC}, -\espaceFleches);}
% flèches Perso <-> PC bas
\onslide<9-10>{\draw [arrows={ - Triangle[angle=90:5mm]}, line width=2mm] ({\xPers + 0.5 * \largPers}, \espaceFleches) -- ({\xPC - 0.75 * \largPC}, {- \yPC + \espaceFleches});}
\onslide<10-10>{\draw [arrows={Triangle[angle=90:5mm] - }, line width=2mm] ({\xPers + 0.5 * \largPers}, -\espaceFleches) -- ({\xPC - 0.75 * \largPC}, {- \yPC - \espaceFleches});}
% flèches Perso <-> PC haut
\onslide<13->{\draw [arrows={ - Triangle[angle=90:5mm]}, line width=2mm] ({\xPers + 0.5 * \largPers}, \espaceFleches) -- ({\xPC - 0.75 * \largPC}, {+ \yPC + \espaceFleches});}
\onslide<14->{\draw [arrows={Triangle[angle=90:5mm] - }, line width=2mm] ({\xPers + 0.5 * \largPers}, -\espaceFleches) -- ({\xPC - 0.75 * \largPC}, {+ \yPC - \espaceFleches});}
% logos Garage
\node at ({\xPC + 0.35\largPC}, {+ \yPC - 0.4 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.6 cm]{ressources/garage-logo-sans-écrit.png}};
\node at ({\xPC + 0.35\largPC}, {- 0.4 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.6 cm]{ressources/garage-logo-sans-écrit.png}};
\node at ({\xPC + 0.35\largPC}, {- \yPC - 0.4 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.6 cm]{ressources/garage-logo-sans-écrit.png}};
% logos Nomad
\node at ({\xPC + 0.35\largPC}, {+ \yPC + 0.2 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.5 cm]{ressources/nomad.png}};
\node at ({\xPC + 0.35\largPC}, {+ 0.2 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.5 cm]{ressources/nomad.png}};
\node at ({\xPC + 0.35\largPC}, {- \yPC + 0.2 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.5 cm]{ressources/nomad.png}};
% logos Jitsi
\onslide<12->{\node at ({\xPC }, {+ \yPC + 0.2 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.5 cm]{ressources/jitsi.png}};}
\onslide<11>{\node at ({\xPC }, {+ 0.2 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.5 cm]{ressources/jitsi.png}};}
%\node at ({\xPC }, {- \yPC + 0.2 \largPC}) {\includegraphics[width=0.5 cm]{ressources/jitsi.png}};}
% étiquettes DNS
\node at (\xDNS, {1*\largDNS}) {DNS};
% étiquettes serveur
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, { \yPC + 1*\largPC}) {Serveur 1};}
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, { 0 + 1*\largPC}) {Serveur 2};}
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, {- \yPC + 1*\largPC}) {Serveur 3};}
\onslide<1-5>{\node at (\xPC, { 0 + 1*\largPC}) {Serveur};}
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, { \yPC - 1*\largPC}) {\texttt{2ac3::d3dc}};}
\onslide<1->{\node at (\xPC, { 0 - 1*\largPC}) {\texttt{2046::24da}};}
\onslide<6->{\node at (\xPC, {- \yPC - 1*\largPC}) {\texttt{262d::16bf}};}
% question-réponse DNS
\onslide<2-5,7->{\node at ({(\xDNS + \xPers)/2}, 2*\espaceFleches) {\texttt{deuxfleurs.fr} ?};}
\onslide<3-5>{\node[text width=5cm,align=center] at ({(\xDNS + \xPers)/2}, -2*\espaceFleches) {\texttt{2046::24da}};}
\onslide<8->{\node[text width=5cm,align=center] at ({(\xDNS + \xPers)/2}, -3.1*\espaceFleches) {\texttt{2ac3::d3dc\\ 2046::24da\\ 262d::16bf}};}
% question-réponse serveur
\onslide<4-5>{\node at ({(\xPC + \xPers)/2}, 2*\espaceFleches) {\texttt{photo.png} ?};}
\onslide<5-5>{\node[text width=5cm,align=center] at ({(\xPC + \xPers)/2}, -2*\espaceFleches) {\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{ressources/fichier.png}};}
\onslide<9-10>{\node[rotate=-33] at ({(\xPC + \xPers)/2}, -1*\espaceFleches) {\texttt{photo.png} ?};}
\onslide<10-10>{\node[text width=5cm,align=center] at ({((\xPC + \xPers)/2)*cos(-33)}, -4.8*\espaceFleches) {\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{ressources/fichier.png}};}
\onslide<13->{\node[rotate=33] at ({(\xPC + \xPers)/2}, 4.8*\espaceFleches) {\texttt{jitsi.deuxfleurs.fr} ?};}
\onslide<14->{\node[text width=5cm,align=center] at ({((\xPC + \xPers)/2)}, 1*\espaceFleches) {\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{ressources/webcam.png}};}